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Winter Anime 2017 |OT| John Wick cleaning up KyoAni's mess

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now i'm sitting here flicking between the english and japanese dubs on toradora because i'm diseased

Your Toradora rewatch write ups have made me come back to the series after I originally stopped watching in the late teen episodes. Hopefully I can have a different view as I continue my rewatch myself.


Your Toradora rewatch write ups have made me come back to the series after I originally stopped watching in the late teen episodes. Hopefully I can have a different view as I continue my rewatch myself.

I hope you can learn to enjoy Toradora! It has its problems, I freely admit to that, but it's just one of those series that has so much emotional gut-punching to it I can let it slide.
Seiren 1

As soon as I saw that ass print I knew I had stumbled onto something special. Also loved the option select talk at the arcade lol.
oh they are going to be region locked... but PCs have many ways to deal with that.

I decided to import a bunch of stuff though.

I bought stuff as well:
Any idea if those One Week Friends sets contain the 12 shorts and the recap? Completely forgot about those after watching the series.

nice oreimo pickup

No idea. Was cheap. Says it's 12 episodes :p

I'll burn the last DVD in the Oreimo set.


While not directly anime related, I want to thank whoever mentioned The House in Fata Morgana in this thread. I've been playing it over the last few days, and I think I'm getting close to the ending now. It's brilliant, seriously. By far the best visual novel I've ever played. The writing, the music, the art; I love it all! I can't wait to see how it all ends.

You'll not be disappointed!
It's unreal how good Fata Morgana is.


Toradora 20

Taiga is doing her New Year's Shrine visit and runs into Kitamura. She tells him Ryuuji wasn't just lovestruck at the end of our disasterous christmas episode but actually straight up caught the flu. (Side note: Japanese people get completely jacked by the flu every year. My second year teaching one day we had almost 3/5ths of my second years out because of the flu; they quarantine entire classrooms after a threshold gets reached). Anyway, this year, Ryuuji was one of them, although I'm sure getting punched in the heart didn't help.

Taiga asks Kitamura for a favour, but it's not revealed what. Note that Taiga has almost completely lost her nervousness when talking with Kitamura.

Cut to Ryuuji, all better and reflecting on Minorin's rejection. Taiga opens her window, sees Ryuuji and closes it again. Despite last episode's realisation, everything seems - yet again - to have reverted to the status quo, except that Taiga is apparently living off cup noodles.

Taiga explains, spikier than usual: she's been too close to Ryuuji, making Minorin think that her and Ryuuji are soulmates or something. Weird.



So now Ryuuji and Taiga have the correct answer - Minorin can't put herself in a relationship with Ryuuji because she can see that Taiga needs Ryuuji - but come to the wrong conclusion, or at least vocalise the wrong conclusion - that they just need to show that Taiga doesn't need Ryuuji and everything will be hunky-dory.

(In other words, we're back on the sacrifice-for-others-train).

Taiga tells Ryuuji that he can't run away (despite everyone in this series constantly running away). Ryuuji tells Taiga not to burn anything down, and asks how long she can live without him. She mutters 'forever', but doesn't give Ryuuji a chance to respond.

A quick setup for the vacation (in Okinawa), nameless student returns Ryuuji's suit and, crucially, the present Ryuuji had planned to give to Minorin - a sparkly hairclip.


Sparkle sparkle!

Haruta asks what it is; Ryuuji tells him it's "Something I no longer need", so Haruta steals it, prompting Taiga to literally rip out his hair to get it back.


I recommend not stealing girl's hairclips.

Minorin pops up 100% pretending nothing is off in the slightest. Ryuuji freaks out and runs off instead of doing the 'greet like a normal person' plan. We return to the burning motif as Ryuuji wishes everything will burn to the ground, and then smash-cut to Yuri-sensei announcing their Okinawan hotel has burnt to the ground. So instead everyone's going skiing!


Poor Yuri-sensei

After school Kitamura asks Ryuuji where Taiga is, and Ryuuji says vaguely that she's not with him right now and leaves without a word. Kitamura thinks - perhaps a nod to Taiga's early, unheard request.

In the shopping district Ryuuji runs into Ami, back from her modelling job in Hawaii.


Odd how a lot of melancholy sequences take place at late afternoon with washed-out, desaturated colours, huh?

Ami blows him off, calling him an idiot (still clearly ticking over Christmas), before Taiga turns up. A shock! The two frenemies are hanging out together. It's kind of sweet.

Taiga warns Ami away from Ryuuji, telling her straight up that Minorin rejected him on Christmas Eve.


Though the music continues at its languid pace, this camera angle is from Ryuuji's POV and emphasises how disconcerting it is for people to just start spilling secrets everywhere.


