Screw it! I ordered the first season of K-On! from Amazon. Please let this be good.
First season is good, but it gets really good in season 2.
Screw it! I ordered the first season of K-On! from Amazon. Please let this be good.
Anyone have an opinion on One Week Friends?
First season is good, but it gets really good in season 2.
I only ordered season 1 just to be safe. I'm sure I'll order the other soon after a two day binge. Also, is there some insane demand for the second Blu ray of K-On!? It was like $130. I went with the DVDs instead.
Tonari no Seki-kun 14
RIP brave wieners. Wait what.
Puella Magi Madoka Magica Series(excluding movie 3)
My god. The feels are sooo good. I felt so bad forAlso fuckSayaka and how she fell into utter despair.that shitty cat.
The ending felt pretty good, I was pretty glad about the wish that Madoka made, though it doesn't get rid of the fact that magic girls die pretty fast it seems. Funnily enough, even though the show is as far from sailor moon as you can get with a magic girl story, in the end Madoka's wish kind of brought the world closer to that ideal.
Tonari no Seki-kun 14
RIP brave wieners. Wait what.
The material lends well to a live-action adaptation. If it ends up being poor, I won't be too upset. I just wouldn't mind revisiting those characters again.It'll probably be a live-action film, and the quality of Japanese live-action manga adaptations does not tend to be good.
Everything make sense.
Mangaka-san to Assisstant sounds like a poor mans Super Cruel and Terrible Tales of Mangaka
So I guess Mahouka really is Oreimo, 100 years in the future and with magic, except this time Ayase is the sister and Kirino is nowhere to be found.
More people need to check it out. Full of nothing but deep wisdom (meaning: deeper than usual wisdom).
I bet Ayana Taketatsu was offered the sister role she was like " Fuck that!! I'm sick of being typecasted into imouto roles."
D-frag - 12
What the hell .? where is my episode 13 ? what was this flashback ?
What was doing in this battle ?
He was sean connery ? WHAT ?
Wait ..wasn't she just like ?
Second season of d-frag WHEN ?
Psh now what's you're reaction to Rebellion?
Puella Magi Madoka Magica Series(excluding movie 3)
My god. The feels are sooo good. I felt so bad forAlso fuckSayaka and how she fell into utter despair.that shitty cat.
The ending felt pretty good, I was pretty glad about the wish that Madoka made, though it doesn't get rid of the fact that magic girls die pretty fast it seems. Funnily enough, even though the show is as far from sailor moon as you can get with a magic girl story, in the end Madoka's wish kind of brought the world closer to that ideal.
Would be a pretty good art if they had Hibiya on it, but Shintaro, Kano too and some Seto is good for the magazine cover.
Hero Bank 01
Another kids show another why do all these protags look like trash.
I think the premise of this show is pretty interesting. I just wish these kids didn't look so terrible.
Each of these steps are followed, and exceptions were rare in that show, although as the show went on it allowed for more flexibility in the first act. The downfall of formula writing is redundancy, and when you're doing the same thing every episode and in the exact same way then you might as well be watching one episode and not twenty. Meanwhile, Happiness Charge has the following defined sequence:1. Person feels constrained by their ego/superego
2. Bad guy shows up, extracts heart flower
3. Monster made from extracted heart, goes on rampage
4. Monster discovered, Precures transform
5. Small exchange of attacks
6. Monster then starts yelling out as the expression of the victim's id
7. Bad guy mocks the victim's problems
8. Precure (usually Blossom) rebuts mocking, shouts "I've had enough"
9. Finishing attack
10. Heart returned to victim's body
11. Mascot shits out a coin
12. Shot of coin going into container
As you may notice, this was pretty much the base outline that we started with! There have been episodes where the victim was developed through the plot of the episode, and episodes where the victim was some random person not even seen until maybe after the monster was defeated. There are also episodes where the bad guy has targeted interaction with the Precures, but also those where they bump into each other. The only specific entry is the addition of a fetchquest that gets updated. Leaving things this open offers the flow flexibility, and when a show gives itself opportunities to mix things up then it can turn formula writing into simply theme writing. Furthermore, when a show isn't tied down as strongly by this aspect, other parts can shine and the show benefits as a whole.1. Bad guy shows up somewhere
2. Monster shows up, maybe at the same time
3. Precures fight monster
4. Finishing attack
5. At some point later, Mascot produces card to put in book.
well, it's not really about "sexual abuse at workplace" either ;p that's just the dumb setup to show the stupidity in all the shitty manga/anime and their way of thinking, now this itself ends up being one of those too, it's a kind of parody, no? I don't think anyone would find this offensive.
I always dig posts like these. I've never seen an episode of Precure, but I'll give this a shot.Why you should be watching Happiness Charge Precure
unofficial plot summary said:Erika lied to her friends about having a boyfriend by showing a picture of an anonymous guy who turned out to be a a schoolmate of hers and was shortly recognized by her friends. Their conversations then was overheard by the guy, Sata Kyouya. Erika went to explain and proposed her idea of faking as lovers. However, Sata who gave off the nice-charming feelings guy turns out to be a black prince and used her reasons to blackmail her instead.
Well, here's the newest shoujo manga greenlit for a TV anime -- Ookami Shoujo to Kuro Ouji.
On another note, Baby Steps manga has slow moving by shojo standards but very well done romance
Why you should be watching Happiness Charge Precure
Heartcatch has a lot of great things going for it. Tsubomi and Erika are great main characters, the overarching plot is well done, the episodes devoted to it are all great with surprisingly good action, and by the latter part the show fires on all cylinders. However, like I said, the rigid formula holds the show back and makes it a chore to watch before it starts to loosen up. The stock also fails to live up to the hard work put into animating them.I've been considering watching this for the past few weeks. The only thing keeping me back was my indecisiveness of whether or not I should dip my feet into this or Heartcatch first. But this post was really helpful, so I think I may just go with HapCha after all with it still being early into the show.
I take Baby Steps is more like a Cross Game type story where it doesn't get technical about sports, but uses it as a setting for character/relationship drama?