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Winter Anime 2017 |OT| John Wick cleaning up KyoAni's mess

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Toradora 16 -rewatch-

One of my favourite climaxes in all of anime, despite the relatively lackluster arc to get here.

Taiga and Ryuuji's ridiculous reaction plan to try and stir Kitamura into action launches with Yuri-sensei's blessings, but nearly a week passes with no response. Then Ryuuji gets a call laying out perhaps why Kitamura is acting this way - lashing out because the President is moving abroad. He runs off to knock some sense into Kitamura only to find that Kitamura Snr has already done it for him.

The first time Kitamura is completely open with anyone.

Ryuuji explicitly calls out Kitamura lashing out at everything back to Ryuuji and Taiga beating up the lampost as a representation of their loss of control over the world. As Taiga comes to search for Ryuuji, Kitamura withdraws into the darkness.


Well, Ryuuji does the same thing towards Taiga in like twenty seconds to avoid confirming anything about the StuCoPres and Kitamura, but it's interesting nonetheless.

Brief hope spot as Kitamura turns up to contest the elections, but Yuri-sensei says he hasn't turned in his form yet with half an hour to go. Ryuuji rushes to confront him, but Kitamura says he's given up instead - he still doesn't want to face the pain.


Can't even meet Ryuuji's eyes

He briefly recounts that the Pres picked him up after Taiga rejected him in first year, and made his life a blast. But again...


I mean you probably couldn't make a more obvious metaphor here

The President hits him in the back with the application form to instill him with confidence, and he runs to turn it in. Conflict resolved. Right?

Nope. Kitamura decides to go 200% all in by confessing in front of the entire school.


Pretty genuine shock, I think.

To no avail.


At this stage she gives no real hint of what she's thinking, but reflection shows she's trying not to hurt him and utterly failing.

She leaves him standing, grieving, on the stage. Ryuuji tries to drag an answer out of the Pres, but she gives another non-answer and walks away. Ryuuji tries to follow, but Taiga finds him and entrusts Kitamura back into his care.


In the same way that Minori passed Taiga to Ryuuji in the last arc, actually.

She's the red bright colours in the dark cools and blues that dominate the rest of the scene here.


A voyeuristic scene, showing Taiga's sacrifice here for the betterment of her friends. She turns to watch him go, though her thoughts are on Kitamura. Framed by darkness, casting shadows.

Taiga's inner monologue reveals her thankfulness to Kitamura, her re-evaluation of his actions after the cultural festival, and the decision she's made - to show her support the best way she knows how.


This shit about to get real

So we come to perhaps Toradora's most sakuga scene. It's so incredibly vicious, especially for the show's first (and only) actual combat scene. It needs to be. It needs to be a powerful encapsulation and expression of Taiga's feelings, powerful enough to provoke the always-cool-headed President into action.



Could there be anything more adolescent and true?

The president confesses that she rejected Kitamura for his own good, despite her own feelings. Her facade of control finally breaks, both characters a shaky, ugly, snot-filled mess. The piano music is so good during this scene, by the way, as Kitamura runs in and ratchets up the emotions by another level...

The next scene is in an incredibly harsh red with heavy shadows, probably to emphasise the fallout and the pain of the last scene.


They find Taiga's picture of her and Kitamura, but before they can look at the other picture...

Ami takes the handbook without looking underneath.


Ami's friends in the foreground lose focus, but Ami retains it for the impact of the next line...



Ami's precise meaning will be explored another time... but it's clear she's mad at someone about it. Minori? Herself?

Kamo leaves and Taiga has to write an apology letter which shows up in the post-credits, which Kamo accepts, laughing.


That about sums it up.


One of the arc's major weaknesses is that one of the main actors in it, Kamo/Pres, is basically a non-character up to this point and indeed remains frustratingly enigmatic throughout the arc. That the climax still works even when by rights a viewer shouldn't have too much investment in the character is a testament to the power of the scene itself, the combination of the sudden jump in impact and melodrama. The power of the direction of the scene, of thethe music, sound effects and visuals and voice acting all working together, elevates what could easily be considered petty and makes it seem the world to the characters and, by extension, to the viewers.

The climax is all about Kamo's mask cracking. Taiga's hits are brutal but it's her words that land the most impact; they could be about basically every character in the series, but it's Minori who takes the blows really. Despite her non-contribution to the mechanics of the scene, you can see she fears the raw emotion of the scene, the pain and realness that you expose when you have to confront your issues directly. Who was the adult in this situation, Kamo by doing 'what was best', and where did it lead her?

