I want to see the arc that got so many people to turn on the Manga in all of its glory.The Titan S2 premiere is April 1st, huh. This should be interesting.
Man just thinking of what will start airing in the spring season is exciting!
it's going to be a great season.
also cause i don't see it on the last page.
the attack on titan season 2 trailer is hype worthy
... that avatarThat's a good thing.
if we allow non japanese live action puppets I really don't see why we shouldn't allow japanese inspired cartoons as well.By virtue of being the best I hereby propose samurai jack be allowed into AOTY for 2017
Think I saw it on twitter that it's likely the trailer is all preanimated cause they were only just finishing ep 2 or something.
Gabriel Dropout 05
In my version of this show Satania is the MC and Gab is just one of the supporting cast.
Think I saw it on twitter that it's likely the trailer is all preanimated cause they were only just finishing ep 2 or something.
The Titan S2 premiere is April 1st, huh. This should be interesting.
I've never been more disgusted.yeah, not the right size![]()
A man of refined taste.
I also enjoy the expression "in part". Okay, so what's the other part, beyond Oishi's preference?
Idols meets politics. It sounds silly, and honestly, it is, but thats why the show works. On one side you have the story of the girl becoming an idol/politician and on the other you have these Scooby Doo Pantomime villains doing all they can to ruin the girls day complete with seedy deals and malicious laughter. And of course by the end of every episode the villains are won over. Its corny and I love it.
More like drop Gabriel out of the title and replace her with Satanichia am I right? Of course I am, Im the only one here who is always right.
Parallels with K-On are obvious, what with being a show about a school based band, but so far its been doing its own thing. Though were already three episodes in and the band (according to the OP and ED) still havent formed! The chemistry between Kasumi (the MC) and Arisa is rather fun to watch. Bonus: Theres a American tourist scene, which is always fun to watch.
That is a long title so Im going to call it BiK-On from now on because its basically K-On with bikes, except the characters look like iDOLM@STER characters instead. Seriously, the main gal is a complete knockoff of Haruka, all the way down to the ribbons, though unlike Haruka, shes a complete idiot like Yui. Heck, Id say even Yui wasnt this daft. Seriously, what is the appeal of a character who is as thick as two planks? 40 years [ago]? Bicycles have been around that long?. Seriously? No one in real life is that dumb. No one!
When it came to writing something for this show, it made me realise I sometimes have no real idea why I continue to watch some stuff. Its light hearted and inoffensive. It has some fun movements and hopefully by the next episode we start to see some sort of story progress.
Youd think the excessive amount of times they feel the need to show young girls in their underwear would be the worst part of this show, but really its the fact one of the girls looks like a dead ringer of Nico from Love Live.
Well this isnt going to win any awards for animation. After something like Etotama this is like going back several decades in CGI. Seriously, the characters and the background dont even interact, so you have scenes where they just walk over grass which should logically be covering their legs.
Wow. KyoAni finally found a property to adopt that doesnt kill brain cells with mundaneness. Worth watching if only for the KyoAni tier animation.
That Samurai Jack trailer...
might as well cancel anime.
He is against a wall.Trickster #17
Surprise question for Anime GAF!
In this picture, is Kobayashi on the floor or is he against the wall?
My feeling is that if I can get an MA and a PhD, literally anyone can with enough time. But I guess I still live in the "imposter syndrome" mentality. lolIt's true, they are; I actually had to study both in my undergrad. Personally I found Foucoult more readable than Derrida, but maybe that's just me. I studied Freud in my undergrad too, in the same course in fact! Foucoult bled into my MA work, but I didn't deal with Derrida too much after that. I'll leave that for the PhD candidates to deal with!
And I at the very least, worked hard at mine.![]()
Funimation has basically become a streaming service, and both Funi and CR made the right decision to stop trying to eat each other's lunch and just focus on the things that they are good at.I think in the future we're definitely going to see more Aniplex-esque releases and less standard retail ones. I don't think companies like Funimation will go away, but they'll adjust thier business model accordingly.
Canada definitely has a big potential market for that, with the exchange rate and RightStuf's high shipping. You must be talking about the C&L Club! I've had good experiences with them, but it's always best to wait for a sale.
Is this any good? I almost thought about continuing it after watching the first episode a few weeks ago.Minami Kamakura Koukou Joshi Jitensha-bu
That is a long title so Im going to call it BiK-On from now on because its basically K-On with bikes, except the characters look like iDOLM@STER characters instead. Seriously, the main gal is a complete knockoff of Haruka, all the way down to the ribbons, though unlike Haruka, shes a complete idiot like Yui. Heck, Id say even Yui wasnt this daft. Seriously, what is the appeal of a character who is as thick as two planks? 40 years [ago]? Bicycles have been around that long?. Seriously? No one in real life is that dumb. No one!
I skip the live actions scenes at the end. The bloke just looks so uncomfortable being there and the two girls are of course putting on really fake cutesy voices. You accept it for animated characters, but seeing the face behind the voice just enters the uncanny valley.
