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Winter of Anime 2013 |OT -6| How much lower can we go?!

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Spirited Away


I recently saw this movie for the fist time and... I don't think this movie is a masterpiece.

Don't get me wrong, it's an enjoyable movie, but masterpiece? I'm not sure.

Here was my reaction going into this movie:

My reaction going out


This movie felt like, something I wasn't used to.

The opening and first act I thought was done well, the ending was great too. It's just the middle that I question.

Being put into the "spirit and god world" setting, we get some interesting designs thrown around. And honestly, that's my problem with it. I feel like the movie focuses just a little too much on the designs of the creatures that roam the world of this movie instead of the actual plot. There are a lot of quiet moments for you to just take in the surroundings of the movie and just wonder at the world our main character goes to. I understand that a lot of movies need that, but I think it just needed to focus just a little bit more on the story aspect.

Maybe I was too used to modern anime and storytelling, with it's dialogue-heavy stories and active characters. Now that I think about it, I'm sure that people would like this movie a lot less if it began with a five minute narration on how there was a spirit world a long time ago.

Looking back on it, I can see why a lot of people liked it when it came out. It was so bizzare and different from all those other animated movies out there and just left people with a sense of wonder. I see it as a very enjoyable film, I just don't see it as a masterpiece. I'm glad I saw it, I just don't think I'll be watching it again.

All in all, Spirited Away is a great place for a visit, but I sure as hell don't wanna live there.

I plan on watching the many productions of Hayao Miyazaki and see how much I enjoy these so called masterpieces. I won't be going in any particular order, just the ones I think are the most interesting to the least interesting. So next time:



Subete no aware
Well there's the episode in the first season where Mugi gets a part time job at the McDonald's knockoff restaurant.
There was also the time they get a part time gig at that maid cafe, but I suppose that's not really something that normally happens. lol I'm not even sure if they got paid for that, not that it was their goal anyways.
Well, the maid cafe was an excuse for confidence or something... and that fast food job was because Mugi is a crazy rich person who wants to understand the common man. lol

Azusa does point out how everything is basically handed to them at one point, but really money isn't an issue for the most part. The only other time they want money, other than when Yui was trying to get a guitar, was when they sell Sawako's guitar and lie about how much they got for it.

Red Data Girl #2 Manservice time

Do you even lift, kid?

Meh. I feel like i'm missing something. Like some kind of backstory that gives the dialogs/character interactions more substance. Bad adaptation or intentionally confusing?
They're leaving the infodump to later, thankfully.

dem hairy foots
Animu hobbits?


Mobile Suit Gundam 00 (Movie): The Largest Ball of Twine Strikes Back




No fucking way Shenburg predicted all of this. No fucking way. It's bullshit, it's all bullshit.

I'm a closure type of guy. I need closure, I need to see what happens after a tragedy. Give me the LOTR style of triple epilogues, but not GRAY SETSUNA! What the fuck was THAT about? What happened with the rest of the crew? Why is the ship named after Sumeragi when she is virtually unknown? Did the space aliens just stick to their new flowerpot? Did humans just go "Well glad that's over back to general affairs"? How does the new population of Innovators interact with the non-Innovators? Is Tieria immortal? Is Gray Setsuna immortal? So what about Halleluiah and Marie? What happened with Saji?

This is one of the most unsatisfying endings to a franchise ever. Two seasons comprising four cours and a movie, and we get to know next to NOTHING about what actually happened to the crew. Not even some goodbye scene, Setsuna just went through the portal (the home planet? Wasn't it destroyed? What is Setsuna gonna do there? Bring the flower back? But what is the flower? WHAT IS THE FLOWER WHAT), Princess Ismail goes "I see it Setsuna (see what! a fucking flower!)" then BAM CREDITS.

I want to know what happened to the crew but WELP no more time franchise's done for good. So great!

Like I said before, there is absolutely no fucking possibility Shenburg predicted SPACE ALIENS IN JUPITER! Since these space aliens and their Dialogues from Plato or whatever... Wait, thats another thing! Half the movie goes about the all important Dialogues... But it's just a movie about the space aliens! So the super important information for the reformation of Humanity is how another alien race got nearly destroyed! How is that helpful! And how did Shenburg know that was what the Human Reformation was all about.

Why is all this? Why does this movie exist? Say what you want but at least the second season had a modicum of linking with the first season: S1 was the first stage, S2 was the second stage of the plan. This movie CANNOT be the third.

I can't get over how the last thing I ever get to see from Lockon is him going "the aliens are joining up!" He's a core member of the cast, cmon! Must be pretty shit for him being the only one without quantum brain waves.

