Digimon Series Review - Adventure, Zero Two, Tamers, Frontier, Savers, Xros Wars
So with the recent (at the time) news that there was going to be a new Digimon season, one that followed the Adventure storyline, I decided that it was a good time to actually watch all of Digimon. I had previously seen Savers in it's entirety (and it was a long time ago, so I don't remember much) and isolated episodes of Adventure and Frontier when I was a kid, so it's my first time actually watching the series. I'm watching this with subs. I don't really like any kind of dub and this is not an exception; I've been tainted by the awful Brazilian dubs I watched season 1 and 4 with. So names and stuff are going to be that of the Japanese version. I'm going to try, for the first time as well, make a in depth text, even though I'm writing this as I'm close to finish seeing everything. I also watched the movies but wrote little of them and couldn't fit them in the post. I watched the seasons in order as well but had to put in this order to fit it into 2 posts.
Also, spoilers, duh.
Digimon Adventure Zero Two
This was a disappointment.
Right away I didn't like the characters. Daisuke was "Taichi the Second", Miyako was super annoying, and while Iori looked like he was going to be this season's Koushirou, he was really bland (and this is what something that was joked about on one of the movies). I thought, "they will improve after some character development", but sadly this never happened. Iori got some development with his grandpa and, at the end, his mother, but he didn't improve that much. To me he was still rather bland. Now, about the original cast, I like what was done with Takeru and sometimes Hikari (sometimes she is a little off, though I can't put my finger on exactly why), and I don't really see why the rest of the cast is there. Is nice to see them and all, but they never really do anything. Sometimes they come to the detriment of the original characters, as they lose the change to learn something on their own. Also, one thing I miss here, is their relationship with the parents. It was a pretty big part of Adventure, and is completely missing here, except for Ken and Iori. Takeru's mom and dad also make a appearance, but don't really do anything major or important. So with a set of bad characters, it starts.
I have to be honest, I don't really like the whole Digimental thing. I would be okay if it added some armor or other improvements (like Tamers did with the cards) to the current evolution. But having it an armor evolution kinda suck especially because it's really inconsistent on how strong it is. It was supposed to be Seijukuki level (or so I believe it was), but they lose to some basic Seijukuki Digimon, and later win against some Kanzentai level if I'm not mistaken. I remember they winning against some tough Digimon they shouldn't win at that level, but I'm not sure they were really Kanzentai. In my opinion they're pretty useless (if wasn't for the plot excuse of the Dark Towers) and result in some ugly ass Digimon (Nerfetimon and Pegasusmon are awful, but Subarimon get the prize for
second worst Digimon in this season). But okay it's different and different doesn't mean they're bad. Moving on.
Initially I thought the Digimon Kaiser arc was a interesting one, but sadly it was way, way too long. By the middle of the arc I was getting tired and bored. There was a lot of pointless and useless episodes. They go to the digital world, destroy some towers, Ken build some more. Repeat a bunch of times. The characters doesn't grow, there's barely any progress (the only thing is they find their second Digimentals). This goes on to almost half the season. The end of the arc was really interesting though. The interaction between Ken and Takeru was great and Magnamon was surprisingly nice (thought overpowered; wasn't he supposed to be a Seijukuki?), but sadly that Digimental ended up disappearing (I thought it was going to Ken, and they would find a new use for the Digimentals, but that didn't happen). In the transition between arcs we have the best episode of the entire season, focusing on Ken's development in it's entirety. It's basically all the character development we got in the season. After that the craziness begins.
They juggle a lot a plot points in this second half. There's: Dagomon's Dark Ocean (which, to be honest, started during Kaiser's arc, but shows up again briefly), Arukenimon and Mummymon, BlackWarGreymon, Holy Stones, Jogress Shinka, the 4 Digimon gods, Demon and the Demon Corps, the "kids all over the world have Digimon now" filler mini arc, the Dark Spores (which came out of nowhere), Oikawa and lastly, BelialVandemon (Vandemon for the fucking third time in the series). And most of them don't really go anywhere and are not finished. Everything is just a mess. Dark Ocean would've been great, but doesn't happen. While Arukenimon and Mummymon are interesting antagonists, they've basically became Digimon's Team Rock duo. They're never treated seriously, and get their ass kicked all the time, so I don't really know how they've managed to be a thing up to the end. BlackWarGreymon was really annoying. It tried to be deep and philosophical, but that was extremely out of place with the rest of the season. The Holy Stones were awful because it was the same fucking thing as the seek and destroy the Dark Towers of earlier in the season, but this time it was seek and protect instead, something they could never do.
