So uh yeah I am honestly not sure what to say. I'll just rattle of a bunch of things trying to process it I guess.
The setting isn't all that clever but surprising that they picked it. It's some some galaxy far far away and possibly long long ago. That just went through a 100 years of war between two opposing sides. So you have all the horrible shit associated it with it. The main character is a Gundam style child soldier presumably because both sides were running low on able bodies to fight this thing. By the start of the series he is 18 years, formerly from a special forces unit, and murders more people in 1 episode than Amuro does half way through MSG probably.
Oh and all of that is taken for granted, that's just the setting and you get like a minute of exposition on it at the start of the episode. That's not even what the show is about, the war's over. However after 3 episodes all I'd be able to tell is it's about Chirico getting hosed over and possibly dealing with his fucked up PTSD riddled non existent childhood or how he spent most of it murdering other people.
This show is too damn dense though. That conversation on the radio at the start of episode 1 between Rochina and a general? Who the hell are they? Well you get to find out about them later in the episode since Rochina is the one who ends up interrogating Chirico, but you get introduced to his character before you even see his face. Why were they attacking that asteroid, just to steal the gold? What about that naked woman? Clearly she is important since she shows up in the opening and ending. Chirico was getting interrogated because he lied about seeing her.
So anyway, first three episodes world building, character introduction, and a bit of development. Hell you only get like two robot action scenes at most out 3 episodes, in a mecha show! Crazy!