Ami rubs it in Ryuuji's face that she knew the inevitable outcome, though it goes over Taiga's head.

Further, Taiga tells her that this class trip is their last chance to confirm Minorin's feelings. Ami looks down, doubting Taiga, but acedes - "If that's what you really want". She takes the chance to get in a quick word.


The irony being that, although Ami portrays herself as outside their games, she's hurting inside too.

More outside desaturated colours with Ryuuji following Taiga from a distance as they have a fractured conversation.


It's really closer to a series of monologues for a bit.

Taiga tells him that she's confident that Minorin returns his feelings, and that he just needs to take the next step.


Since she's already decided to give Ryuuji away, she also needs to go all-in on the notion that what's she's doing is right.

We reflect on 'step' as we come to a traffic light. If there's anything this rewatch has taught me it's that Toradora does not rely on subtle metaphor. Minorin's expression hardens for a second before she jumps, as usual, into facade. Ryuuji manages to stammer out a normal-ass greeting, before Taiga interferes, tricking Minorin into grabbing Ryuuji's hand.


Not the look of someone who hates, it, but neither the look of someone who enjoyed it either.


The shock is actually enough to break Minorin's facade temporarily

Minorin manages to pull her facade back, but they have Taiga's bag to deal with, tying them together until they get to school.


They're held together by Taiga... or are they just supporting Taiga's baggage? A little from column A, a little from column B.

A brief conversation about haircuts lets Ryuuji slip the patented cool-guy line "I've always been watching you", thankfully in a non-creeptastic way.


It makes Minorin happy, but she quickly covers it up again as a haunting melody plays..

They find Ami at the lockers, where she switches into what I call 'Mysterious Bitch' mode and sarcastically disapproves without out-and-out saying it.


"Ara... so it's like that, hmmm...?" Just be glad she doesn't do the full arcastic ojou-sama laugh here.

Back in class we get our only named class characters in a single group for story convenience and decide they all need to go to someone's house. Taiga's place is free, so they head there.


Again, JC Staff's mediocre background work is spun into a positive. This apartment is ridiculously big. The view outside is actually impossible since Taiga's window is supposed to be level with Ryuuji's second-floor apartment.

Shennangins ensue. Ryuuji tries to help Minorin out, but she facades him (and hides her eyes again). She thanks him as the reason Taiga can clean up her place, and mentions that she hasn't been there since first year (after the first-time drama with Taiga's dad - another hint that Minorin's ultimate defence mechanism is to disengage). Note that even though Minorin saw Taiga's breakdown re Ryuuji, she hasn't come to talk to Taiga about it either - again, running away.

In vaguely bloom'd 'flashback' footage to the sounds of a piano melody, Ryuuji tells Minorin he wishes they could stay this way forever as the camera montages over everyone laughing and having a good time. Despite that, we as viewers know that every main character (except maybe Kitamura) feels like complete shit right now, and they're only laughing together because they've all decided to pretend that Christmas didn't happen. He concludes "No, we can't. We can't stay this way forever".


As with most of the setup episodes to arcs, we don't see a lot of fancy tricks here focused into single scenes; mostly just plot points laid down and set up for the future. In many ways this arc is probably the source of most of the melodrama complaints against Toradora, because here we seemingly regress back to status quo despite (or even because of) the developments of the previous episode. Taiga has realised she wants Ryuuji, but is back to trying to push Ryuuji and Minorin together again. Ryuuji has been rejected by Minorin, but is nonetheless still chasing her for reasons he can't quite fathom. Minorin still can't escape her facade. It feels instinctively like regression to the mean.

Taiga, in fact, is acting the way she did after the cultural festival; sacrificing her own happiness for others, while trying to tell everyone that she herself is happy. Ryuuji is unfocused and can't decide what he wants, but has decided to follow Taiga's lead. Minorin is deeply unhappy and trying to cover it up. Ami has completely thrown her hands in the air and said "Fuck it" basically. So yeah, it is regression, but it's regression because the last arc ended in such a dismal failure. It's gonna take a few more realisations before we can start the final rollercoaster. What better way to provoke a few climaxes than to box a few moody teens into an enclosed environment in the extreme cold?

Next time on Toradora: snowfighting!


Urara Meirochou - Ep. 1
Not sure about this one so far. It's cute, but this episode had way more bellys and underboobs than I would have liked.
I give it another episode.

Idol Jihen - Ep. 1
I kind of liked it, but it's a very strange show. I have the feeling that I will drop this at some point,butI will stick for it for now.

Interviews With Monster Girls - Ep. 1
This is the rare A-1 anime that I actually enjoy.
No idea how long they can keep the premise interesting, but so far it's a fun show.

