Chet Rippo
Using spreadsheets.
Hey, I finished your Mio drawing. It has boobs and stuff so quit slacking!
Fuck, I haven't even started yet. lol
I guess I'll get on it now.
Using spreadsheets.
Hey, I finished your Mio drawing. It has boobs and stuff so quit slacking!
At some point it stops being smart and deliberate and becomes cheap and lazy. I'm not saying that's the case with Hidamari but I'm saying that SHAFT doesn't deserve the benefit of the doubt with regards to its productions.
Sure, SHAFT is always going to be cheap and lazy because it's their business model. There's no denying that Hidamari Sketch's style serves a financial purpose as much as any artistic purpose, but I'm simply pointing out that it's the only SHAFT show where the art direction is stylistically cohesive and consistently meaningful to the subject matter and so if it's still going to lumped in under the umbrella of "SHAFT style", it at least deserves an asterisk or something.
Amazing doesn't begin to describe this.Brain Powerd 9
What the heck.
I don't understand...Brain Powerd 9
This show is pretty much Evangelion if it was written by a special needs child. Also, the budget somehow got even worse. So much :wonzo and sliding cels everywhere.
What the heck.
Interesting. I don't remember seeing wonzo's post from last year, for whatever reason. Also, that art looks a little bit like that Midori OVA that people keep freaking out about. lolHappy Birthday, Inochi Kagayaku Toki
Another movie which wonzo had posted about previously which I had been looking to watch was this film here. It's an anime movie that deals with the issue of bullying and the possible side effects such as suicide that may result from it, as well as even somewhat portraying characters who have disabilities and the issues faced with them as well.
That's a weird distinction though since the style of the work itself is determined by SHAFT. I could say that not being able to see any movement or art whatsoever in the Nadeko Snake arc in Bakemono fit the "style" of Bakemono's writing but we all know its because SHAFT were lazy hacks.
I don't understand...
They want to unite the world , not to conquer it.
Literally nothing happens with Saji Crossroad. Not in 16 episodes anyway.Except that it happens.
Well their plans are different.
Durandall plan was the perfect example of gaining something through force , while the celestial being only wish is to keep armed conflict from spreading for a purpose that i won't spoil.
The entire premise is that somehow a group of people got access to a superior technology that make them way in advance of everything existing.
Besides the point of them being able to change things is the fact that they are overpowered and that they have a plan prepared years ( decades ) before . Otherwise they would be just another faction dealing with war.
Except that people do behave according to some patterns.
This is advanced maths and it's used in various places of the world.
Tracking individuals for example..or another application is "game theory" at various levels.
Gundam 00 does it at another scale ..but the theory behind what's used already exist to this day. By analysing human behavior, scientists already have many simulatiosn for many given cases. This stuff is used when design buildings for example or in sports ( to improve teamwork ) ..gundam 00 just use that stuff and put a future coat of paint on it.
The thing about Brain Powerd is that you can actually understand it just as well from screencaps as you can from watching it, i.e., not at all.
I didn't even mention the goofy Middle Eastern Oil Baron they introduced in this episode, Mr. Mohammad, who wants to buyNERVNovis Noah with suitcases full of gold bars.
The thing about Brain Powerd is that you can actually understand it just as well from screencaps as you can from watching it, i.e., not at all.
I didn't even mention the goofy Middle Eastern Oil Baron they introduced in this episode, Mr. Mohammad, who wants to buyNERVNovis Noah with suitcases full of gold bars.
Super Robot Wars J told me everything I needed to know about this show.
I'm glad you checked it out and enjoyed it. I also didn't pick up the Dezaki thing at all so that's actually pretty cool!Happy Birthday, Inochi Kagayaku Toki
Another movie which wonzo had posted about previously which I had been looking to watch was this film here. It's an anime movie that deals with the issue of bullying and the possible side effects such as suicide that may result from it, as well as even somewhat portraying characters who have disabilities and the issues faced with them as well.
While a couple of scenes may come across as a bit more forced or perhaps somewhat contrived the movie handles the material with a straight face and takes things seriously. It doesn't go so far as to be melodramatic with it's characters emotions either. It really does show the harmful side effects of turning ones back or pushing your problems onto others and the viscous cycle this creates. Watching the film everyone just seems like a grade A jerk but as the film continues it at least explores why they act the way they do always going back to the theme of bullying.
Also perhaps of interest to the staff enthusiasts is that the director of this movie is Satoshi Dezaki, who also directed the anime film adaptation of They were Eleven and is the older brother of Osamu Dezaki.
