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Winter-Spring 2014 Anime |OT3| People incapable of guilt usually do have a good time

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Huh? What did I say? Did I screw up again? :(

I think I want to watch Love Hina.

You ain't got no shame in yo game... you a warrior too so let that be known.

I have deep nostalgia for the love hina series. Don't watch it with jaded eyes. Try not to let one of the foundations of the unreliable protagonists rage you from what is sure to be a lot of good laughs... come for tama but stay for shinobu <3


Forget the eyebrows, what's going on with the hair? And ribbons? And eyelashes?

I think we have an early candidate for worst character design of the year.


Honest question from a very sheltered, very white person: do you feel like your extra melanin actually keeps you cooler in direct sunlight? My skin feels like it's burning if it's, like, over 90 degrees out.

i just kinda tan and turn brown.


I think I want to watch Love Hina.

give it a shot. Naru annoyed me a lot but that was one of the first fansubs I saw so I have fond memories of it. Even though I didnt like it much.

Are you human?

Im a cat penguin.

Link Man

Hanamaru Kindergarten 2


THEY HAVE SLIDES BETWEEN FLOORS? This school is awesome!

Man, this show is too cute. I need to limit it to 1 episode per day.


Honest question from a very sheltered, very white person: do you feel like your extra melanin actually keeps you cooler in direct sunlight? My skin feels like it's burning if it's, like, over 90 degrees out.

That's because your skin is literally burning.
So it's Bioware level?
No way, Bioware has never sexualized children, much less ones that are the main characters' sister.

But he's not even in the fifth season once the main storyline starts!
I did mention that, yeah. And it's one of the best things about season 5. :)

I mean, the romance element is one thing, but the constant rescues were awful.

Look, some of the problem is that Japan is different and less equitable.
Really, I think people understate how important an element of it this is.

And that changes which roles women can be strong in. But I'm not as despairing about how female characters are treated in anime as you are.
Well, you might have a higher tolerance for sexism than I do then... many people seem to.

Then again, I haven't watched both seasons of Infinite Stratos,
IS is so bad it's good! :) And some of the characters are entertaining. Yeah, they're all complete, total idiots, but at least it's amusingly dumb.

Well Maken-ki I started because of its genre (harem action), but I kept watching it because it was so horribly bad I couldn't stop... it was definitely a hatewatch, which is why I"m happy I did not watch S2. I'm sure it's just as awful. The Maken-Ki MC is the worst sexist white-knight guy since Shirou. Sure the girls all have great powers, but he's male and of course is even stronger and wants to (and will) protect them, etc etc. It's the worst of everything in the genre... anyway, I did manage to drop that after finishing S1. :)

I don't have a lot of interest in harem shows because pretty much everyone in them tends to suck. I can't help but wonder if that's coloring your perception. Something that might seem like early markers of a trope can ultimately lead elsewhere.
Maybe a bit, but I think you're over-rating anime characters in general...

So why do you seek out shows like H ga Dekinai, but pass on shows with interesting atypical female characters like Silver Spoon, Windy Tales, or Hataraki Man? Of course you're going to get hurt.
Well when you put it that way... :p yeah, that is sometimes true. But as I said, overall, no, sexist themes are common in every anime I can think of, somewhere or other. Some have less than others, sure, but more sexism than you'd find in Western stuff seems to be in most everything -- which, again, isn't surprising given where it's coming from. Anime/manga have a lot of serious gender issues to still work out, probably worst of all their seeming inability as of yet to understand that rape is a problem. Incest and general sexism would be the other top items on the list. And even if some of those things are worst in the harem genre, they are pervasive.

Anyway, it's not like that's ALL I watch... for instance, this season I watched Saki S2, SYD S2, D-Frag, Sakura Trick, and Log Horizon. That's more shows than I've watched during a season in a while. And I got through the first half of KLK, but haven't watched the second half yet. Only two of those could be described as harem, and neither focuses on that element (D-Frag and SYD are both comedies first, harem second).

On that note, last season was one of the best in a long time. All five of those shows there were quite enjoyable. I know I posted like twice in the threads during the season, but I said that in the IRC for sure... and yeah, it was a great season. I doubt we'll have another one as good anytime soon. This season sure doesn't look promising.