1. Gundam IBO
3. 00
4. G
5. 79
6. UC
7. CCA
8. SEED Destiny
9. Wing
10. 08th MS Team
Is this any good? I almost thought about continuing it after watching the first episode a few weeks ago.
Japanese Fans pick their favourite Gundam Series.
Well this should be rich.
1. G Gundam being under 00.
2. IBO being number 1.
3. War in the Pocket not being on this list at all.
Just need to have half the girls graudate at the end of the season and it'll be catnip for me I guess. lolWell it seems that all the main cast have finally been introduced and the cycle club is being form so next week's episode will mark the show finally hitting the club activities part of the saga. So rather a make or break outing.
At the moment I'd say it's OK, nothing to write home about. Characters are a bit bland, but hopefully club interactions will solve that.
My feeling is that if I can get an MA and a PhD, literally anyone can with enough time. But I guess I still live in the "imposter syndrome" mentality. lol
(I'm happy to live in a world where people think "Bakhtin" is used to prevent infections rather than a Russian semiotician).
Funimation has basically become a streaming service, and both Funi and CR made the right decision to stop trying to eat each other's lunch and just focus on the things that they are good at.
And yeah, that was them - it must have been you who recommended them lol. Rightstuf would be worth it if they didn't switch to Fedex, which guarantees everything gets taxed to hell and just upped the free shipping fee to something astronomical. I went from ordering a few hundred dollars worth of anime a year to basically nothing. The last thing I did was the Maria Holic trade in program (hurray for Sentai) and that was at least a year ago?
SEED didn't win? I'm shocked here.
I wouldn't say the list is bad, I would drop down like 0079 and UC and have like GBF and Victory among the top ones.Japanese Fans pick their favourite Gundam Series.
Well this should be rich.
1. G Gundam being under 00.
2. IBO being number 1.
3. War in the Pocket not being on this list at all.
I wouldn't say the list is bad, I would drop down like 0079 and UC and have like GBF and Victory among the top ones.
IBO is good, you should watch it.
And if we are talking hot-blooded I wouldn't consider war in the pocket a good candidate.
He is against a wall.
I wouldn't say the list is bad, I would drop down like 0079 and UC and have like GBF and Victory among the top ones.
IBO is good, you should watch it.
And if we are talking hot-blooded I wouldn't consider war in the pocket a good candidate.
Spoiler alert: fanservice of all types and varieties was the primary driver in this list.Japanese Fans pick their favourite Gundam Series.
Well this should be rich.
1. G Gundam being under 00.
2. IBO being number 1.
3. War in the Pocket not being on this list at all.
It doesn't help that Humanities as a discipline feels like a sham sometimes. lolI fall victim to that mentality time to time myself, and I have a few friends who do as well. It's pretty normal, I'd say.
Streaming definitely is going to be their biggest revenue source. They'll still continue doing physical media, but they're getting cheaper; the mistakes they've been making on that Code Geass collector's edition set have been pretty terrible, from what I've heard! I'm still really curious to see what Crunchyroll's home video releases will turn out like.
I miss when our dollar was at par! Made ordering from Rightstuf a lot easier. Thankfully you can still get some things decently priced from Amazon. Funimation titles can be pretty cheap if you preorder them early, before they adjust the prices. My Nichijou order ended up only being $49. Sometimes even titles Rightstuf distributes can be priced decently! Our situation in terms of anime availability isn't ideal, but there's still options.
Who is on your list of mech enthusiasts?I have yet to hear from my fellow Mecha enthusiasts what makes IBO more worth watching than other mecha series.
Also I agree with Basileus. G Gundam should absolutely be at the top if hot-bloodedness is a key factor in this list.
I have yet to hear from my fellow Mecha enthusiasts what makes IBO more worth watching than other mecha series.
Japanese Fans pick their favourite Gundam Series.
Well this should be rich.
1. G Gundam being under 00.
2. IBO being number 1.
3. War in the Pocket not being on this list at all.
Oh it was most hot-blooded. But that just makes G Gundam's placement even worse.
IBO being recent and G gundam being old most definitely influenced the results here. Also was G Gundam popular when it aired?Oh it was most hot-blooded. But that just makes G Gundam's placement even worse.
Dammit! I was so closeI wonder how these polls are conducted. Online? I can see IBO winning if the audience was mostly young people.
Wrong, he's on the floor!
And who are these enthusiast? Did they tell you not to watch it?I have yet to hear from my fellow Mecha enthusiasts what makes IBO more worth watching than other mecha series.
Also I agree with Basileus. G Gundam should absolutely be at the top if hot-bloodedness is a key factor in this list.
I have yet to hear from my fellow Mecha enthusiasts what makes IBO more worth watching than other mecha series.
Also I agree with Basileus. G Gundam should absolutely be at the top if hot-bloodedness is a key factor in this list.