Jesus this promo. Now I'm really excited for Erased.
Aniplex "ERASED Trailer"
Here is the official Aniplex one.
Jesus this promo. Now I'm really excited for Erased.
move aside
I'm surprised you're not at all interested in Showa Genroku Rakugo Shinjuu.
I agree 100%.
I doubt I'll be able to watch Kizu this season but still it'll be nice to read the impressions and seeing people finally understand the first couple of minutes in Bakemonogatari. lol
We'll know soon.
Season doesn't look that bad to be honest, I'm expecting some gems like Showa Genroku Rakugo Shinjuu.
And by the way, is there some abbreviation of that name. I'm not gonna remember that lol![]()
I completely missed that, actually. It sounds rather interesting, at least more so than the other two I mentioned. It being an all-too-rare josei certainly makes it more appealing.
Wow, that is a really nice OP.
Good job BGBW.
So, quite a few people are saying this is a down season, and winter typically is.
What show are you guys looking forward to the most though?
I'm hoping Dimension W and Grimgar are interesting.
Nice colorful hair she has, lol
KyoAni sakuga
In a way, aren't we all Kirito-kun?
We're all beaters but that's it. We'll never be as hunky as Kirito.
In a way, aren't we all Kirito-kun?
Excellent OP. So far behind on everything I have no idea what to even watch anymore though...
Not even close famThis girl seriously looks exactly like female Kirito from Ass Art Online 2. That alone makes the show bad.
I thought Prince of Stride Alternative was going to be about all boys runners competing for the heart of a lone girl fan/observer/manager or something. But looking at the official site a bit, it looks like the lead girl is actually a newbie on the main team herself? And one of the opposing school teams has a tomboy as their club leader? That's kinda... interesting.
Erased and Gate (S2 start this week)
I thought Prince of Stride Alternative was going to be about all boys runners competing for the heart of a lone girl fan/observer/manager or something. But looking at the official site a bit, it looks like the lead girl is actually a newbie on the main team herself? And one of the opposing school teams has a tomboy as their club leader? That's kinda... interesting.
She seems to be the manager but if people think the show will be anything besides a reverse harem that's hoping for too much. I'll wait and see but don't expect muchLast I heard she was the manager? Maybe?
We talked about this in the last thread because I was confused and thought she was on the team, and someone corrected me.
Otaku people love Kirito Kun because he makes Ichita look like Malcolm X
Reverse harem is maybe the dumbest anime terminology term ever.
Reverse harem is maybe the dumbest anime terminology term ever.
Prince of Stride Alternative OP
Lots of shiny colours and boys jumping over chest high obstacles, looks neat.
Also, I guess this is the official site of the show?
At least you can look at the characters on this page
t I just want to see Rory Mercury murder more fools with her death axe.
What were people expecting prince of stride alternative boys sprint to the end of summer to be?
Dumber than "fanservice" being reduced to only being about sexual objectification and "deconstruction" being misused 99.9% of the time?
Maybe. Maybe.
She seems to be the manager but if people think the show will be anything besides a reverse harem that's hoping for too much. I'll wait and see but don't expect much
Well thats because she's not a dragon? lolSomeone tell me why Rory Mercury is the only 1000 year old dragon I don't hate and, in fact, like.
I think it's because she never acts like a young girl. She acts like a crazy axe-wielding death priestess.
Reminder: Watch Gate for Rory.I'm down with this:
Last I heard she was the manager? Maybe?
We talked about this in the last thread because I was confused and thought she was on the team, and someone corrected me.
She seems to be the manager but if people think the show will be anything besides a reverse harem that's hoping for too much. I'll wait and see but don't expect much
Well thats because she's not a dragon? lol
And Taneda Risa, her voice is sultry.
Okay I looked into it a bit more and it seems like.... the concept of this sport is weird as fuck. It's some made up videogamey concept of running which has no basis in actual reality? The girl is some sort of tactical overseer called a Relationer or something, which at first glance I thought was some technical position in a relay race, but instead the set up seems to be a team of 5 runners competing in a complex relay race throughout the town (so... street racing except on foot instead of with cars?!) and the Relationer is the one who gives each runner directions and oversees the team's overall strategy of passing and so on.
Sure sounds like..... a videogame.... lol.
It's a shame the description for Active Raid wasn't made less unnecessarily passive-aggressive, but I guess that's life.