Next time on Toradora: Christmas!


I just rewatched Toradora like a week ago so it's pretty nice to see someone point out all the cinematography and framing stuff that goes over my head.


I just rewatched Toradora like a week ago so it's pretty nice to see someone point out all the cinematography and framing stuff that goes over my head.

Thanks! I didn't really set out to do it - I was actually aiming for a more story-beat focused analysis - but it's been probably about six years since I last watched it and I was wondering if it still held up for me. It still does!

1) posting about anime on the internet
2) shy lonely girl who has no friends, effervescent popular girl who loves anime but doesn't want to be outed as otaku, brash tsundere girl who likes to troll people
3) shy lonely girl is unable to make any connections in real life, so turns to 2ch to look for friends. eventually she hooks up with the other two, who happen to be in the same high school as her, and they laugh as they realize that they can have the same conversations in person as they do online


I'll mail you a check once I get the 4komas done


Myriad Colors Phantom World 12

suddenly there's stakes and plot and zzzeriouzzz business stuff without any of the charming dumb so I'm ready for this show to be over


Youjo Senki #1

Yeah, I really don't like the character design of you-know-who-I-mean.
The action was pretty cool, especially that scene at the end, but outside of that I found myself being bored by all the military talk, and I'm not sure I even like the premise (the one the episode itself hid).
I'm not sure if I'm going to continue this.

Blue Exorcist Kyoto #1

Yup, that felt like they just outright ignored the anime-original content of the first seaon, which I never watched to completion.
Nice start overall. Mostly just setup with enough recalls of the previous season to jolt ones memory and cover the important previous plot points.
Will watch.


Judging from twitter, this Fuuka anime may have the makings of a new anime production legend. Apparently the first episode had like 9 animation directors, resulting in true art like this:

If this is happening in the first episode, it seems implausible that they will actually be able to finish the show.


Is Tokyo Ghoul any good? Looks pretty.

I hope you're not going by the PVs cause they're a bunch of lies. First season is mediocre at best outside of the genuinely good episode 12. It rushes the manga material awfully compressing ~63 chapters into 12 eps.

2nd season - Root A is a straight up incoherent atrocity that goes into this weird mix of anime original material and bits of being faithful to source material. Avoid at all costs.

Synopsis: A beautiful nation, prospering since ancient times, Japan is now known as the Anime Kingdom. There are more than just humans living there; animes truly do exist in Japan. Past the Fairy Ring, to the world of fairies, live anime-chans. There's a Fairy Ring in your town, too. Here. And there. Even in Harajuku. Maybe even in the Ashigara mountains. By some chance, we'll open that door. And we might get to meet the anime-chans. This is the land where you get to meet anime-chans.



Synopsis: A beautiful nation, prospering since ancient times, Japan is now known as the Anime Kingdom. There are more than just humans living there; animes truly do exist in Japan. Past the Fairy Ring, to the world of fairies, live anime-chans. There's a Fairy Ring in your town, too. Here. And there. Even in Harajuku. Maybe even in the Ashigara mountains. By some chance, we'll open that door. And we might get to meet the anime-chans. This is the land where you get to meet anime-chans.

The idea of the fae re-invading the world through popular culture is pretty cool. I'm not sure if that's actually what you're talking about tho
Judging from twitter, this Fuuka anime may have the makings of a new anime production legend. Apparently the first episode had like 9 animation directors, resulting in true art like this:

If this is happening in the first episode, it seems implausible that they will actually be able to finish the show.

That second image, lulmao.


They didn't fix the sound design in Rakugo and Yakumo's put on old man voice is comically bad at times.

And this voice belongs to one of Gintama's most prominent characters to boot. And he uses the exact same voice for several gags in that show. I really find it hard to take it seriously.

Judging from twitter, this Fuuka anime may have the makings of a new anime production legend. Apparently the first episode had like 9 animation directors, resulting in true art like this:

If this is happening in the first episode, it seems implausible that they will actually be able to finish the show.
No surprise, the PV was atrocious.


Subete no aware
Judging from twitter, this Fuuka anime may have the makings of a new anime production legend. Apparently the first episode had like 9 animation directors, resulting in true art like this:

If this is happening in the first episode, it seems implausible that they will actually be able to finish the show.
That second image is making me sick. lol


Seiren 01

Amagami SS but the waifus are of lower quality.