Sure though, it probably is true that I often avoid serious animes. My favorite animes (ABe is #1!) are serious, but nothing in recent years is near that level, and the stuff that there is... well, it's probably because they're often depressing, and I don't like depressing shows much... or many horror or giant robot shows either. And even though harem shows are definitely terrible, harem action or comedy shows often are entertaining enough to watch anyway; I don't find harem romance shows interesting very often at all.

Anyway, no, I haven't watched those three shows there.

There are three main master/weapon pairings in Soul Eater. They're all mixed-gender, and they're all reliant on each other, both ways. It's about partners learning to trust, not about a woman relying on a man.
That's sort of true, but as I said, the two things just don't mean quite the same thing, because of traditional gender roles...

I feel like the manga makes it pretty clear that Soul needs Maka's influence as much as Maka needs Soul. Kid also needs the stabilising influence of Liz and Patty (uh... Liz's stability and Patty's SRS MODE) otherwise he goes fully OCD.
I don't disagree here. It's hard to explain (and probably impossible to prove), I just wondered if a series with a male lead would have done some of the things Soul Eater did later in the series. Also, as I said above, the gender-roles issue.

But yes, overall I liked Soul Eater. Good manga. I never watched the anime, but I know it doesn't finish the series and goes into original stuff which isn't as good, I think... not sure if I'll watch it sometime. I will try Soul Eater Not, though.

As for things I dislike in Soul Eater, though, my top complaint there is something entirely different: that the city is actually in the U.S., but everything about the show is blatantly Japanese. It really doesn't make sense, and that kind of thing is annoying.

Black Star doesn't fit into this equation because of reasons
Black Star got kind of annoying...

Honestly, I don't know how humanity as a species survived before air conditioning. Sure, before the advent of modern medicine and sanitation most of us died in our 20s and 30s anyway, but I can't imagine how perpetual labor in sweltering temperatures with nothing but a rabbit skin over your junk didn't finish even the hardiest genetic specimens almost immediately. How did the Sumerians and Egyptians develop culture when it was so motherfucking hot with no relief? How did primitive humans achieve conscious self-realization instead of remaining beasts when you're being roasted in your own skin every second of your life? It's kind of amazing.
The sane ones moved to colder areas! :) I hate hot weather too.


Chaika the Coffin Princess - Episode 1

Well, this wasn't really bad at all. It's a really fucking chuuni fantasy anime, with obvious tropes and a pretty unimaginative premise, but it looks like it could be fine for a 12 episode action adventure fantasy anime. I really like the way some of the colors look in the show, which makes everything look flat in a storybook sort of way. It's a fantasy story about a princess who is destined to change the fate of the world and people who want to kill her, so she has to recover artifacts which will probably reveal the secret of the world. Sounds like Scrapped Princess? Same author! Same director! Same studio! Lol.

The action is pretty well directed, and there are some cool things going for it - there are magical beasts they fight, the loli princess is a magic spell sniper, the sibling leads are ninjas with special powers, the people they're up against are the legendary heroes of the land, and the macguffin in the first episode is a jar with a magic hand impaled by knives or something. :animeasfuck

The main character is totally a generic beta male light novel personality though. It's so obvious it hurts. >_<

Our favorite shows so far, going by how many times the name has been said since the season started:

Black Bullet
Ping Pong
Clannad AS (though this one it's mainly one guy who won't stop mentioning it)

Pretty sure a good number of us shat all over Mahouka's first episode. Unless by favorite you mean 'most talked about'.
Chaika the Coffin Princess - Episode 1

Well, this wasn't really bad at all. It's a really fucking chuuni fantasy anime, with obvious tropes and a pretty unimaginative premise, but it looks like it could be fine for a 12 episode action adventure fantasy anime. I really like the way some of the colors look in the show, which makes everything look flat in a storybook sort of way. It's a fantasy story about a princess who is destined to change the fate of the world and people who want to kill her, so she has to recover artifacts which will probably reveal the secret of the world. Sounds like Scrapped Princess? Same author! Same director! Same studio! Lol.

