The protagonist's face is kinda awful, to be honest.
Well people always complain about trails being slow to happen anything and i absolutely love it so i guess i don't mind slow builds too muchLet's see...
ACCA - This is hit or miss for people depending on if you can handle REALLY slow builds. It doesn't seem like things are moving in most episodes but I think people saw that it was about intelligence agencies and thought it would be like a not-sucky Joker Game but it's way more about the subtle day to day of his operations that are all leading towards something. So if you want a bit more movement, it may not be for you but it certainly has the slow build down pat.
I actually watched the first episode for that, felt like fun trash so I'll probably give the rest a tryAkiba's Trip - A trash show that has no right to be as entertaining as it is. No one expected much from it so to find out it's actually pretty fun with some good action scenes and animation in it's own lowbrow way is a pleasant surprise. I'm finding it worth a watch even if it's not setting off much brainpower to watch.
Never watched the first one should I give it a try?Ao no Exorcist - More of the first half of the first season, less of the second. So...more faithful and more of the same. If you liked First Season you'll like this.
I think the only SoL i watched was Flying Witch, which I liked could i get some of the same here?Demi-chan wa Katarai - Likewise, a lot of people are liking or disliking it based on expectations. It's a very "nothing" Slice of Life where it just explores the lives of these monster girls in this school, but the "monster" aspect is relatively tame, looked at from a more "realistic" view and there isn't a whole heck of a lot of progress in a main plot or anything. What some describe as "comfy" but even people who like SoL are finding it kinda whatever. I like it fine.
Hmm i think I'll pass on this until it's finished then depending on reception i might pick it up or notKemono Friends - Aw, it's so cute and possible about a post-apocalyptic humanless world? I dunno, people seem to be enjoying it and hinting at deeper underlying shit.
Yeah honestly the humor isn't working with me as much as I'd want but I still enjoyed what there is so I'll keep watchingMaidragon - Yo, this show is the bomb. It took an enjoyable manga and adapted it into a gorgeous experience. The humor isn't working for everyone, but the hints to darker themes take this Slice of Life show a little farther than most would expect as it seems to deal with loneliness and past trauma right below the surface. Also, yuri dragon.
Actually already started this, didn't mention it because it's a second season so it wasn't new newKonosuba - As funny, if not funnier than the first season. Must watch. Kazutrash best MC. Fucking with your isekai expectations and not even trying.
yeah this and konosuba are what i'm enjoying the most so far for completely different reasons of course lolScum's Wish - You're already watching what is in heavy contention for AOTS so good.
I watched and liked the shorts so I was planning on watching this but I was under the impression Netflix would only update everything at once when it was done so I didn't start, is that not the case?Little Witch Academia - I never saw the shorts so my view might be different than others but I really enjoy this so far. Just a really upbeat tone for amazingly fun animation and artwork, silly premises and just...I dunno, it bursts with fun. It doesn't have as much characterization or deeper writing for some people but I never really was expecting it so whatever amount we get is fine for me. Fun witches learning about magic in a fun witch school. Fun fun fun.
Yeah I'm really excited for it I was even avoiding this thread to not get any spoilers from impressions I don't know why I didn't start it yet, can't even say i wanted something more lighthearted first since I watched Scum's Wish already lolRakugo - It's more Rakugo, why aren't you watching it, what the fuck is wrong with you.
Honestly a bit turned off by the chara design but I guess I'll give this a tryYoujo Senki - Better than you'd figure, honestly, even if it makes some questionable design choices. Tanya constantly fucking things up is entertaining as hell and the show constantly takes the piss out of itself so you never really watch it and think "Man, Japan sure loved Nazis, huh?" Sometimes the animation can be wonko or you'll stare directly into her subordinates face and lose your faith in God, but those moments are between some other good shit so it works out. Bit divisive here I guess, some people are liking, some think it's trash, some like it cause it is trash, who knows.
That's quite a bit already thanks for your inputAs for other shows, they're either not worth following or I'm not watching/caught up on them so other people can field them like Masamune Revenge or Tales of Zesitiria.
This is...actually a really good season for me so far.
What's good among the new shows this season? I already picked up Scum's Wish, Gabriel Dropout and Maidragon and been enjoying all of them
Here's my MAL so you can judge my tastes(planning on changing from it after that nazi stuff but for now that's all i got)
Been away from home and good internet for a while so trying to catch up on the returning stuff and some stuff from last season i didn't finish
Is tales of zesteria worth watching? Really undecided on what it has to offer.
Definitely worth a watch!Is tales of zesteria worth watching? Really undecided on what it has to offer.
Its no God Eater
Thank God...
Yu-Gi-Oh! Season 1 (Subtitled) Episode 31 Brutal Heavy Metal Deck
Im so glad the game doesnt use these rules, Machine type monsters are unaffected by spell cards or magic based attacks, what?