No Sae = Automatically better.

Captain Earth 12

Despite my heavy early misgivings, this kinda improved and settled itself into something that I'd dare call conditionally watchable. There's just enough variety, (especially with these last two eps that flip flapped formula entirely,) to make the episodic search for Designer's Child not a completely repetitive affair and even beginnings of some pretty morbid 3rd party intrigue. I just hope all those bits of characterization of DCs before they go full villain will amount to something.


That's just sexual assault right ?


Seiren 1
Show sure loves it's thighs and butts, to the point of the main character getting all flustered because of an ass print on his desk.

I'm looking forward to the black haired girl's arc. Not only because she's obviously gonna be the best girl, but I want to see how much more fighting game jargon they'll throw out there since she's in an arcade in the opening.


Too bad I'm not as successful at peddling Bakumatsu and Fantastic Children. Actually, I don't want to be known for peddling children so that's okay!


Toradora 17 -rewatch-

Episode begins with Minorin off her game, striking out in her softball match (well, she's the pitcher, but whatever). New OP! Toradora has great OPs and EDs.

Taiga and Ryuuji are shopping and Taiga tells Ryuuji how much she loves Christmas and reveals her belief in Santa. Ryuuji thinks about shooting her down, but decides against it. Taiga has just finished her suspension from the last arc, but still bears the scars on her cheek.

Conversation shifts back to Ryuuji not getting together with Minorin during the break, Ryuuji letting it slip that she's been avoiding the usual group and Taiga correctly pointing out that neither is Ryuuji chasing her. Nonetheless, Taiga in the spirit of (Japanese) Christmas, wants to put together a dating plan.


Taiga is just being naturally boisterous, but Ryuuji stares for a half second before denying it. As with a lot of things in Toradora, watch people's actions, not their words.

They're ambushed by a bunch of new Taiga fans at the gates, and all the attention goes to Taiga's head immediately, leading to a moderately amusing scene at the gates. When they get to class, they find Minorin, acting weirder than normal.


Pretty much a new standard of weird, even for her.

As anyone following Minorin's character arc can attest, her primary defence mechanism to avoid situations she doesn't want to be in is to play the fool, and this is a gold star performance. She completely deflects Taiga's questions about why she's been avoiding the usual spots, and the moment Ryuuji opens his mouth she turns it up to 11.

Kitamura arrives to offer his thanks in possibly the most embarrassing pose possible while also binding Taiga to not fight and to come to him first. Another connection between the two which Ryuuji takes as a good sign.

We then cut to everyone listening to the Kitamura and Yuri-sensei radio hour. At first it's just more comedy fodder and crapping on poor Yuri-sensei. Oh well. This school is really impressionable.


I just realised that Those Two Guys actually feel comfortable enough to just kinda hang out with Taiga. What a change, ey?


Really fun angle for our first glimpse of Ami in this episode. Look at that smirk!

...but eventually Kitamura reveals the hook for the episode: a Christmas party. (Remember: Christmas is a couple's holiday in Japan, not a family holiday)

Taiga and Ryuuji immediately start plotting date plans for one another, but the emotional thrust of the episode makes itself clear: they're going to have to decide who it is they're actually after.

After the break, an insanely weird and somewhat perverted dream sequence that Haruta decides to tell literally the entire class because he's an idiot. I can only speculate that the reason Taiga decides not to kill him is because she's being a good girl for Santa.


I don't remember ever noticing Minorin spacing out before, though the repeat camera angle a few seconds later lets you get it

Taiga attempts to drag Ryuuji and Minorin into party prep, but Minorin blows them off with an excuse about softball.


Again - actions, not words.

Ami steps in to offer the party to the class, and (quite loudly) tells Ryuuji that any chance of getting Minorin to the party lies with her. Minorin notices clearly and betrays interest, but Ami pushes too fast and Minorin storms out, running away from the issue.


Seems to me that Ami is disappointed here that Minorin's first instinct is still to avoid problems rather than try and deal with them head-on.

A quick comedy scene follows of basically no consequence with Ryuuji goofing off with his mum and his parrot, proving that Ryuuji has a sense of humour. Cute.