The action is pretty well directed, and there are some cool things going for it - there are magical beasts they fight, the loli princess is a magic spell sniper, the sibling leads are ninjas with special powers, the people they're up against are the legendary heroes of the land, and the macguffin in the first episode is a jar with a magic hand impaled by knives or something. :animeasfuck

The main character is totally a generic beta male light novel personality though. It's so obvious it hurts. >_<

That image montage really hammers the point home.


chaika - 01

This is one terrible character design. Not that any of the others are good, but the busyness of the outfit and the weird raptor-like face pushes it over the top.

So fussy with an overabundance of frills and accessories. She also. Speaks. Like. This. You know?

The episode itself is really subdued and bland. A list of things that happened would be more exciting than actually watching them unfold. Character introductions feel stiff and unnatural; there isn't much exposition, but what there is of it feels slotted in, never feeling like a logical progression in whatever conversation they're having.

And the opening hurt my ears. 9/10, mediocre.

That modern video game rating metric really got me.
Am I terrible for actually like the brows?


Huh? What did I say? Did I screw up again? :(
Hitsugi no Chaika - 01

Lol! so these are the eyebrow people are put off by? Come on son! I personally love disembodied eyebrows... they look sexy <3


Maturity, bitches.
How does that happen
Donno. Maybe I read a post where someone called it the Citizen Kane Madoka of Hollywood and misunderstood the point. I only briefly glanced over Gravity related posts because I usually don't want to read about things I've yet to experience myself. But I'm pretty sure I read Madoka and Gravity in the same sentence quite a few times.


Record of Lodoss War 9


Too amusing how everyone is scared shitless of Orson through this.

New arc time that starts out well enough and further builds on the Parn/Deedlit & Ashram/Pirotess duality established a little earlier. IIRC it's less party/political dynaimc going on from here and Parn gets to step up more as a proper MC. Been a while but think this last half of the OVA doesn't haven the weird story issues the first half did either.


Ha, I just watched Kemonozume last week. I'd be up for Nichibros or Spice and Wolf though.

I'll take part in the Patlabor movies and any of those shows aside from Kemonozume. I'm leaning toward Kino.


I'd be up for those other ones too.

Starting April 14th:

Monday: Spice and Wolf
Tuesday: Patlabor Movies 1-3
Wednesday: Kino's Journey
Thursday: Crest of the Stars
Friday: Nichibros

I hope that isn't too much. Watch as many or as few as you like.

Is Spice and Wolf include the second season? I really need to continue watching it.

This will be season 1, but if it turns out to be good, who knows what'll happen in the future?


Starting April 14th:

Monday: Spice and Wolf
Tuesday: Patlabor Movies 1-3
Wednesday: Kino's Journey
Thursday: Crest of the Stars
Friday: Nichibros

I hope that isn't too much. Watch as many or as few as you like.

This will be season 1, but if it turns out to be good, who knows what'll happen in the future?
Sounds fun, I'll definitely participate. Do the Patlabor movies work having seen nothing else from the franchise?


No Game No Life 1

Much has been rehearsed over the past few pages of the loli incest vibes, which are obviously present but not really worth commenting over IMO. I chose to watch this because I found the colour choices interesting; while SDBurton clearly finds them offensive, for some reason these don't hurt my eyes as much as GoHands's no-red-anywhere-in-our-colour-palette look for K and Coppelion. Here we seem to have the opposite - there's little blue in the colour palette for No Game No Life, which gives the fantasy world a pleasantly alien touch without being eye-watering. It's a shame that the world design is very F2P MMORPG, but it's bright and colourful nonetheless if not as immediately good-looking as, say, the background art for Sword Art Online was.

If the premise is that the world is bound by rules, which is what should be so appealing to our protagonists, then why is there such an emphasis on cheating, both from Sora and the Mysterious Bar Girl? I assume it's the only way to introduce any kind of tension when the main characters are supposed to be so godlike. Not that I'll be watching any more of this to find out.

One Week Friends 1

I love the shot in the OP where one of the characters holds up some kind of lantern and it seems to coruscate on the screen.