Ah Jogress Shinka (also known as DNA Evolution IIRC). It's a really good concept, that we end up seeing other times in other seasons as well. Sadly it was never explained well and while it could've been used as a tool for some development, what happened was bad pairings and status quo. Daisuke don't, and can't, really understand Ken. Ken's pair should've been Takeru. Hikari would be better with Iori (Takeru would've been better but he is even better with Ken), and let Daisuke deal with Miyako, so that they could've learn a thing or two and grow as characters. Also, aside from Palidramon, the fusions are awful. With Palidramon, everything fits and make sense, but that's not the case with the others. Silphymon looks like someone just picked pieces from two digimon and stitched them together. Some consistence would be appreciated. And Shakkomon... I don't even know what to say, except that it gets the award of the worse Digimon this season, and maybe the worse of all seasons.
The Digimon gods could've been interesting, but never goes anywhere. They let things get bad and when things get super awful, he gives them a
little assist. Demon and his Corp appears out of nowhere, do nothing and leave. Then right when things are serious, "let's go around the world for no good reason". This felt like RPGs where you're right at the climax, but before continuing, you go do some side quests, you know. Kill some wild monsters, gather some items, this kind of stuff. I don't really understand why they introduced the Dark Spores. In relation to Ken, they're basically useless. They already have the moment he goes to the Dark Ocean, so he don't really need
another reason to be evil. Other then that, it serves as a plot device, so that the antagonists can have some motivation or something, but there were some other ways to do this. Oikawa was a really interesting villain I if he appeared earlier it would've been better, although having two human villains, while novel in the series, was a little bit too much. And finally, there was no reason to have Vandemon AGAIN. And Daisuke being a hero with emotions was really out of character (something that happened often enough trough the series). But it ended. With a awful epilogue. I won't say much more, but that was really crappy. It was not only unnecessary, but also really have nothing to do with how the characters were portrayed in the two seasons.
Anyway, at least I can say that the OST is decent. I like some songs (especially the evolution ones). I love how the end on Paildramon animation is synced with the music (the TAN TAN tututututututtan tan tan tan). Besides that, I can't really say there's much good on this season.
Digimon Frontier
I liked what I previously saw as a kid, and I used to defend this, since people usually complained about the fusions and stuff. But now, I'm not so sure.
I like that it follows a similar structure to Adventure. The kids go there, to this unknown place and they have to survive. There's an easy way out, but they don't take it. I think they thought of the whole thing as a game, they didn't knew the implications of continuing, and if they did I'm certain they would go back. But oh well. I find that the whole series is some sort of mix between Adventure and Zero Two. They go find their spirits initially, both the humans and beast spirits. This is similar in function to the Devimon arc, as they learn more about how things work, and is also similar how the Digimentals were found on Zero Two, or the Crests in Adventure. After that, they have to face the 5 other legendary warriors in some long ass arc, that is similar do Vandemon's arc; they have to prove their worth. They end by fighting against Cherubimon and then a new plot is introduced, the Royal Knights and Lucemon, which to me felt similar to the Dark Masters of Adventures.
Before going in depth about the plot, let me talk about the characters. I'm not super fond of them, but at least I can say they worked with them, different from Zero Two. Takuya is another Taichi clone. Don't get me wrong, I like Taichi, but it bothers me that aside from Tamers so far, the main characters present the same characteristics. Takuya is stubborn, the leader of the group, kinda laid back (as in "nah, it's okay we will work things out somehow"), and careless when it comes to his actions. Although he gets an entire episode devote to developing his character (though I don't really see why they needed to turn him into a furry), I don't really see that affecting him this much. By the end of the season he is almost the same Takuya from the beginning. A similar thing happens with both Junpei and Izumi, in my opinion. In Junpei's case, I might be a little biased, because I don't really like him. He (and his voice) is annoying, stubborn for the sake of being stubborn and his thing for Izumi was kinda distracting. I can see his problem of not having friends as a thing, but I don't really see how he could've changed by the end, in a manner that that problem would be solved. He certainly stopped being so stubborn, but his actions weren't showing me much change. Same with Izumi. Similar problems, although in her case, I don't really see why it's a problem in the first case, as trough the season she doesn't show the characteristics that were pushing people away in the flashbacks. Anyway, at least I found her to be an entertaining character. Now, Koji and Tomoki really improved. Koji was the typical lone wolf character that don't want anything to do with the stupid group, but he really warms up to them, gradually (which is important, as these things take time), and really start seeing them as friends. Not only that, he has the most tragic background: Divorced parents, his dad lied to him saying his biological mother was dead, he had some problems with calling his step-mother "mom", and later he finds out that he has a brother and his real mom is alive. He deals with this problems trough the season, and thus becomes the most developed character of the group. Koji really is the center of the whole story, as shown by the finale. Speaking of his brother, I don't really have much to say about Koichi. While he provide some interesting plot points, I see his development more as a tool that was used for Koji's development than anything else. About Tomoki, he was, in my opinion, the most real character here. He did really behave like the type of child who would get bullied in the start, but he had to overcome some serious shit, and I really can believe how courageous he became at the end. As for Bokomon and Neemon... I really can't. They're really, really, REALLY bad.
