Seiren Arc 2
I know what this is from and I'd rather remain pure.
They just wanted to show her their deers.
But it has best mecha anime since GBF in it.
Yeah, I saw, but it really feels like it's sitting comfortably in shoujo trappings. In a reductive sense, it's a lot like Ping Pong in that it uses the narrative ticks of the genre it is referencing in order to convey actual character motivations rather than exposition. I think it works as a co-option of shoujo, but it also feels like something that's probably better to read than it is to watch.This anime has a Seinen tag on MAL, so I assume the manga was published in a Seinen magazine? The way it's narrated seems more like it's Shoujo though, which is kind of a bummer.
You could say one is kind of spoiled by something like Oyasumi Punpun, which sometimes delivers the most complex of emotions with a single picture or close-up, but I'm not going to complain. I'll do that when I finish SW![]()
Donut Gintoki.
Best yurio
I know what this is from
Scum's Wish 1-4
I figured you would be all over this show once you discovered it. What makes Scum's Wish work, at least for me, is that it has thoughtful, sensitive, low-key direction that avoids loud melodrama for quiet tension and self-reflection. If it had the grandiose, emotionally extravagant direction of, say, Ano Hana or Sound Euphonium season 2 it would be unbearable. What makes me skeptical about the show is that, unlike Flowers of Evil, I'm not sure Scum's Wish has anything to actually say about the nature of these relationships aside from exploiting their pain for our entertainment. It's always one step away from the Jerry Springer Show, and only the deft hand of the director has been able to hold the show back from that by attempting to ground it with a certain measure of human empathy. We'll see if he can manage to keep that going through to the end.
I agree that there's a general restraint to the direction - you can see it in the sex scenes, which feel pathetic more than erotic. Although the crying can push it over the edge at times, since frustrated, emotionally disappointing sex is yet another one of those tropes you see when you want to portray a dysfunctional relationship.
I'm hoping it builds up to a subversion of a learning moment for the main characters - it would be the only thing that makes the whole exercise worth it to me. I guess implicit to that is that I hope it ends properly, whether the manga is still going or not. (Based on past history, at the very least the Jdrama should definitively end, so there's that I suppose)
One of the best anime in years. I thought it started strong.
Dropped, lol.The anime is not really good, and S1 pacing is awful.
Sentai with 40% off on all their sports anime which also includes Sabagebu for some reason, lol
I really wish there was another American football anime. I don't know if anything could top Eyeshield 21, but one day. I highly doubt All-Out would be an appropriate substitute because of different rules though, haha
#BI GAME![]()
Sentai with 40% off on all their sports anime which also includes Sabagebu for some reason, lol
I really wish there was another American football anime. I don't know if anything could top Eyeshield 21, but one day. I highly doubt All-Out would be an appropriate substitute because of different rules though, haha
Don't just look at the negative comments lol, what episode are you on? Like I said in my other comment season 1 is slow, but season 2 is very strong imo. So unless you really dislike it, dropping it because DTL likes it seems silly.Dropped, lol.
Thanks for the warning, DTL.
There were red flags from the beginning.
The thing is that relationship drama is just better handled elsewhere, by virtue of being about adults and not teenagers and people who might as well be teenagers. For me anyway, most of the enjoyment comes from playing with the form rather than the actual content itself.If all this builds up to is a subversion of a learning moment, then it likely will end up a worthless series.
At any rate, the Scum's Wish manga is ending this spring, and Fuji TV announced that both the anime and the live action drama will be adapting the entire manga.
Yeah, I saw, but it really feels like it's sitting comfortably in shoujo trappings. In a reductive sense, it's a lot like Ping Pong in that it uses the narrative ticks of the genre it is referencing in order to convey actual character motivations rather than exposition. I think it works as a co-option of shoujo, but it also feels like something that's probably better to read than it is to watch.
You know, it reminds me of Fences, where you just get these long Denzel Washington monologues and the camera just moves around because he didn't know what else to do to make a monologue look visually exciting. Except Denzel is an amazing actor, so you can at least feel something when he spends 5 minutes talking about his character's life in depression era America, while in this anime, you're getting voice actor line readings and cartoon faces (or the actress trying her best to put on a stoic face while looking at a point behind the camera in the case of the live action adaptation).