Despite the pleasant, shoujo-esque production values - hazy light everywhere, wispy backgrounds, twinkly piano music - this is a basic shounen romance with a damaged girl for the boy to fix (compare, say, Tonari no Kaibutsu-kun, where it's the other way round). I'm not saying this is a good or bad thing - but this show isn't shoujo (particularly as the manga runs in Gangan Joker), despite the blurring of genre boundaries.

There are some moments of real character in the animation, which surprised me - the opening section when Hase wanders almost braindead into the classroom was particularly enjoyable (the deadpan relationship with his best friend in general is well played throughout).

The premise of the show is ludicrous - why the complete memory wipe according to the calendar, rather than a rolling memory wipe each week, except for DRAMA!!!! - and I have no idea how it can sustain itself for a whole TV series. Thus far, though, it's a perfectly pleasant way to spend 23 minutes - and that's more than you can often hope for!

Link Man

Starting April 14th:

Monday: Spice and Wolf
Tuesday: Patlabor Movies 1-3
Wednesday: Kino's Journey
Thursday: Crest of the Stars
Friday: Nichibros

I hope that isn't too much. Watch as many or as few as you like.

This will be season 1, but if it turns out to be good, who knows what'll happen in the future?

In for Spice and Wolf. Got the Blurays for my birthday, so this will give me an excuse to finally watch them.


Love Hina 1

Decided to watch the dub, because why the hell not?


Well, it certainly gives it that retro charm? At least the guy voicing Keitaro sounds sufficiently nerdy/whiny.

And yeah, this is Ken Akamatsu through and through.


Black Bullet - Episode 1

As prophesied by many members of AnimeGAF, in the year 2021, the world will be destroyed by bad CG. Documentary footage of the incident in Tokyo from the future:


This show has bad character designs, bad character personalities, silly over the top music, a stupid setting, ridiculous plot, and various really annoying things. The show starts with a scene where the main character is told as a child "If you don't want to die, survive!" and years later as a teenage anti-alien agent he meets a psychopathic villain who declares his intention to destroy the world and that "no one can stop him". The boy uses a special gun with BLACK BULLETS (lol get it?!) to fight aliens. His partner is a loli who has special powers because she is a alien-human hybrid, and she wants to get in his pants really badly. His boss is apparently a childhood friend he likes, and the only adult character in the show is a female scientists who encourages him to rape her. Dropped like a rock.

tl;dr - Everything that's wrong with anime. Send help now, I'm dying.
Is too much anime sexist? Yeah unfortunately. Is ALL anime is sexist? I can't say I agree.
Well, on one level or another just about everything is sexist even in the West, and Japan is behind us...

I was under the impression we were specifically talking about female characters we were told were competent and had agency but became subservient to a male character (if there is one of note around) or who fell in love with male characters who by no means deserve their adoration (i.e. wish fufillment). Did I misunderstand something?
Well, the comic focused on that, but it was part of a series that also covered the oversexed costumes issue, and the woman in that comic still has the ridiculous costume on, so it is related...

Also, the 'does not deserve the adoration' thing there is a big problem, but the sexist trope also covers the strong woman who finds a stronger man and then realizes that all she ever really wanted was to be subservient to him. That is, it's not only for entirely undeserving guys, even though those are the worst cases. "'Strong' woman finds stronger man and becomes his when he wins her over/ defeats her/ whatever" is just as bad, and that's a really common one not only in Japanese fiction.

Because otherwise bringing up the Major's outfit is irrelevant (I feel we touched a bit on sexualization but that is clearly not the focus of that comic).
I don't think it's irrelevant that the woman in the comic is dressed similarly absurdly to how the Major or Yoko dress... that is a different issue, but it's certainly related. Even the Major, who otherwise is a strong character, yeah, has that element of sexualization that the male characters in the series don't.

All those series have important female characters in action roles that either never form relationships with men or form relationships with men that are actually competent (i.e. not a limp dipshit that serve as a stand in for otaku self-insertion and wish fulfillment) and the relationships are balanced (i.e. the woman doesn't simp to the man).
Well, for the "actually competent" part, see above -- competency isn't the only issue. Balanced, that is the key... and you think that such relationships are seen often in anime? Like which?

