Dedication Through Light
RE: anime insecurity, being driven out for having an unpopular opinion, etc.
Look, if I would feel insecure about anime, if I would want to 'fit in' with my tastes, then I would have a big problem. Let's remember that in the anime community at large series like Mahouka or Sword Art Online or Naruto are the popular ones. Should I feel being driven out of the anime world because I don't like these series? No.
Personally I don't feel insecure about my choices of what I like because I know there are reasons I can identify and arguments I can make about them, that's my 'one weird trick', even when I have an unpopular opinion, I can be happy with it because of that; but I know lots of people IRL that doesn't seem capable of articulating reasons of why they like or dislike something. I suppose that's the difference?
People should actually feel glad that people like series like SAO or Naruto or UtaPri or Free!!, they keep many people in the anime industry paid and employed, Cant really say the same for commercial failures that people consider good.