The art sometimes seemed inconsistent but I thought there were a lot of really nicely detailed background or environmental shots throughout the film, especially in the middle when Asuka is visiting her grandparents for a little while. Other times the art itself isn't bad but the general layout of a shot might just be kind of boring visually. The animation is pretty average to poor but it doesn't really hurt in this case with the story the film is trying to tell. The show certainly likes it's "shocked" type shots with the characters as well where the top and bottom of the screen get darker or a bit shaded while the center is more lit, usually on the characters eye's. Branduil, and likely others, will be happy to know that the movie contains 2D hand drawn vehicles as well! There's all kinds like trucks, buses and even more of a cruise ship I believe it was.
While this might not be the kind of film you would watch over and over a few times I still think it's one people should watch at least once for it's effort in exploring the theme's it does and portraying the characters in the way it does.
For another look at the film which originally got me interested to watch it, and hopefully more do so as well, here's a link to wonzo's comments on the film:
*moves up the list considerably*Brain Powerd 9
This show is pretty much Evangelion if it was written by a special needs child. Also, the budget somehow got even worse. So much :wonzo and sliding cels everywhere.
What the heck.
Now I'm curious. Does the story actually make any sense in that?
Good news: you can order Inferno Cop t-shirts internationally from Rakuten's store.
Bad news: it'll probably cost you around $70-80 per shirt, with shipping.
Other news: some of the clothing models on Rakuten's online store are incredibly bishonen.
NEVER NUDEgood lord @ the female model in the third link. (and not in a good way)
Hidamari Sketch 5
This, uh...this might be my favorite episode of anything ever. I really love surreal dream-y stuff, and this episode was FULL of that. I love the style of this show in general, but this episode was just the best.
Holy shit I love this show.
By pure chance I had the flu the first time I watched this episode. It's by far the best episode of the first season, but just imagine watching it when you're not already not totally there mentally :lol
By pure chance I had the flu the first time I watched this episode. It's by far the best episode of the first season, but just imagine watching it when you're not already not totally there mentally :lol
Sakurasou no Pet na Kanojo 22
Ok, DRAMA resolved.
I look forward to the next DRAMA for next episode just so it can get a giant resolution in the last episode.
After a somewhat boring episode last time, this episode made up for it and then some! In a way it was kinda like episode 4, but now that they're more famous, they're running the show rather than being contestants on another show. Probably my 2nd or 3rd favorite episode so far. Perhaps I like these kinds of episodes the most is that they don't seem to be pretty much entirely self contained episodes.
I will say though, for better or for worse, Shaft is the only studio with a cohesive style that can be attributed to the studio itself. The individual directors that actually make the show after Shinbo presumably barfs on a manuscript before fucking off to do "boss-like" things Miyamoto-style do have distinct personalities, it's all under the same type of framework of weird angle shots, discontinuous edits and so forth."SHAFT style" usually refers to specific visual and directorial commonalities among their works (and I assume that we all generally agree what this entails so I'll skip listing them all for brevity's sake), so if they produce a work that doesn't exhibit some of these common traits, it's not wrong to say that that work is not fully representative of their "style". So I suppose the debate comes down to whether or not you or anyone else thinks that cohesive art direction/direction that is actively complementary to the subject matter is a large enough departure from their "style" to warrant not being lumped in as Shinboshit.
The thing about Brain Powerd is that you can actually understand it just as well from screencaps as you can from watching it, i.e., not at all.
I didn't even mention the goofy Middle Eastern Oil Baron they introduced in this episode, Mr. Mohammad, who wants to buyNERVNovis Noah with suitcases full of gold bars.
So is this your new Glass Fleet? lol
True Tears 7(END)
But True Tears is one of the better ones.
Words of Truth by Char said:Wanna stop getting hit? Stop screwing up.
Good news: you can order Inferno Cop t-shirts internationally from Rakuten's store.
Bad news: it'll probably cost you around $70-80 per shirt, with shipping.
The thing about Brain Powerd is that you can actually understand it just as well from screencaps as you can from watching it, i.e., not at all.
True Tears 7(END)
Why is almost everyone in this show an awful person or an idiot? Shinichiro can't decide if he wants to fuck his half-sister (which I normally wouldn't mind but in this case she is the worst choice) or to date Noe who is only crazy and not a terrible person with the fear that her brother will kill him and stuff. Aika is a bitch who doesn't know how well she has it and Miyokichi shouldn't have to take her shit but he lets it happen anyway instead of having a manly conflict with Shiafkgbuaieg. I can sort of understand why the mom is angry since her husband fucked someone else and now has to take care of the resulting kid. God I want this to end so badly.