On the way there, Ryuuji mentions that the Prez's notes which they're using to study should technically also belong to Minorin. Taiga tells Ryuuji that he shouldn't worry about it, since Minorin can't come to the study session they're headed to because of work (reiterating that Minorin is avoiding them). Despite Taiga's professed intentions, it sounds like she's annoyed that Ryuuji brought up Minorin at all.


Here Ryuuji stands still while Taiga moves forward. Fairly blunt, I think.

The first thing we find out when we get there is that Minorin took the night off, giving the lie to her claim. Why tell such an easily detectable lie? Taiga intuits correctly that Minorin is avoiding them, but can't tell why.


Taiga has changed too, though she can't see it. Would she have been this perceptive a few months ago?

Those Two Guys do some obvious pairing work to try and get Kitamura and Taiga together, trying to rope Ryuuji into their scheme. Most dramatic irony of the episode: them telling Ryuuji that Taiga has a crush on Kitamura.


Seriously, lmao.

Ryuuji blurts out that they're wrong, but doesn't let them (or the viewer) know about what precisely. His monologue attempts to convince himself that, no, they're right: of course she has a crush on Kitamura. It takes an outside influence to finally tell him what has been obvious to everyone for the entire series:


This is literally the first scene we've ever seen Kihara by herself without her best friend or Ami and, surprise surprise, she's here to drop truth bombs.

We end with Ryuuji looking up at the winter sky and the christmas lights as the new ending theme music, Orange, kicks in. Now that Ryuuji's even able to contemplate the question, will he let himself answer it?
Youjo Senki 01

You know Tanya's design doesn't really clash at all with the rest of the soldiers or the general nature of the battlefields presented, maybe the fact she's nutty is what is helping Like others have said the only one that feels off is Visha, but the longer I watched the more I forgot about it. All and all I did enjoy it if only for watching magical girls or guys shoot magically enhanced bullets at each other.


According to 4chan because character designer worked too much Touken Ranbu and forget how to draw normal female lol.

That's not how anime productions work though. A character designer doesn't sit in some dark dank room and work independently to come up with the designs with no oversight. Instead they repeatedly throw different designs to the director who will likely reject a number of them. If the director or producers thought the designs looked bad or off, they would have just got another CD to do it. There are a number of oversight mechanisms in place.

So we come to perhaps Toradora's most sakuga scene. It's so incredibly vicious, especially for the show's first (and only) actual combat scene. It needs to be. It needs to be a powerful encapsulation and expression of Taiga's feelings, powerful enough to provoke the always-cool-headed President into action.

This really was a brutally violent fight especially for what's largely a love comedy between high schoolers. You see physical damage on both Taiga and the President as well as the physical moves on each other are depicted somewhat painfully like the upper cut or when Taiga lands on a desk and lets out a groan. It works very well at being an explosion of feelings for both parties while also serving to remind the audience that Taiga isn't clever like Ami at communicating and in some ways this is her only method.

Also I'm glad you're writing about each individual episode like this. It's really a pain to write about every single in a 20+ series in-depth and talk about the cinematography stuff. I usually have to just settle for talking about shows in a single cour set.


Oh yeah my arms actually feel physically painful right now from all the screenshotting and writing. Oddly enough the analysis comes relatively quickly. I wish I had more time to write about some scenes and their composition, but sometimes I just can't be bothered screenshotting some things.

Another thing about that scene is that the two combatants look ugly as hell. They're bruised, battered, spittle is flying everywhere - and this is before the emotional climax where Kamo breaks down and everyone starts blubbering everywhere. You can tell they gave a shit about how impactful it needed to be to really sell the drama.

I think maybe like Throx after I'm done I'll throw these all up on a blog somewhere.


Your Name

I don't think this is the greatest anime film in the whole world, and I certainly don't think it's that deserving of any potential oscar nominations (I don't think it is though?), but I definitely understand the popularity and buzz around it.

First thing about the film is it demonstrates a growing maturity of Shinkai as a director, while I haven't seen his two films that came out between 5cm and Your Name. I can say for a fact this actually feels like a proper film and not like a glorified wallpaper sequence with the same emotional beats over and over, the film actually manages to capture different beats and emotions.. and actually does it well? one particular example being the awkward date scene between Taki and Okudera which is one of the best scenes in the film.

My biggest disappointment with the film is the whole body-switching plot device didn't appear to be explored to it's limits and actually plays a smaller role in the overall plot of the film then you'd think. Secondly - I thought the start of the film is kind of awkward in terms of execution - with some jarring transitions, poor introduction of some of the characters, but it makes up for that once it finds it groove.