Spiritpact - Ep. 1
Just saw that the show is tagged Shounen Ai. Well, that explains a lot.
Anyway, the anime trys really hard to be funny, but fails most of the time.
The only joke that really worked for is when the MC treated the evil ghosts like a little child and gave her sweets.
Why is there still filler after Naruto ended? I barely realized the arc ended. Last episodes had some epic animations. I guess they put in all the budget into that Sasuke Naruto fight. They added some stuff I think, I can't remember since the manga ended such a long ass time ago but overall I enjoyed it.

Why would the station end naruto when its in their top 5 earners for a franchise? People clearly enjoy original stories set in the ninja world. Anyway what do you mean, its been adapting the novels and soon the boruto manga.


Fate/Grand Order: First Order

Dumpster fire terrible. I'm not really sure what I hate most about it. The milquetoast protagonist who doesn't do anything, the insipid dialogue and plotting, the casual misuse of ideas that make the nasuverse interesting, any of the other terrible side characters (the dumb tsundere who heads the secret organization is the worst of that bunch for sure). Holy shit was it bad.

The only thing I enjoyed is Cu Chulainn. I mean, his dialogue went down the drain pretty quick, but his appearance was a brief glimmer of hope this could be something else but banal, and he does get a few good lines at the start. The writers even remember he's a rune-specialist! (I might be digging here)

I think deep-down there might have been a good idea here. The execution is atrocious though. Stay far, far away.

Tales of Zestiria the X S2E1

Yup, ufotable doing ufotable things. Everything they touch is better than the source material (and I like Tales of Zestiria, the game, for the record!). This episode focuses on Rose, and there are allot of smart changes, some of them small. The one I like the most is that the Sparrowfeathers now have a base, located in or near Lastonbell, and it seems to have supplanted entirely the Scattered Bones' base in the game, which was just in a forest in fuck-all nowhere because that's just where you were at the time and the game needed to get to that plot point before allowing the player to go into Lastonbell themselves.

For the most part, this episode's pretty quiet. I don't really... get why Sergei sorta gave in and allowed everyone to drink into the late night. Maybe I'm forgetting how he was portrayed last season, but here he wasn't shown as the kind of guy to wait things out before trying to force an issue. I think I like that the show eschewed the 'we're husband and wife!' gag for introducing Sergei to the group but that makes him look like a well-intentioned but gullible dope in the game. I think they're on the right track rewriting the whole scene, but I think it could have used a bit more polish here.

Long-term I'm a little worried that ufotable might have trouble not making the seraphim look like they're just hanging around. They're doing some interesting things with Sorey's training right now but Edna for instance... doesn't do much of anything. I think she gets two lines, and there's that one scene where she puts her umbrella up by the river after Sorey finishes training and makes a quip, but that's about it.

Still, I like the episode though. As usual it looks gorgeous, and allot of time was spent with Rose this episode, and ufotable's work with the character has made her allot more convincing than the game's, where she kinda comes of as a sociopath. She spends time negotiating and working with people. It really gives the feel of a competent manager. I don't know what will happen if/when she becomes a squire - Just leaving the guilds she manages to go on this quest (except when she doesn't - somehow she manages both long-distance) is another sticking point I have in the game. I trust the show will handle this better though.
I'm so fucking hyped for more Love Live after finishing S1.

So good! I didn't expect that putting 200 yen into an Ufo Catcher would open me the wide world of idols!


Gintama. #1

It's back! And still serious. But not without dick jokes of course.
Honestly when I read those revelations in the manga I had mixed feelings and the anime doesn't change that but... the following ride is going to be amazing regardless.
All the stuff in the OP :O


Trigger saving anime once again.
Looked very good and was a very fun start. The OP is a little disappointing though.

Digimon Appli Monsters #14

Back to appmon of the week we are. But probably not for long if the preview is any indication.
This was a nice breather episode all things considered and I love the secret base thing they have going on and that Ai is now clued in. I wonder if she'll get her own Appmon sometime.

The new ED is 100% Eri, lol.


Wow it is like meeting a unicorn, I thought the Tales of fanbase had purged all of you.

The game was actually pretty alright, but I can't deny Alisha was robbed, especially with the way they went about promoting the game at the start with alluding that Alisha and Sorey were the "main" Tales Of couple in this game.

I really liked her design and I always have a fondness for spear users having mained Elesis 2nd job in GrandChaseSEA/NA. So yea. At least we are getting a lot more focus on Alisha/Kayano Ai in the anime and Ufotable's been delivering, so Tales of Zesteria the X's considered pretty good eye candy for me

I kinda liked the game as well, but the story telling in the anime us much better.