Does the Zestria anime improve on the game story? Or is it just better watching rather than playing through a mediocre Tales game?
God I hope this turns out as good as it could be. The material is great, and with Yuki Hayashi composing at least the music should be perfect. Especially since he apparently started out composing music for ballroom competitions. I'm not familiar with the director, so fingers crossed.
Please be good...
God I hope this turns out as good as it could be. The material is great, and with Yuki Hayashi composing at least the music should be perfect. Especially since he apparently started out composing music for ballroom competitions.
Arakawa Under the Bridge - #1-3
The mini-chapter structure's a bit odd, and most likely something borrowed from the source material, but it's still an entertaining watch. The way dialog is structured reminds me a lot of Monogatari only with a way bigger focus on comedy, but then again these are just the first few episodes where the cast is still being introduced, so meaningful plot developments could be coming up later.
This statement seems to contradict with the rest of your review. You specifically highlight that the pacing of the anime was a problem - but then you say it's not the fault of the adaptation? They creators of the anime control the pacing - if it's too slow (as many people have mentioned with regards to this series) then it is definitely a fault with the adaptation.![]()
My Hero Academia S1 Thoughts
[...]And I can only assume this is a fault more of the speed of the adaptation than the actual source material. From what I hear the source material has so much going on and it moves at a fast pace. Maybe on a week to week basis for each chapter this isn't too bad of a pace if it's similar. But on a 1 cour series?[...]
I don't fault the adaptation. I think the voice acting was on point for characters like Deku, Bakugou, All Might, belly button dude and Frog Girl. The rest were ok. Music wasn't particularly amazing, but serviceable. And animation I never really felt it looked bad.
So final thoughts would likely be that I am very much liking the plot and source material, but the pacing left much to be wanting for. To the point that now I'll likely read the manga and then compare S2 to it as I want to see first hand if it's simply a show that works better on a weekly chapter basis vs a 20 minute episode basis. I'd give it an 8/10. I want to watch more so it did its job, thankfully I watched this when S2 is fairly close by.
The protagonist's face is kinda awful, to be honest.
My Hero Academia S1 Thoughts
Well, let's see: It's an anime adaption of a mediocre JRPG. What would you expect?Does the Zestria anime improve on the game story? Or is it just better watching rather than playing through a mediocre Tales game?
I know it's getting popular (in shonen communities), but funnily I still haven't heard of what is the MC superpower.
Essentially inherits the strength of Superman but without the body to handle it so he has to train to be able to use even the smallest percentage of the power
Lol what a typical contrivance just to justify the 'train harder!' motif of shonens in a superhero story.
This statement seems to contradict with the rest of your review. You specifically highlight that the pacing of the anime was a problem - but then you say it's not the fault of the adaptation? They creators of the anime control the pacing - if it's too slow (as many people have mentioned with regards to this series) then it is definitely a fault with the adaptation.
I more or less get your what seems to be your major grip with the series(supporting cast), but MHA is a long runnuing shonen and like any long running shonen the early episode usually revolve around the MC and a few others(in this case Bakugo and All Might). You can't actually expect a 100+ chapter series to developp a whole cast of characters(a huge one in MHA's case) in 13 episodes. Even if the pacing would have been faster I don't really think this would have changed much. I personally think they did well fleshing the 3 characters you mentioned. We have the first 4/5 episode around Deku, then 6-9 are more or less about Bakugo and his relationship with Deku and 10-13 are gradually introducing the rest of the cast and establishing All Might's role. If we did not get a season 2 announcement, *I could get that you would say but if we take the anime alone it's a weakness*, but clearly the rest of the cast(or at least part of it) as at least 13 more episode to develop and probably more.![]()
My Hero Academia S1 Thoughts
So final thoughts would likely be that I am very much liking the plot and source material, but the pacing left much to be wanting for. To the point that now I'll likely read the manga and then compare S2 to it as I want to see first hand if it's simply a show that works better on a weekly chapter basis vs a 20 minute episode basis. I'd give it an 8/10. I want to watch more so it did its job, thankfully I watched this when S2 is fairly close by.
Pity Narag, for he will never play MiliBun.
It gets really good when a comedic rhythm sets in co-ordination with music, dialogue and visuals.
Should have read that again before posting. I meant it as the opening of that paragraph. As in, I don't think the adaptation is as divisive because of any of the items I listed aftewards as over-all it's ok or strong in plenty of those departments. I fault it for the pacing alone, which seems more like a very specific part of what the anime adaptation would be.
Like Attack on Titan had also a glaring pacing issue but it also loved using 3D environments so that hurt it also visually.
Pity Narag, for he will never play MiliBun.