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Winter Anime 2017 |OT| John Wick cleaning up KyoAni's mess

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Against my better wishes I'm going to watch this 70 minute special on Grand Order since there doesn't appear to be any future episodes at the moment.
Fate Grand/Order

So I'm going to guess that this is where the Dark Saber from my warcraft 3 custom games of old came from. Honestly I was expecting something more grandiose from her, being Artorias and all. I was also hoping to see Berserker pop somewhere since
I'm still salty over how much he got stomped on in UBW

BUT Caster
, was pretty cool in this. Acing is caster role. He was pretty much the highlight of the whole thing.

It looked good and gave me what I expected from a Fate anime. Will watch the next one.
Gintama 317

On one hand, this was really info dumpy for a Gintama episode.

On the other hand, holy shit is that Kagura's mom in the OP okay that's 100% Kagura's mom in the ED

So I'm going to guess that this is where the Dark Saber from my warcraft 3 custom games of old came from.

This is the deepest pull for me I've ever seen


G-On Riders! 11


wow the bad guys were finally defeated only to be replaced by badder guys. unthinkable


3-gatsu ep.12
What a good episode that really exploited tge contrast in emotions in Rei's life. It's been explained a few times already, but outside of verbally telling what we can see, the complexity of emotions explained through color tone and sound was excellent. Rei is also still learning how to deal with his depression and is showing he can pinpoint the trouble signs.

The new OP is terrible, but the ED is excellent!
Tanya 01
With the exception of the one bug-eyed girl, the show seems to have a lot of promise. At the very least it was great eye candy.

Akiba 01
Just the right amount of stupid. I went in not expecting to like it much but it was actually pretty fun.

Edit: Also, hi Anime Gaf. I've followed these threads for a while and figured I might as well start posting.

Just T

Ajin: 25 (END)

Pretty good finish, those last few scenes of the fight were very intense. It didn’t have complete closure but it felt satisfying enough imo if this were the last season. Overall, the second half was just as great as the first. The show in general is very entertaining and turned out better than expected with the intense scenes and intriguing characters minus Nakano. I know some people can be iffy about these CGI shows but they can be pretty great sometimes.

Rakugo Descending Stories: 1

Thought the return episode was ok, Yotaro’s recap was neat. His moment with Konatsu was also sweet, looking forward to seeing what she does this season. Took a look at the opening too, very foreboding.
Tanya 01
With the exception of the one bug-eyed girl, the show seems to have a lot of promise. At the very least it was great eye candy.

Akiba 01
Just the right amount of stupid. I went in not expecting to like it much but it was actually pretty fun.

Edit: Also, hi Anime Gaf. I've followed these threads for a while and figured I might as well start posting.

Welcome aboard, dont forget to watch Chain Chronicle, currently best of the season.
Tanya 01
With the exception of the one bug-eyed girl, the show seems to have a lot of promise. At the very least it was great eye candy.

Akiba 01
Just the right amount of stupid. I went in not expecting to like it much but it was actually pretty fun.

Edit: Also, hi Anime Gaf. I've followed these threads for a while and figured I might as well start posting.

Though I gotta tell you...you only become a true member of the animegaf when you have watched My Hero Academia.


Little Witch Academia TV-1

Shiny Chariot is my waifu.
Very good start. The magic show at the beginning was a conceptual retread of the one in the original OVA series but they happened to make it visually a lot more interesting through the use of the special effects, backgrounds, and visuals. I was just blown away from the spectacular special effects, a trademark of Yoshinari. You can feel his key corrections throughout the opening sequence and it made me realize how this show plays to his particular strengths as an animator. In fact, there were multiple parts in this episode that reminded me of Gurren Lagann from an animation standpoint. For example when Shiny Chariot was using her broom as a surfboard, the special effects felt like something I would have seen in TTGL. There's also more variety in the animation styles on display throughout the episode and so the episode feels less like everything is Yoshinari-lite and instead more diverse. The impact frame at the end of the magic show was one example along with the sketchier drawing for Akko when she enters the leyline.

I guess they needed that EU funding after all.
So the premise of this episode was Akko getting to school and establishing the relationship between her and Sucy/Lotte. I'm kind of surprised they made Sucy this cold but it's not really out of character for her. One thing of note is that the song Oshima used for when Sucy is introduced is something out of Hanna-Barbera cartoon. Yoshinari is a huge westaboo so I found this sort of funny as it especially matches Sucy's antics towards Akko. One thing this episode did is give me an appreciation of certain character dynamics and events in the original OVAs. I know they're a separate timeline but seeing how badly Sucy treats Akko here, does give me a sort of appreciation for Akko snapping at Sucy in The Enchanted Parade. Similarly Akko never having ridden a broom before entering Luna Nova would explain why she's so terrible at the riding lessons in the original OVA. Again it's a separate timeline so they aren't really related but I feel like some of this was background info that they're using/revamping for the TV series.