I'm pretty sure I saw an airborne soldier doing a somersault in the midst of a galactic warzone. Also where the fuck did Azidistan come back from? It was leveled to the ground, the nation and ethnic people simply should no longer exist, and definitely not the palace.

I'm done with Gundam 00. And done with Gundam in general. I invested time into this cast (which I greatly enjoyed, all the cheesiness included), but this movie shits all over it.


EDIT2: And the girl with half her body metallized! WHat happened to her! What was her deal all about? No answer. No fucking clue.

EDIT3: Seriously a giant fucking flower. Still can't get over it.


Gundam 00 S2 ep 5

REVIVE REVIVAL. I can't get passed that name, and I don't know how REVIVE REVIVAL got passed any sort of editor. REVIVE. REVIVAL. WHY.

Anyway, this episode focused on three things:

1)Lockon is Lockon, can we PLEASE stop trying to establish that he's not? Every effort this show makes at showing him as different more or less emphasizes how much they are the same. Oh, yeah, so he slings guns instead of snipes. HIS GUNDAM IS STILL BASICALLY DYNAMIS AND HE'S STILL THE TEAM GUN MAN.

2)Can Saji and Louise just please die? Like, the only characters LESS important to the show than them are Setsuna and Marina, and for some reason people keep trying to convince me that Setsuna is a) good because he's a horrible pale imitation of Sousuke and Heero and b) the main character even though that's Lockon and shut up he never died.

3)Soma is a fairly interesting character and I wish this show focused more on her. In fact, in a good version of Gundam 00, Lockon is the main character, Sumeragi is his lover, and his chief opponents are Bushido and Soma. There's no bullshit Ribbons pulling the strings, because instead, for the first time in an AC timeline, the goddamn government is the one doing the governing.

Gundam 00 should be a show about a gunslinger and his goofy robot buddy, his busty tactician girlfriend, and their two-way war against terrorists and an oppressive government, which warped the mind of Bushido, and prevented Soma from having a good life. There's one Gundam, and that's the Dynamis. It's a better mobile suit, maybe the Solar Reactor means it never has to power down, I dunno, but it doesn't go all Trans-American God Mode like the 00. The 00 in the title refers to the fact that Lockon Stratos is a spy of sorts, and that's it.

Nobody is named REVIVE REVIVAL. NOBODY IS NAMED RIBBONS HALLMARK. There is no Areola Schenburg. There is no Pretentious Being. There is no Catheter. There's no Saji CROSSROADS, no split personalities or cyborg androgynous sweatervests. There's certainly no whiny little Shinn Asuka boy moaning about God and Gauron.

Just a man, his Haro, his Gundam, and his busty tactician girlfriend against crazy terrorists and an oppressive government. BOOM. INSTANT BETTER SHOW.

G Gundam 30

AWW HELL NA ALLENBY, YOU GET YOUR FILTHY HANDS OFF RAIN'S MAN, YOU BLUE HAIRED WENCH. Can't believe Argo Golski lost to this chick. Is she like, supposed to be a Mary Sue or what? Blue hair, also has a Gundam, also has a Super Mode (but its evil and makes her misunderstood!) and is as good a fighter as DOMON. Yeah, I see right through you Allenby and I will cheer when Master Asia kills you to demonstrate how freaking badass he is with his Batman Gundam.

That's gonna happen. Right guys? Right?


Well, since you haven't yet, I suppose I will (if that's alright with you).
Oh, right... but why not IMG tag them instead so everyone can see your beautiful Azusa, and my Mio?
I say both of these are awesome!
I am curious about the no doubt existent 'full' versions now

Spoken like a true deviant.
Just informing the masses is all!

I just PM'd you some porn.
Kininaru! And yeah I thought that pose is pretty normal... Hell I can pull it off and I'm not the pinnacle of flexibility!

Long awaited 5th volume for Banner of the Stars has been finally released (http://www.gainax.co.jp/company/news/0418.html), of course by Mr. Morioka & Mr. Ono with the requited illustration cover by GAiNAXer Takami Akai (that, as habitual, lamented not being quickly up-to-the-task; http://gainax.weblogs.jp/ninelives/2...%E6%88%90.html).

I see. At first I thought some attendees from previous years could be coming to both events, but yeah, as you say seems like the controversy and later scission were an opportunity some big companies didn't miss.
HELL YES! This seriously made my night!

Oh fantastic lol, Crunchyroll auto-charges you for a month subscription after the trial period instead of doing the logical thing and asking you if you'd like to give them money. Thanks Crunchyroll.
I ended up with a month now too, forgot to cancel my trial last Saturday as I was away from home. Oh well...

Andrew J.

