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Winter-Spring 2014 Anime |OT3| People incapable of guilt usually do have a good time

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One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
Durians are like the Hitler of fruit discussions. You know that eventually someone is going to post that nasty ass smelling excuse for a fruit and then all bets are off.

I call it Godwin's Fruit Corollary.
A lot coming down the pipe today that i'm excited for. Ping pong, Knights of Sidonia, and Atelier are all premiering with selector infected's second episode airing as well. Thursdays and Fridays are looking to be great days for anime this season.

Still need to finish The Tatami Galaxy though ...

Edit : Watermelons and Mangoes are better than your favorite fruit. Kiwis are up there too.


Soul Eater Not - Episode 1


Cameos are almost the only good thing about this.

This show is certainly (not) Soul Eater. It feels more like the Agents of SHIELD of Soul Eater. Bland. Uninteresting. Filled with cameos and references to a more interesting series. I dunno if the attempt to make a spinoff about more "mundane" elements of a more popular thing ever really works. It's like they took Soul Eater's setting and created a totally by-the-books high school type story with it, complete with a yuri angle to attract a "different" audience.Unoffensive, but pretty damn boring. Looks pretty damn ugly for a BONES show too. I hate the colors. they feel almost as bad as something from a PA Works show. :(


Neon Genesis Evangelion 1-10

Coming into this I wasn't expecting so much male gaze and fanservice. It's kinda off-putting actually. There are a lot of annoying or asshole characters too, Asuka especially.


No Game No Life actually had a pretty strong first episode, in my opinion. It doesn't help that I watched Black Bullet and Kanojo no Flag wo Oraretara before it, which were massive exposition dumps lol. The dialogue in Black Bullet was especially awkward all of the time, while Gawoware was kind of just a mix of exposition dialogue and hurried pacing. Well, I'll still give all of them a few more episodes, but I'm surprised at how decent No Game No Life's first episode was considering I'm not a huge fan of the manga or the color palette.

I'll probably leave Mahouka and Hitsugi no Chaika for tomorrow. Gochiusa, Ping Pong, and Nanana are airing tomorrow so I might end up pushing the two back further though. :<


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
Soul Eater Not - Episode 1
Looks pretty damn ugly for a BONES show too. I hate the colors. they feel almost as bad as something from a PA Works show. :(
One of the visual aspects that bothered me the most was how static the perspective was. It was like they were hiding stuff off camera. In the hallway scene near the end of the episode specifically the windows are always framed as a backdrop behind the conflict, like the viewer is some third party in the world rooted to one spot. It's super weird.
chaika - 01

This is one terrible character design. Not that any of the others are good, but the busyness of the outfit and the weird raptor-like face pushes it over the top.

So fussy with an overabundance of frills and accessories. She also. Speaks. Like. This. You know?

The episode itself is really subdued and bland. A list of things that happened would be more exciting than actually watching them unfold. Character introductions feel stiff and unnatural; there isn't much exposition, but what there is of it feels slotted in, never feeling like a logical progression in whatever conversation they're having.

And the opening hurt my ears. 9/10, mediocre.
Chaika is gaijin so she speak like that


Eh I figured I might as well watch Mahouka before going to sleep. I don't think the execution was that bad (coming off of Gawoware and Black Bullet lol). It was a more entertaining first episode than Gawoware and Black Bullet but less entertaining than No Game No Life. Still, I had forgotten how boring the start of Mahouka was. Lol I can't imagine a way to make the content of this episode exciting. Maybe if it were a two-block special so they could at least start introducing Tatsuya's OPness or something.

That being said, I prefer the slower, more boring pace of Mahouka over the rushed and awkward pacing of Gawoware or the exposition-burdened pacing of Black Bullet. Having a hook at the end doesn't really alleviate the rest of the cringing that accompanies an episode which sprints through the plot. That doesn't make the beginning of Mahouka more exciting though, lol. I hope the show doesn't dwell on the first arc too much since I find it really boring. The fight scenes past the first arc combined with Iwasaki's music should be fun to watch so I'm anticipating those.


Maturity, bitches.

Got tired of melon bread about three days into my holiday. Quite liked the eggy bread stuff I found in a Family Mart(or was it 711?). Yeah, I had bad convenience store breakfasts during my trip.

EDIT: I should note I didn't watch the vid because I can't be arsed to sign in.
Yuyushiki has to be one of the most rewarding ending themes I've seen. it's soooo freaking adorable how you see items and people from the episode in that cute little ending animation.

It's too damn cute.


Majin Bone 2


The charming and diverse cast of characters keeps me coming back even if the CG's so utterly awful to watch. I blame it on the almost non-existent frame modulation to give the "suits" or whatever they are some actual sense of mass and place in the world.

JoJo: Stardust Crusaders 1

I think there was more animation in this first episode than the entirety of Season One. Holy shit. I still can't believe the Stands aren't CG even after watching this.

i do miss old sugita tho :(


So I was going back through episode 3 or 4 of Love Lab in search of big eyebrows and I came across this English quiz.

I mean, I wouldn't put that many katakana-based words in there, but that sets up the "key-chain" curveball. In Japan, key-chains are called key-holders!
Nothing jumps out at first, but there are two notes I have to make.

1. Marking &#20241;&#12415; incorrect as a translation of "vacation" is bullshit. Definitely a mistake by the teacher.
2. Putting "(I'm/sad)" in proper grammatical order might be the easiest test question I've ever seen.
Fuuun Ishin Dai Shogun 1 - all those breasts and you still fail to make an interesting show.

I still think it would be a much better show if the male lead dropped from a cliff and Kiriko was the main protagonist of the series.

But yeah, it was bad. It must be divine retribution for Takashi Watanabe for failing the Senran Kagura adaptation ! :D


Pretty much,haha. I still haven't seen Gravity but I did watch this first episode. I'll comment on it later but the whole spinning/upside down type shot was done long before Gravity,haha.

It was done in Love Live before, even! That whole series of shots climaxing in the rotating camera was one of a number of direct visual references to the first episode of the first series of the show.
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