That song is an 8 minute dose of epic squee. You should hear it. Ill link it a bit later after I finish dispatching.
Fruits arent that cool. Vegetables are the way to go.
Nah, this is the best fruit
I've never heard someone have allergy to banana before, this is new to me.
Cameos are almost the only good thing about this.
Sure, but were would be the edge in that?Or you could just like both.
Oh god, what did they do to Maka? ;_;
Bananas suck.
One of the visual aspects that bothered me the most was how static the perspective was. It was like they were hiding stuff off camera. In the hallway scene near the end of the episode specifically the windows are always framed as a backdrop behind the conflict, like the viewer is some third party in the world rooted to one spot. It's super weird.Soul Eater Not - Episode 1
Looks pretty damn ugly for a BONES show too. I hate the colors. they feel almost as bad as something from a PA Works show.![]()
If nothing else, bananas are great because they make banana bread possible.
What about melonpan?If nothing else, bananas are great because they make banana bread possible.
What about melonpan?
Chaika is gaijin so she speak like thatchaika - 01
This is one terrible character design. Not that any of the others are good, but the busyness of the outfit and the weird raptor-like face pushes it over the top.
So fussy with an overabundance of frills and accessories. She also. Speaks. Like. This. You know?
The episode itself is really subdued and bland. A list of things that happened would be more exciting than actually watching them unfold. Character introductions feel stiff and unnatural; there isn't much exposition, but what there is of it feels slotted in, never feeling like a logical progression in whatever conversation they're having.
And the opening hurt my ears. 9/10, mediocre.
Neon Genesis Evangelion 1-10
Coming into this I wasn't expecting so much male gaze and fanservice. It's kinda off-putting actually. There are a lot of annoying or asshole characters too, Asuka especially.
Have nice dreams!I'm watching this while half asleep and it is the most terrifyingly surreal thing ever.
This is like american moe?
What about melonpan?
Sega Hard Girls anime announced.
It's about anime girl personifications of Sega consoles and hardware.
Sega Hard Girls anime announced.
It's about anime girl personifications of Sega consoles and hardware.
JoJo: Stardust Crusaders 1
I think there was more animation in this first episode than the entirety of Season One. Holy shit. I still can't believe the Stands aren't CG even after watching this.
i do miss old sugita tho![]()
Sega Hard Girls anime announced.
It's about anime girl personifications of Sega consoles and hardware.
Sega Hard Girls anime announced.
It's about anime girl personifications of Sega consoles and hardware.
The designs don't look really interesting.
And not sure if I want a cast full of useless moe characters.
Gotta give props for having the most convoluted and boring setting imaginable, for the sole purpose of featuring a loli army.![]()
But of course.
Black Bullet 1
Gotta give props for having the most convoluted and boring setting imaginable, for the sole purpose of featuring a loli army.
In other words, ban this sick filth.
Nothing jumps out at first, but there are two notes I have to make.![]()
I mean, I wouldn't put that many katakana-based words in there, but that sets up the "key-chain" curveball. In Japan, key-chains are called key-holders!
Fuuun Ishin Dai Shogun 1 - all those breasts and you still fail to make an interesting show.
Didn't work for Soul and Blade either.
2. Putting "(I'm/sad)" in proper grammatical order might be the easiest test question I've ever seen.
Fuuun Ishin Dai Shogun 1 - all those breasts and you still fail to make an interesting show.
Character designs are generally terrible, with a few notable exceptions. Saturn is superior, appropriately enough, with HM to Master System.Sega Hard Girls anime announced.
It's about anime girl personifications of Sega consoles and hardware.
Waiting with bated breath for a Neptunia crossover.
Pretty much,haha. I still haven't seen Gravity but I did watch this first episode. I'll comment on it later but the whole spinning/upside down type shot was done long before Gravity,haha.