Now for the plot. The beginning is boring. I felt the same boredom I felt in Zero Two when all they did was destroy Dark Towers. And it's kind odd, because here there is progression, as they're finding their spirits and learning about the world. But it's the repetitive nature of these episodes that bore me. And I become really bothered about the fusions as well. I think that the backstory of the legendary warriors is really nice, but here it's kinda bad. The whole thing don't feel like Digimon. I think I would've like it more if they had Digimon partners but instead of evolving they fused. They could've said the Digimons are the legendary warriors reborn form the Digitamas or something. That way the Digimon could also be part of the kids growth. Because it really feels that they've picking tools so that they don't die here. Anyway, they keep on that until they find the 5 other legendary warriors, which look worse than the kids spirits. This arc was interesting at the start, but it started getting a little repetitive and a little too long. Also, here comes another problem with the Spirits: the kids get better at fighting, but that comes out of nowhere. Because all the fights are essentially the same. And they can't say they improved the relationships of the kids with their spirits, since the spirits are not living Digimon at the moment, and neither they can communicate with the kids, so there's not really any reason for them getting better. Also Mercurimon and his beast form was the worst thing I've seen. Forget Shakkumon, Sephirothmon is the worse Digimon that will ever exist.
Anyway, moving along, they fight Cherubimon. Nothing of note there. That IceDevimon thing was super stupid, by the way. And then comes the Royal Knights. I have some major problems with this arc and the things that happen within it. First, it feels like a filler arc, similar to the travel around the world in Zero Two. They just go around seeing some new and old places. This is made more clear with the fact that it's basically the same thing all the time. They try to fight the two guys, they get beaten, they move to another location, repeat. But suddenly, they get strong at the end just because. There's also the kids that appear out of nowhere. I wouldn't have problems with them if they used the kids, but no. You know what I really would like? Angemon, before dying give some of his powers to the four kids and they get the other four spirits, and the spirits change like they did with Koichi to better suit the kids. Then they could've repeat history with the 10 legendary warriors fighting Lucemon. It would've been a nice reason to introduce the new kids. But no, that didn't happen. And they defeat Lucemon a bunch of times, and it ends. There was no reason neither an impact of his 346754th form going to the real world. Speaking of the real world, the Royal Knights motivation to help Lucemon was really off, specially knowing what the Royal Knights really are thanks to Savers.
Overall, this was a pretty mediocre season. The OST sucked really hard, and they got into the "German words are
cool" bandwagon really hard. Also, this season has the biggest examples of some of the problems I have with the series as a whole, which I will talk about later. I don't think I would recommend this for anyone.
Digimon Xros Wars (season 1 and 2)
Since they broke it into 3 seasons I'm going to do so with my review as well.
I want to star by saying that I hate, HATE, the designs of pretty much everything here. The characters are either weird or generic as hell. But the Digimon are the worse part. Balistamon and everything that has to do with it (a.k.a all the crosses, or rather, Xroses) looks like some cheap knockoff toy, the other Digimon looks like they came from some bad Pokémon ROM Hack or from other companies attempts to grab some money out of the "collecting monsters" thing. Dorulumon, one of the few designs I "like", looks like something from Monster Rancher (and I like Monster Rancher). Overall, the whole show feels very much like these new generic kids anime/games, like Hero Bank or Gaist Crusher (only talking about the aesthetics, and for some reason they were to fisrt to come to mind, even tough I never saw much of them). And I really, really, REALLY hate the redesigns. Graymon, MetalGreymon, Cyberdramon and Beelzbumon all look ridiculous. Also, might as well get that out of the way, the OST sucks hard.
About the characters, I don't like them too much. Taiki is very Taichi like. The exception here is that his "optimism" and carelessness comes from the fact he wants to help
everybody. And that's pretty much his character. He has some nice and smart moments, but that's pretty much it. He has no background, no development. He is just a force driving things forward. His friends Akari and Zenjirou are like this as well. Akari existence has absolutely no purpose. She does nothing, she don't influence the plot. She is just there. Zenjirou is a Brock shitty clone. Everything he does is either acting out of "love" or being a comic relief. And he's also good with swords, which makes he at least a little more useful then Akari. They also have no background and zero development. To be fair, the anime talks about this as well, but does nothing with it. Now, I really like Nene. She has a background, a motive to do what she does. She also receives some little development, which is the most someone got in this. Kiriha is interesting as well. He has a personality (though a very generic one at that) that's very prominent. I find that sometimes his actions are a little off from his personality, and that's pretty apparent due to how in your face his personality is. He appears to have a background as well but all that's shown is one single flashback of he holding a picture frame. He also receives no development.
