
This isn't something I wanted to know.
Pokemon XY Special: The Strongest Mega Evolution 1
Ash? Amazing?
So I'm going to expect Alan to face off against him sometime in the future? Works for me. Actually liked Alan and wouldn't mind if he pops up as the rival.
Glad to see Blastoise defeat Charizard. Was sick and tired of seeing Blastoise job to that lizard just to show how amazing it is.
OG water starter does not deserve that disrespect.
Atelier Escha and Logy 1
"There's another reason why our settlement is so prosperous."
"Oh, what's that?"
"The completely inaccessible floating ruins that can therefore contribute nothing to our economy or ecosystem, of course."
Maybe they're a tourist attraction from the ground?
Harmless fluff, insubstantial and mildly diverting but devoid of drama (not as in melodrama, but as in things happening!) for the time being. I suppose it's pleasant enough, and at least it's not amping up the moe which was the reason I stopped playing the only Atelier game I've tried.
I hope my tax dollars are going towards butt-related sciences.
Is it that hard? I generally just accept the premise of any given show at face value, I don't see how one could give anything a fair chance otherwise. A well-written story will take into account what its premise might imply for the interactions and development of the characters, and I don't think that's been slighted by the two episodes of One Week Friends that have aired so far. I think it's fairly clear that the premise is something the viewer is asked to just accept, and the story itself will tend more to thematic treatment and character development, building from that framing device the premise gives.
Posting some vintage firearms in a vintage firearms thread.
We already have a idol wrestling show.She should become a pro wrestler. Butt attacks are in vogue now with divas.
As emotional as that scene was it still really bugs me. "I must help them in case they drown from being in a not very deep river".
I don't think they were threatened with being drowned, it's just that she didn't want to leave them behind. The fact that Usagi team would essentially play an integral part in the final gambit makes her choice the right one anyway - it's a scenario where the sports play actually contributes to not only the outcome of the game, but to the story as a whole!As emotional as that scene was it still really bugs me. "I must help them in case they drown from being in a not very deep river".
We don't need to worry until we get to Uni level stuffI'm not sure if I'm OK with math and sciences being used like this...
Someone needs to calculate the how much her butt is affected by relativity.We don't need to worry until we get to Uni level stuff
Well I get that it was more about not leaving them behind but the scenario of it happening to be in water like the original incident was too much a coincidence. The scene just felt like it was being treated as something more overly serious like before rather than "well shit, they're stuck".I don't think they were threatened with being drowned, it's just that she didn't want to leave them behind. The fact that Usagi team would essentially play an integral part in the final gambit makes her choice the right one anyway - it's a scenario where the sports play actually contributes to not only the outcome of the game, but to the story as a whole!
It's war though, no man left behind!Well I get that it was more about not leaving them behind but the scenario of it happening to be in water like the original incident was too much a coincidence. The scene just felt like it was being treated as something more overly serious like before rather than "well shit, they're stuck".
Although now I'm of a mind to go order the Miho Nendo now...
Someone needs to calculate the how much her butt is affected by relativity.
Just think of the amount of strength she needs to stay on at those speeds.Amazing
You mean she's built like a brick shithouse?Just think of the amount of strength she needs to stay on at those speeds.
She's probably ripped.
Hapiness Charge Precure - 11
My face during this episode :
Ah precure , you really nailed it ...It's really on par to be a great season . 11 episode and it's still strong . i have no idea if they will manage to keep this up , but damn .. at this rate heartcatch will be surpassed.
Precure also continue the tradition. The yellow cure is either ( horibble or excellent ) and this time Cure honey really is excellent ...Itsuki , yayoi a serious contender for BEST YELLOW is there.
I mean :
That's was one hell of a great introduction arc . That's one hell of a attack.
The song ..the song is in my head....
So good.
Brb , cooking Rice for launch ( true story )
Will check in a few hours
Arf ..Fantasies all of this ..Only in anime..
NIce idea ..i'm still putting some money on the side so i can visit myself .. i plan to make my trip in a few years.
( would have been easier if i stopped buying figures but oh well ... )
You didnt watch BlazBlue?
Just think of the amount of strength she needs to stay on at those speeds.
She's probably ripped.
Railgun is just too slow ... its a nice extension to the indexverse but in anime they are taking just too much time with everything
S2's take on the whole Index thing was just waaaaaaaay too long.its interesting. Most folks I know much prefer railgun, and hated railgun s2 because it brought in Touma and all the index bullshit.
I'm standing strong with my decisionbetter than Yayoi? Those are some BIG WORDS.
Hey ! I can do it !lol stop buying trying to quit smoking
its interesting. Most folks I know much prefer railgun, and hated railgun s2 because it brought in Touma and all the index bullshit.
Space Brothers 2
Screwing makes you interesting, as well as flushing your mother down a toilet!
Oh lovely, we also gain 2 new characters, not-Wright, and a girl.
Dude, I think most of AnimeGAF enjoys A Certain Magical Index
When Monster Musume airs and the overload of screenshots showing lamias, centaurs, harpys, mermaids, slimes, etc.
If you think about it, it has already easily done more in 11 episodes than any other Precure. Simply putting out more of what it's been doing leaves us with a consistently enjoyable show in every episode, and it hasn't even really developed the plot threads it has started yet, something the director has shown himself perfectly capable of.
To me, it's no longer about how high this show can go in the Precure rankings, but how high it can go among all magical girl shows.
All right, time to make good on my promise to PshychoNinja, since he finished Madoka.
Angel Beats - 4
So we have our comedic anime baseball episode. Honestly, while this episode was fun, I liked the one in Clannad After Story better. Why? BECAUSE EVERYBODY WAS ALIVE IN THAT SHOW.
The more I think about it, this is a pretty demoralizing place to go to when you die. Hello! You died, so welcome to the high-school for dead teenagers!Don't experience the happiest moment of your life here though, otherwise you'll go through SUPER death! This is like rubbing salt on a nihlistic wound. "Oh, life is meaningless as we're all going to die in the end, and when we do die we're going to go to a place where we'll die again if we get really happy."
Hey, I've got an idea! Why not make the show about one of these so-called NPCs?That's one way this setting could work, I guess.Yeah! One of the characters is shown, living his everyday life, then suddenly some people he knows start dissapearing one by one, until he comes to the horrifying realization that the world he lives in is a limbo for dead people and he's just a pawn with fake memories.
All in all, the main problem of this show still sticks out like a sore thumb, but at least everything else is adorable. Yui in particular is hilariously :cajun and enjoyable.
Honestly, just skip it. It has some minor consequences, but it's stuff they catch you up on anyway. I think the moon arc is good place to start.Wish I'd never stopped on that. Stupid fucking capsule thing.
Tenchi Universe 4
Washu-chan appears. Show is about to get 300% more gooder.