I don't know anything about Sailor Moon continuity. I don't wanna spoil stuff....
What a silly question.
I think Waver Velvet is an awesome name![]()
Jacuzzi could be kinda cool in a really cheesy way I guess. For me, it's the "Splot" that throws it into "the fuck is this shit?" territory.
Dear Apple: shit is a word. Deal with it.
Edit: beaten. I don't even know who it is, so eh.
http://www.animenewsnetwork.com/encyclopedia/anime.php?id=811I don't know anything about Sailor Moon continuity. I don't wanna spoil stuff.![]()
vroom vroom
Dat babbie.![]()
Yu-Gi-Oh! ZeXal 51
Remember when Yu-Gi-Oh! 5D was announced and everyone made fun of it for DUELING ON MOTORBIKES well this show just topped that by DUELING ON ROLLER COASTERS!
Yu-Gi-Oh! ZeXal 51
Remember when Yu-Gi-Oh! 5D was announced and everyone made fun of it for DUELING ON MOTORBIKES well this show just topped that by DUELING ON ROLLER COASTERS!
The R movie is actually a lot like the Utena movie in that it's a thematic retelling of the material, with certain stylistic elements ramped up.vroom vroom
Just think; if it was a 9/10 episode with the babby it would have been at least 14/10 without it. I suppose not everyone is like me and can compartmentalize my hatred for the product placement shit and just enjoy the rest![]()
They each have their own mascot though! One of them even turns into a sexy lady!Is babby DokiDoki Precure's obligatory mascot character?
Everything they do reminds me of how better the Smiles would have handled the situation.![]()
Is babby DokiDoki Precure's obligatory mascot character?
I did! I even referenced this!Just watch the episode and if you don't like it, I'll stop talking about it! (until the next above-average episode)
I did! I even referenced this!
(I'm old, so kill me)
It's not that I dislike the episode, but like the series so far, it's been so... I dunno, mechanical or artificial. Even the villain worrying about her skin seemed so trite and manufactured a concern. Like, of course she needs her beauty sleep. She's the pretty busty villain! lol
Also, what the fuck happened to Steve Guttenberg... poor guy!
LoveLive! 12
Final episode better deliver! Somehow... I hope...
They announced Wolf Children as the overall winner of the Tokyo Anime Awards a while ago, but I don't seem to remember seeing it mentioned here. Anyway, they just announced the full list of award winners, so let's see what they are:
TV Animation Award Winners
Sword Art Online and Kuroko's Basketball
Best Original Story (awarded to original creator of an adapted work)
Reki Kawahara (Sword Art Online)
Rejoice, for Gyopi is born.
Not even Bad Ox-kun can cope with the threat of SURPRISE WAPIKO.
A cautionary tale about the dangers of shark-finning. Say NO to shark fins.
I did! I even referenced this!
(I'm old, so kill me)
It's not that I dislike the episode, but like the series so far, it's been so... I dunno, mechanical or artificial. Even the villain worrying about her skin seemed so trite and manufactured a concern. Like, of course she needs her beauty sleep. She's the pretty busty villain! lol
Also, what the fuck happened to Steve Guttenberg... poor guy!
Somehow I wasn't even aware that you were watching the series!
Anyway, I'm still figuring out how I personally feel about the series, but I don't find it to be lifeless or through-the-motions. The too-perfect cast would definitely give it that feeling if they hadn't already become caricatures of themselves, but they're all so in-your-face with the hyper-unrealism at this point that I've come full circle to finding it entertaining again. It's an oddball show and it's subverting franchise tropes at a shocking rate and I'm just sort of fascinated at this point because the execution exudes confidence in spite of there being no discernible direction at this point. We've just ended what were essentially eight episodes of setup.
Wait, you're bothered by the "beauty sleep" thing because it's too typical for Mammo's character archetype? That's not entirely wrong, but it was perfect for the sort of mundane villainy that the franchise does so well and Dokidoki's villains are supposed to represent selfishness anyway so it was fine for what it was.
Remember when old things were good!?
Remember when old things were good!?
Nah, old things hate him.I thought you hated old things.
Let's just assume Kobayashi is reading all of these posts!firehawk hates all things not written by Reiko Yoshida or voiced by Yuu Kobayashi.
Yes, that includes you reading this post.
Not old things I've seen!I thought you hated old things.
Not old things I've seen!
[Royal Space Force: The Wings of Honneamise]
This was a film I've been meaning to watch for a long time, but for some reason or another I could never get around actually doing it. The Blue Uru announcement finally game me the extra oomph I needed to, and I can say this easily jumped to the top of my favourite things ever made. It's just so freaking beautiful. GAINAX broke the bank with this one. It makes one almost willing to forgive their crass otaku commercialism afterwards because there's no fucking way this didn't leave them at the brink of bankruptcy.