As for the story in this first part, I'm certainly disappointed. I really, really loved the concept of the war, Taiki being the general and the whole zone control thing. It could've been exploited really well, but that was not what happened. What we got here was 30 episodes of the same thing over and over again. Every episode was go to the zone, fight, get the Code Crown, move to the next zone, repeat. Sometimes we got some plot points like the introduction of the 3 generals of the Bagura army, Nene and Kirihara's introduction, Cutemon and his parents, the DigiMemories, DarkKnightmon, "dame dame"mon, and some other things I might be forgetting. This setup was really, really boring, even though they had some great moments in them. It's the Digimon Kaiser arc all over again. And what really bothers me is that most of those plot points I listed go nowhere. I really have to question why they separated it in two parts, as as a stand alone, this first part is really, really mediocre at best. The last two episodes especially, they're really bad. In episode 29 we see Taticmon being defeated and surprise surprise DarkKnightmon is the brother of the leader of Bagura army (whose name I completely forgot) and surprise surprise, a giant tornado comes, a SkullGreymon (at least that's what it looked like) hand grabs the Code Crowns and suck 4 out of, what, 25 other people/Digimon who were there. And then episode 30, in which they go to the real world and surprise surprise, time barely has passed. Then for some reason Taticmon is there and Omegamon, and stuff. The good decision here was leaving Akari and Zenjirou behind. Barely an ending. To me it would've been better if it ended at the part where the zones get "assigned" to the armies. Then they could've said "Now shit gets real, lets prepare", because a real war (like the one Taiki had dreamed at the start of the series) was about to begin. Plot aside, I really disliked the Xros thing. Especially after the evolution that occurs in episode 30. It feels like the Armor Shinka from Zero Two; a weak diversion. There's no creative crossing, and the only time that there's different crosses it's for comedic purposes. That leaves pretty much most of the Digimon cast as useless paper weights, in a place where there's no paper. Though I have to say, the aspect of "collecting" Digimon is really nice due the context of a war, like they're recruiting the Digimon. I thought that this would be a important aspect, like Taiki comes out of nowhere and start building an army. But sadly, the other Digimon are barely used. Also, about the Digimemories, what a load of crap. They basically serve no purpose. They use it out of the blue and it doesn't change anything about the situation they're in. I don't really know why they've included it.
Visually the second part is almost the same. The animation feels a little worse some times but overall is kinda the same. There's one thing that I hate though, is that in this part everyone is so fucking shinny, it looks like they have lube all over their bodies. It's disgusting and I really dislike this style. It made the generic style I talked about worse than it already was. The OST keeps sucking.
Now, as for the plot, I'm really disappointed. It ended up being more of the same. Instead of going to the various lands trying to get the Code Crown they now go to "countries" or kingdoms or whatever it was called, and try to defeat the Dark Lords or something. Trough this we get some really solid episodes, the one's involving Kiriha's past and Yuu as well. I would like more of that but sadly I didn't get it. Speaking about Yuu, there was one thing I was going to complain on the first part, but I ended up holding up to see whether or not they would talk about the consequences of killing Digimon. After all they're in a war. This was something that was treated well on most seasons, but here it was basically non existent. They talked about this with Yuu, because he thought it was a game and he had to conquer everything to win, like a certain someone (*coughcoughDigimonKaisercoughcough*), but it felt really shallow because they say "Digimon's are living beings, and you're killing them", and then proceed to kill a bunch of Digimon like it was a walk in the park. Yuu had to feel the consequences of killing Digimon, but not the other kids. Anyway, the thing goes on and one and we finally reach the end. The 7 Demon Lords are revived and spirit word and goes back and lots of Xrosses and betrayal and Earth and DigiMemories and stuff. So much was happening, it felt really convoluted IMO. I have to say that battle at the beginning of the last episode, was really great, with them wrecking a enormous army with few numbers and Yuu being creative with the Xrosses. That is what I wanted to see from an anime where war is the "main" plot point, tough I have to give credits where it's due, and this second part increased the amount of strategy in the battles overall, which was really nice. Anyway, sadly that battle lasted a minute or so because it had to give way to the dumbest thing ever: a Xros of basically every Digimon. Also they lost the opportunity to call it X Infinite, which is IMO much better than X 7 Special Mode. And it ends.
Overall it was pretty bad. I would say that it was definitively the worse season, but since it didn't fuck up with previous seasons like Zero Two did, I have to give it a pass.