Which reminds me that I need to watch this episode.

Yooo Zestiria was awesome, I even ranked it at #1 on my GOTY list of 2015.

Also yea like Cornbread said, the anime makes it even better.

The game was actually pretty alright, but I can't deny Alisha was robbed, especially with the way they went about promoting the game at the start with alluding that Alisha and Sorey were the "main" Tales Of couple in this game.

I really liked her design and I always have a fondness for spear users having mained Elesis 2nd job in GrandChaseSEA/NA. So yea. At least we are getting a lot more focus on Alisha/Kayano Ai in the anime and Ufotable's been delivering, so Tales of Zesteria the X's considered pretty good eye candy for me
I should probably watch the anime then. I love the Tale series but completely bounced off Zest pretty hard. What I've seen of the anime does look nice.


The game was actually pretty alright, but I can't deny Alisha was robbed, especially with the way they went about promoting the game at the start with alluding that Alisha and Sorey were the "main" Tales Of couple in this game.
I really liked her design and I always have a fondness for spear users having mained Elesis 2nd job in GrandChaseSEA/NA. So yea. At least we are getting a lot more focus on Alisha/Kayano Ai in the anime and Ufotable's been delivering, so Tales of Zesteria the X's considered pretty good eye candy for me

Yeah, I'm with Trojita and DTL on this one, the canon ship in this game is definitely Meebo x Sorey.

But yeah, the perception prior to launch was that is was Alisha x Sorey and it would have made a lot of sense, but they removed that aspect rather early (insert Japanese community rage here)

Then, they took it one step further and removed "Love" from the equation entirely (friendship, family, spouse) and change the tone from what people expected. I appreciated it for what they tried to do with it, but..... (I won't get into that awful skill system, etc)

I should probably watch the anime then. I love the Tale series but completely bounced off Zest pretty hard. What I've seen of the anime does look nice.

I would say that it's definitely worth a look as the animation and visuals are top notch.

The reorganization of the story is really well done and fills in some small story gaps that the game presented.

Just know that episode 5-6 are kind of Spoilers for the first hour of Berseria's story. (I can't wait, only 2 more weeks!)

Those two episodes made me even more pumped for Berseria now.


Little Witch Academia 1

Somewhat less flashy than I hoped and a lot more talking than I'd like, understandably so, but still wonderful and it nails why I loved the series. The animation makes everything lively and Akko's goofy or cheerful expressions are such a joy to watch. The show reminded me a lot of Flip Flapper's good side, and hopefully it stays that way.

Sucy is... very bad. She was always the weird one and borderline creepy, but this time she seemed mean. Though I suppose she was sort of redeemed and the trio will grow closer.
Sucy is... very bad. She was always the weird one and borderline creepy, but this time she seemed mean. Though I suppose she was sort of redeemed and the trio will grow closer.

Remember this is a series now, not a short ova. Sucy will have time in the next 2-3 episodes to warm up to her new friends.
Takara Tomy Toy Cars Inspire Tomica Hyper Rescue Drive Head Anime in April

Takara Tomy's long-running Tomica line of miniature toy cars is inspiring its first television anime, Tomica Hyper Rescue Drive Head Kidō Kyūkyū Keisatsu (Mobile Emergency Police), this April. According to Monday's announcement, TBS is producing and broadcasting the series on 28 stations nationwide on Saturdays at 7:00 a.m., and OLM (Pokémon, Yo-kai Watch) is animating.

The story is set in "the future, just a little after the present day…. To respond to disasters beyond human comprehension and the increasing complexity of crime and mishaps, the mobile emergency police Hyper Rescue (an organization newly formed by the government primarily for life-saving) developed 'Drive Heads' that are specialized with police, fire-fighting, and rescue capabilities.

"'Drive Heads' are special vehicles that change from car forms to humanoid walker vehicles. The grade schooler Gō Kurumada and other children found to be suitable become drivers and join forces with the mobile emergency police and other adults. Even now, they race to the scene to protect the peace and security of all humanity. Go Rescue!"


EDIT: Beaten by DTL.
Any good short anime this season or from the last few seasons? still annoyed there's no categories for it in crunchy

Monster Strike s2 will start in April, and you can also watch last seasons Nazotokine, maybe you could figure out the jpn word puzzles.

And also watch 2015's Tantei Team KZ Jiken Note.

Oh and Cheating Craft is great too.
Drifters 1-10 eng dub

The first episode hadn't make me felt much, but I gave the dub another try and yea! I'm really liking it now, episode 2 and onward it picks up rather quickly and the comedy(based from ep.1) pass better when they are in english. Also I found a good reason to watch Drifters in Yoichi.


My character design criteria was passed.
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