Anyway the main strength of the film is the emotional core of it is really fucking good, and a clear explanation for it's popularity, it's the kind of film that will tug at your heartstrings in a good way, and the concluding sequences whilst very nonsensical if you try to take the wibby woobly time stuff serious is near-perfect in terms of exhilarating emotion it expresses, this is the kind of film that reminds me of why I love anime to begin with, because anime or japanese media in general in my experience are the only ones that can really pull that off.


quiet commie

Also am I to understand that LWA anime is being held hostage by netflix probably until they can release it all as a single slab?!?!?!?

what is this madness


quiet commie

Also am I to understand that LWA anime is being held hostage by netflix probably until they can release it all as a single slab?!?!?!?

what is this madness

Well Netflix Japan is supposed to put it up weekly.

Watch Netflix USA do fucking nothing.


Neo Member
Blue Exorcist S2 - Episode 1

Even with the flashbacks in this episode i'm still kinda lost what is going on. I think i still know vaguely what the deal is with all these characters and i hope that will be enough.

The brother is still as annoying as ever, whining every 5 minutes. The impure King could be an interesting villain. That they hate Rin was and is still stupid, hopefully that is resolved quickly.

I expected a great OP for this and it doesn't disappoint, always like UVERworld songs.


quiet commie

Also am I to understand that LWA anime is being held hostage by netflix probably until they can release it all as a single slab?!?!?!?

what is this madness

Wait what? Man there goes watching anime on my Monday schedule :(

Guess I'll have to go back to pfffft video games.


fuck you all. ttgl4 owns
Word! I'm not one to voice much opinion about such empty polemics, but I don't regret one bit showing my support with a hopeful comment! :-D

This episode looked so bad, the co-founder of Gainax actually quit because of the comments. Or so I've heard, anyway.
Not exactly. As I mentioned before, most of Takami Akai comments (supporting his peer Ms. Mimori) that provoked the outrage were made in reference to the reactions of 2channel users after the premiere of the first episode of the series.

At the time, Zepy of Canned Dog's fame blogged the most interesting and complete article on the matter for the 'anglosphere' (http://zepy.momotato.com/2007/04/24/more-on-gainax/), but sadly I can't find an archived version anymore.


Well Netflix Japan is supposed to put it up weekly.

Watch Netflix USA do fucking nothing.

They're not doing "nothing". They are subtitling it and dubbing it. Just because they don't release it in the manner otakus are used to doesn't mean they're sitting on their asses. Fucking entitled fans.
Dangan Ronpa 3 Despair Episode 7

Good God, this was a dumb episode. It was rushed with little to no buildup, the black bars were there in abundance, the pacing was jarring even when rushed and they turned Junko into a cartoon villain.
Americans are binge watchers and there's data out there to support that. Netflix is doing what they do with every show in America which is to release it all in one go, and it seems to work just fine for them. There are other ways for you to watch shows if you don't want to support their business model, so at the end of the day it's your choice whether to wait or not.


Americans are binge watchers and there's data out there to support that. Netflix is doing what they do with every show in America which is to release it all in one go, and it seems to work just fine for them. There are other ways for you to watch shows if you don't want to support their business model, so at the end of the day it's your choice whether to wait or not.

Tell me more brother! What must one do to fight this Netflix scourge?


Dangan Ronpa 3 Despair Episode 7

Good God, this was a dumb episode. It was rushed with little to no buildup, the black bars were there in abundance, the pacing was jarring even when rushed and they turned Junko into a cartoon villain.

Was there ever anything else to her? Even in DR1 and 2, her whole schtick mostly boiled down to "gotta spread despair, upupupupu", which is as cartoonish as antagonist motivations go. Even if you want to argue that her true motivation is
shaking things up with chaos because her powers of analysis make order awfully boring to her
, she's at best an enabler for unbound desire and impulse whose means to do so rely on being as vague as possible to actually not make the whole thing sound like a damn farce.
The problem I have with Danganronpa as a whole is that for some reason it doesn't work for me in anime form. It may just be that the execution was poor when adapting it on the first one, but it feels off as something other than a game. Even the character design which when playing felt stylish, in anime form just felt cheesy. Wish I had a better way to explain. Oh and Danganronpa 3 was absolute trash so that didn't help.
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