G Gundam 30

AWW HELL NA ALLENBY, YOU GET YOUR FILTHY HANDS OFF RAIN'S MAN, YOU BLUE HAIRED WENCH. Can't believe Argo Golski lost to this chick. Is she like, supposed to be a Mary Sue or what? Blue hair, also has a Gundam, also has a Super Mode (but its evil and makes her misunderstood!) and is as good a fighter as DOMON. Yeah, I see right through you Allenby and I will cheer when Master Asia kills you to demonstrate how freaking badass he is with his Batman Gundam.

That's gonna happen. Right guys? Right?



Polar Bear Cafe 3

So Polar Bear went to the zoo to see a polar bear? Why? Also Penguin is totally a lazy slacker with no job right? The dude is at the cafe all the time.

Regulus Tera

Romanes Eunt Domus
Yeah, it sure felt old school at it's core. Sort of like a love letter to that sub-genre, which I wouldn't put past old school Gainax. One thing I've noticed from watching some of these older Gainax works is the creativity behind them really reeks of a personal fandom. You can really tell it's something born of passion. And if Otaku no Video is any indication of their ethic, that's certainly true.
Old GAINAX was all about nerds doing nerd stuff they loved.


So if we extrapolate these findings is it safe to conclude that
Gayt + cars = Furries?
I think we cracked one of the ancient mysteries here. I'll go pat myself on the back.


I wonder what the age is where your mind loops around from 'ewww old' to 'so unrealistically old that they're young again'. Like, a 80 or 90 year old lolicon character would still have that slight 'urgh' reaction, but a 200-year-old is far out enough that your brain shuts down and stops thinking about things.

Or maybe it's just that characters appear to freeze somewhere between 16-28 in terms of mental development and that's all people really care about

I'm creeping myself out. I gotta go.


Shin Sekai Yori - Finale

Fantastic conclusion. Some of those scenes had a very big emotional impact on me.




K-ON!! 27

So apparently when you're a high school girl in a slice-of-life anime you can just randomly decide to go on an overseas vacation. Never mind all that "being a minor" and "having money" stuff. Well, Mio addresses needing parental consent for the passports, but it didn't show anything. Why do I find it hard to believe that all of their parents would just let them do this? And what about money? Are they just gonna borrow a shitload of money from Mugi? That's kinda taking advantage of her though, to say the least. And why aren't Ui and Nodoka and Sawako going with them? If it's a movie, you need everybody, dammit.

I wanted to make a joke asking why they are going to Britain if Yui wants to go anywhere with yummy food, but I didn't want to anger BGBW.

All the K-On girls are reasonably well-off (their High School is private and all-girls so their families must have some money) plus going overseas isn't THAT expensive for Japanese people.


Princess Tutu 3

I admit, when the restaurant lady said "Which one will taste better to you?", and then when I saw the grave, I was all "Hooooollllyyyyyyy shit." I really thought for a moment that she was a cannibal. Not something you'd expect from a show called "Princess Tutu". But as it turns out, as Princess Tutu talks to her, that's not what she meant. That used to be a phrase used between the owner and her love, who cooked together before he died (hence the grave). Inside her was the feeling of loneliness. And Tutu gets the shard as she comforts the owner, and helps her to use the recipes he left her as a tool to turn loss into strength.

So far, the conflicts seem to be psychological and verbal rather than physical. Tutu's greatest power seems to be getting the people who the shards have affected and getting them to open up, and eventually reach some sort of comfort. And I love the animations during these scenes, with the graceful dance techniques being turned into beautiful powers.

I like Duck a lot too. Her interactions with Mytho are great, with her talking without thinking, and then realizing that what she said was dumb, and then her overthinking and saying more dumb shit, all while he really has no emotions to process anything she's saying. I hope as Tutu gathers more shards that the feelings she collects will be able to visibly turn up inside of him. I also liked the scene where Duck pictured Mytho saying the things to her that he said to Rue, and running around in circles laughing like a duck.
Perhaps he held out hope that Shouma and Kanba were secretly boning each other off-screen? I'm sure there's plentiful fanfiction out there for divulging the details, and I promise I didn't write any of it.

They have really good fanart together and I loved their relationship and devotion power to each other. Theres a really good KanSho fanfic thats like an alternate retelling, except its Shouma obsessed with Tabuki and the notebook instead of Ringo...


I wonder what the age is where your mind loops around from 'ewww old' to 'so unrealistically old that they're young again'. Like, a 80 or 90 year old lolicon character would still have that slight 'urgh' reaction, but a 200-year-old is far out enough that your brain shuts down and stops thinking about things.

Or maybe it's just that characters appear to freeze somewhere between 16-28 in terms of mental development and that's all people really care about

I'm creeping myself out. I gotta go.
I'm pretty sure the latest episode of Senyu answered these age long questions.
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