These are relationships that are as healthy as can be expected in the fanciful, crazy worlds these shows take place where relationships aren't the actual focus of the show.

If we were specifically talking about something like outfits and sexual fanservice, I'd probably have picked different shows :p Though that certainly doesn't make someone like the Major not a strong, well written female character. Aside from some aspects of Outlaw Star and TTGL and specifically Blair of Soul Eater, sexual fanservice isn't a big deal for the mentioned shows.

Outlaw Star I mostly had Aisha Clan Clan and Suzuka in mind (especially the later) who, from what I can remember, certainly qualify as action women who retain their independence.
Wasn't that show a bit haremey though? I don't know, it's been a while since I saw the series and I never liked it all that much anywya. And either way it's certainly loaded with visual fanservice.

Your comment about Fate/Zero just makes me want to roll my eyes until they fall out of my head. If you haven't seen the show just say so - don't try to make stupid inferences about it.
I don't think it's stupid to note what franchise it is a part of... but anyway, I didn't watch that show because of how overly depressing it is. Too much for me.

With regards to Soul Eater, the point I was trying to make was that the relationships between the weapons and the meisters are balanced, the women aren't subservient to the men or vice-versa - they have to work as a team and the canon material emphasizes this very well. Also Tsubaki and Liz & Patty aren't secondary characters - they make up part of the protagonist group (though I'd put Maka above all other characters in terms of importance).
I mostly cover Soul Eater in my previous post, so I don't want to repeat myself... but beyond that, I don't know, you would say Tsubaki or Liz & Patty are equal to Kid and Black Star? Or if not equal, fully main protagonists? It didn't really seem that way to me, Kid and Black Star have a lot more attention. Soul is much more prominent than they are, though even he isn't quite even with Maka (she IS the main character, usually). He is the MC's weapon, though, so that is understandable... but it is true, I think.

I'm not trying to criticize the series too much -- Soul Eater was a reasonably good show -- I just did have a few issues with it, even if they weren't as major as the issues are in many shows.

For FMA I was thinking mostly of Izumi (who is married), Olivia (dear lord this woman rocks), Hawkeye (who is never subservient to Mustang - she saves him more often than not) and to a lesser degree May and RanFan (who form/have relationships with Alphonse and Ling but the relationships are sensible and grow logically).
Ah. I do remember Hawkeye; she seemed alright, yeah, though the male characters are in charge (though this is usually still true in reality too of course). As for the rest... it's been a while.

Rock isn't a weak dipshit made for otaku self-insertion, the man actually has a personality, redeeming qualities and grows as a person and a man as the series progress. Revy never becomes subservient to Rock. We learn more about her and she becomes a more well-rounded character (which means she isn't angry 100% of the time) but she never loses her edge or her prowess. Given the innately ridiculous nature of the series, how the relationship between Rock and Revy develops feels actually natural. I also had other characters like Balalakia in mind who is the fucking queen of the god damn forever in that show.
Ugh, I found Rock really annoying, and I absolutely do think that he's a self-insert protagonist. I mean, he;'s a random Japanese guy who becomes a strong merciless killer in the south Pacific. Sure, that's not exactly most people's wish, but he is the audience-vector character at the start, the new person who the crazy world is introduced through. I don't know if he's an otaku self-insertion character, but he's definitely the audience representative, at least at first, and the main character after that.

Beyond that, the series is ridiculous, but I don't agree that their relationship seems entirely natural. The audience-vector MC and the strong girl get together? Come on, clear use of the stereotype there...

(Oh, I only saw most of the first two parts, not the more recent continuation. I hated the earlier parts way too much to even consider going back to it later. I don't know if that has any affect on this.)
I'm allergic to bananas.

Seitokai Yakunidomo S2 1

The difference between a 2010 show and a 2014 show is made quite clear within the first few minutes. That's a lot of CG students.


Hanamaru Kindergarten 2


THEY HAVE SLIDES BETWEEN FLOORS? This school is awesome!

Man, this show is too cute. I need to limit it to 1 episode per day.



That song is an 8 minute dose of epic squee. You should hear it. Ill link it a bit later after I finish dispatching.
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