The thing is that relationship drama is just better handled elsewhere, by virtue of being about adults and not teenagers and people who might as well be teenagers. For me anyway, most of the enjoyment comes from playing with the form rather than the actual content itself.
Like I just watched a show on Netflix about a Black Christian Londoner who is so afraid sex because of her god-fearing mother that she doesn't know how birth control works and refuses to use a tampon. (Incidentally, it also has the self-narration, but done in the now in vogue fourth wall breaking form)
I just don't think Scum's Wish is going to approach that level of damage and introspection, outside of perhaps the teacher.
But at least it's ending, so that's good. I still have no idea why Fuji or whomever would pay to have both a live action and anime airing at the same time though.
But at least it's ending, so that's good. I still have no idea why Fuji or whomever would pay to have both a live action and anime airing at the same time though.
Gintama 321
That was a good episode. Is Mutsu a Yato? I think that was a reveal a while ago but I forgot if it actually happened
I guess my question is why this property in particular. Is the manga extreme popular and they want to give it a final push before it disappears from bookshelves? Like even the Arakawa Under the Bridge people waited for the anime to be over before pumping out the live action version. lolI assumed simply that there's an audience who won't watch animation. Which is kind of weird given Japan.
Ping Pong proved that you can take the tropes and forms of a genre and use them as tools to create something that goes beyond watching teenagers play a sport, so here's hoping.I agree. The medium, in this case, is definitely a restriction to the style of narration. They could have changed this aspect or approached in another way, but I don't mind it the way it is right now.
And while we're comparing this to Ping Pong, I really hope this delivers the way Ping Pong did![]()
I'm okay with a "happy" ending if doesn't rely on expected pairings. But then again, Japan is fond of high school romances lasting a life time.This is probably going to have some sort of happy ending in order to satisfy the audience as well.
The thing is that relationship drama is just better handled elsewhere, by virtue of being about adults and not teenagers and people who might as well be teenagers. For me anyway, most of the enjoyment comes from playing with the form rather than the actual content itself.
So you're saying that style is better than substance?
Anyway, I don't believe adult-centric narratives are inherently superior to teenager-centric narratives (and obviously you don't either, or you would be watching Miss Kobayashi's Dragon Maid and Showa Genroku Rakugo Shinjuu).
I don't expect substance out of anime anymore, so there's that. *too lazy to look up shrug emoji*So you're saying that style is better than substance?
Anyway, I don't believe adult-centric narratives are inherently superior to teenager-centric narratives (and obviously you don't either, or you would be watching Miss Kobayashi's Dragon Maid and Showa Genroku Rakugo Shinjuu).
3-gatsu ep.16
Wait, is Rei enjoying hinself? What is this madness? Hopefully this new Rei continues.
I don't expect substance out of anime anymore, so there's that. *too lazy to look up shrug emoji*
I just don't know if Scum's Wish aims to be anything more than an examination of damaged people trying to manage damaged relationships, and I'm fine if it doesn't try because I don't expect it to.
You know, I'm sure someone has written a story about an Ainu teenager who is struggling with his cultural, racial, and national identity in a homogeneous society that rejects his very existence, so it's not like I think teen stories have to just be your standard high school (melo)drama. I just don't think someone will ever make an anime about that though.
I think you have a perverted idea of what "substance" is.
AnimeGAF discord is working on legislation to regulate usage of "substance" much like how we plan to restrict the usage of "deconstruction" without a demonstrable background in the works of Jacques Derrida or "feels" without having read W.K. Wimsatt and Monroe Beardsley's essay The Affective Fallacy.
Watched Vampire Hunter D. Good shit, but just some funky dialogue and then didn't like the love stuff. Beautiful imagery and great use of music.
Despite it's flaws, Vampire Hunter D is still one of my all-time favorites. I just wish Sentai had included the original Streamline dub on the Blu-Ray.