It's clearly no secret I have insecurities with watching anime. There's still a social stigma based on ignorance attached to it that for the most part isn't no longer present with sci-fi, fantasy, and western comics. More and more people are outing themselves as fans of these and proudly stating themselves as fans of these properties. Anime unfortunately hasn't reached this because no matter how often an animated film makes it to nominee status in say the academy awards, people will continue to equate anime with certain ideas in their head. Even on GAF with the moderation taking a stand we still have people who see an anime avatar and attempt to disregard anything and everything they say by equating it to "oh of course it had to be an anime avatar who said X or Y". And this is seen around the internet. I'm not ashamed to watch anime as people in my social circles still know I enjoy it and come for recommendations and I try to tailor said rec to what I think they'd enjoy. I thought it'd be clear after what? 5-6 years posting in this community that I am a fan of anime and will always be. I just like to kid around more than I post serious discussions because, as I've mentioned once before, I don't have the confidence I can bring a level of analysis to these shows similar to dimb, wonzo, jexhius, jarmel, or any of the other guys who actually know their shit and can put it much more eloquently.
Listen, if it's a matter of me dropping or toning down my insecurities from my posts, I can certainly try. I've tried posting less than when Cajun was here because lo and behold I realize I was flooding the thread. I'm still usually within the top 10 but I guess that deals with my priorities. When I'm bored and not exercising or playing a game I like coming here because anime is arguably the most TV that I watch and the community is fairly active.
I'm glad to hear you don't have personally a problem with me. And if any of the other guys that left one of the reasons they left for some reason was me, then please let them know I'm willing to work out whatever problems they have with me. I enjoy reading their analysis of shows, and while I realized some disliked me I thought it was just a toxic attitude based off my bad jokes. I never intended to drive out anybody with my insecurities.
If they want to ask something of me to work on and it isn't just "please leave so I can come back" then I'm game. I never disliked any of them and appreciated their posts on GAF.