The story of Shirotsugh and his transformation from loser freeloader in life to becoming the first astronaut ever is nothing short of a spectacle. The film is a bit on the long side at 120 minutes of run time, but the meandering attitude of the protagonist demands the rather drawn-out pacing. The meticulousness at which the movie rolls also makes the mood almost melancholy at times, aiding in bringing out the more spiritual aspects of the narrative. Adding to that, the lack of any real narration around the protagonist's personality also works very well in giving him flesh. A lot of the movie's mood is told exclusively through its visuals and music, and this helps in making Shiro a more empathetic character without making his introspection annoying.
I don't think I've ever seen any animated film as lavishly crafted as this one. The character and mechanical animation* are beyond magnificent, adding to an already rich visual experience thanks to the gorgeous background art. GAINAX could have done without a lot of this detail, but the dedication they put in it is nonetheless to be applauded and marveled at. Their work at making the world of Honneamise a believable one borders on the obsessive, with stuff like characters in the background or just some props at the edge of the screen given animation of some sort. Even simple things like the shape of a fork or how the people of Honneamise read their books gives a lot of life to the setting of the film. It gives the movie the impression that, for all the historical relevance of what Shiro and crew are trying to achieve here, it's all but just a small part of the history of their fictional universe.
The soundtrack was probably the film's weak side. Most, if not all of it, is entirely synth, and the thing borders on the experimental at times. Particularly, the rock riffs mixed with the electronic sounds at the climax sounded very out of place, for instance, and the film could have used something more traditional in order to build up that moment. Thankfully most of the music is subdued, and indeed there are plenty of scenes where there's only ambient sound to accompany the visuals, making for some of the movie's strongest points.
Nonetheless, I ended up enjoying this more than I thought I would even with my Classic GAINAX fanboyism. Honneamise is one of the richest movies of anything I've ever watched. There's plenty to like about it even if you don't enjoy watching science fiction (is it really science fiction at this point when they are talking about launching a rocket into space?). The film also works as a coming of age story, and the faux historicity of the world also tickled my fancy. GAINAX uses the movie as a vehicle to also dish out some social and religious commentary, and the framework of the rocket launch give us some insights on our own world's problems with elements like bureaucracy and science for the sake of science. I cannot recommend this hard enough. 5/5 and fuck ten-point grading systems
P.S. About thescene:attempted rapeThat sucked.It's not that I don't think such a scene is out of place with the rest of the movie. The incident occurs clearly at the trough of Shiro's character arc, right after Dr. Gnomm's has died in what they speculate was a terrorist attempt and Shiro has to deal with the shady side of fame. Shiro's intentions up to this point have not been selfless (the only reason he started to take the Space Force seriously was because he was hoping to bone Riquinni), after all; in fact the story would not work without the scene at all since it's the catalyst that forces Shiro to stop being a cunt. My problem is with Riquinni blaming herself for the event and asking Shiro to forgive her. It's idiotic at its best and misogynistic at its worst. If the intention was to show that Riquinni's kindness is all forgiving because of her spirituality then the script didn't do a good job of explaining this. Almost all instances of religion in the film are damning in nature, and even if this were the case that's not a reason to have her so easily submissive for what was a rather strong female character otherwise.
Not old things I've seen!
The Japanese method of learning a sport is always surprisingly abusive.
Vandread would have been awesome if I hadn't paid 400+ pesos for a DVD containing only two episodes. I never bothered continuing the show after that.This is why I don't hate Gonzo CG that much!
(Gatekeepers and Vandread are awesome. Shaddup)
Indeed, the true ending's a real tear jerker.Anohana 2-END (Rewatch)
Can't stop dem feels. T_T
This was pretty good. That ending though...ending wasn't that bad though did feel a bit abrupt however. I suppose it's natural for this sort of 1 off anime.Poor schoolgirl. Guy didn't even give a damn after she saved his ass repeatedly. What a terrible way to go.
Pretty decent production values too.
Oh we're saved! Spidergirl was good! *snap* OH WHATEVER, you just killed that girl let's cuddle.
Somebody please let me know what the series Freezing is about (beyond the basic premise) since it just got a second season.
You're talking to a guy whose last name is mint with an O attached to the end.
You should watch Baccano! It's brilliant.
Better than the Okadabot.
Hey anime GAF
I suddenly got the urge to watch anime again after not doing so for a few years because nothing I was interested in was coming out. I think the last recent series I watched was either Baccano or FMA: Brotherhood.
What's more recent that you might recommend? I heard Steins;Gate was pretty good. I was mildly interested in Psycho Pass but never got around to it and it seemed to get a mixed response.
You know, between this and GuP, I'm almost convinced that good direction can make virtually any premise entertaining. Execution is everything.