All this Akko bullying isn't right!
The second half is when Hori goes to work. There's a number of sequences you can tell he was involved in, partially due to the moving camera and background animation. I wasn't wild about the forest sequence unfortunately as there were a number of small bits that weren't as fluid or dynamic as I would have liked. I feel like there were some minor things in the backdrop that could have been animated better but it is a TV series after all. I expect there will be tons of improvements for the BD release because that's just who Yoshinari is. The forest sequence is also the part where the background drawings were the best as there is a creepy atmosphere resulting from the misshapen trees, compared to Luna Nova where the change from Kaneko is more pronounced. Ursula-sensei's office is really cool though as it looks like a traditional witch's lab. I was actually impressed with the VA work for a short sequence where Sucy tells Akko to yell out a line as the way both of them say the line is hilarious.
I think the episode does a good job of establishing the characters as well as the relationships with each other. Akko is much more likable than in The Enchanted Parade but you can tell she's still going to have her moments of annoyance. The pacing is pretty solid too, in that the franchise has shifted well into being a TV series. The runtime here was nearly as long as the original OVA but it doesn't feel bloated and does its job as a pilot. Visually it's not as impressive as the OVAs but that was to be expected. I did have some qualms about how the climax scene with the Shiny Rod was handled, in that it felt too disjointed but that's a minor thing. Overall this should be a fun cartoon to watch on Sundays.

The OP sucks though. It's like an ED.


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
I will kill a puppy for every kitten that dies.


Stein's Gate (Visual Novel): Chapter 1-5
The anime adaptation is damn good considering I don't feel like I am missing out on anything. In fact, the anime adaptation edges out slightly for me because the voices in general are better in the adaptation, in my opinion. The visual novel itself is gorgeous, with the sprites really standing out. The whole package has a really awesome production value, at least in comparison to all the visual novels I have read.


Maho Girls Precure 47

I think evil lady just blew up thousands of people. And nobody batted an eye. Like come on, be somewhat more horrified than usual at the slaughter that definitely occurred in the middle of your city. Hey, she managed to just avoid getting killed. Good guy Deusmast, caring for his beloved minions. He even brought back the failures. This show really likes bringing back villains. Time to blow up the worlds. Or merge them? I'd like to hope for a more interesting motivation from Deusmast, but it's probably going to have a lame explanation. If this stays, it's going to make the next All Stars movie really awkward.


Edit: Also, hi Anime Gaf. I've followed these threads for a while and figured I might as well start posting.

Welcome! Kick ur shoes off and hang out. If someone tells you your favorite anime is shit, fight back!

Sentiment regarding Glasslip, from those who took up the recommendation, after Ive recommended it, has not been negative.

Lol, Narag, can you find the post from the last guy that fell for it over the summer?


Sentiment regarding Glasslip, from those who took up the recommendation, after Ive recommended it, has not been negative.


That is definitely not true. While I can't remember exactly when other than it was several months ago, I can remember at least one person who took you up on that and regretted it.

For anyone who hasn't seen it, seriously; don't watch Glasslip. If you want to watch something bad, go watch something that's at least bad in a fun way, like Garzey's Wing. Don't waste your time with this.


Little Witch Academia - 1

Sucy is not nice

This pretty much sums up the episode. I knew she liked being a dick but damn straight willing to let a couple of girls die. I know I wouldn't be thrilled sharing a room with her for the next three years.

The episode was great though, definitely will be picking this one up if the quality continues.

Noted, I'll give it a shot.

I loved the mobile game and was hyped for this project on that alone but in all honesty I cannot recommend the show. I mean the fights look great with the 3d mixed in but that's about it.


Idol Jihen 1

Idols running for high political positions in Japan and winning. Also, most of them seem to still be in high school. I'd say the premise is dumb, but is it really? At this point I think in a century people are going to watch this and wonder if this was fictional or a documentary. Is there a particular reason the Heroine Party is a girls club? Boy idols are plenty popular after all. There's a million different directions they could take this, from actual governing attempts (lol) to idol shenanigans with politics as a background flavor (probably this) to a dark look at the world of politics where the leaders have to constantly entertain people and make them feel good in order to keep them from rioting (that might actually be interesting). Probably worth catching the second episode.


RahXephone ep.7
Well, if nothing else this is the first episode that they haven't paired him up with a new female to oogle our pilot boy. However, we did get to see him tear up another monster/alien/cast member of Love Live on a binge....
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