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Wireless Controllers Should be STANDARD Next Gen


Finally bought a new PSP, but then pushed the demon onto someone else. Jesus.
Current methods of control in gaming are similar to that of the tethered VCR controllers of the early 80s.

Seems like every new console generation is about refinement. Although gaming is not as refined as I thought it'd be around 2005, I have a strong feeling that at least the wireless aspect will be fully embraced come PS3, Xenon and Revwhatever...

I love the GC and wavebird combo for the simple fact that I can but the b!tch anywhere in the room, and not have to worry about anything. I can elevate it, have it out of sight and still be doing my thing.

I'd love for all the consoles next generation to have wireless control and network connectivity out the box.

Wouldn't you?


DaCocoBrova said:
Current methods of control in gaming are similar to that of the tethered VCR controllers of the early 80s.

Seems like every new console generation is about refinement. Although gaming is not as refined as I thought it'd be around 2005, I have a strong feeling that at least the wireless aspect will be fully embraced come PS3, Xenon and Revwhatever...

I love the GC and wavebird combo for the simple fact that I can but the b!tch anywhere in the room, and not have to worry about anything. I can elevate it, have it out of sight and still be doing my thing.

I'd love for all the consoles next generation to have wireless control and network connectivity out the box.

Wouldn't you?

Totally agree. Though I don't see why Sony and MS can't give us first party wireless controllers THIS generation.


Finally bought a new PSP, but then pushed the demon onto someone else. Jesus.

I think a method of charging the controllers should consist of resting them some kind of way on or near the console itself since it's constantly getting power (as all electronic devices do even when they're off or in standby). That would eliminate a power consumption issue, allowing vibration and all that.

Makes too much sense.

For that reason we more than likely won't see any of this.


I'm all for that, as long as two conditions are met:

1) The controllers have a rechargable Litium Ion battery, and come with a charging cradle (like a cordless phone). That way I can just pop it back on its cradle when I'm done with it and have it back to full juice the next time I need it, and I don't have to worry about replacing the batteries.

2) They must have the ability to turn the system on. That way, the "couch potato" factor can be complete. If I've got a nice usable, responsive wireless controller, I want to be able to turn on the console with it, so I can just go from watching TV to playing a game with a minimal amount of effort.


Vlad said:
2) They must have the ability to turn the system on. That way, the "couch potato" factor can be complete. If I've got a nice usable, responsive wireless controller, I want to be able to turn on the console with it, so I can just go from watching TV to playing a game with a minimal amount of effort.

How do you change games?


Finally bought a new PSP, but then pushed the demon onto someone else. Jesus.
1) Mentioned that.

2) Ehh... I don't know where you live, but here in America people are too damn fat. I'm all for getting up.


Wireless controllers are too expensive.....eat batteries.....no rumble feedback (or battery-eating rumble feedback).

Seems stupid to jack up the price of a console for something like that. The damned thing only comes with one controller anyway, let people buy the wireless ones separately if they want it so bad.


I agree, wish Nintendo would bundle the Wavebird with the GC but I guess its up to Sony to take the plunge and set this as the standard


Finally bought a new PSP, but then pushed the demon onto someone else. Jesus.
border said:
Wireless controllers are too expensive.....eat batteries.....no rumble feedback (or battery-eating rumble feedback).

Seems stupid to jack up the price of a console for something like that. The damned thing only comes with one controller anyway, let people buy the wireless ones separately if they want it so bad.

You need to work on your reading comprehension homeboy.


border said:
Wireless controllers are too expensive.....eat batteries.....no rumble feedback (or battery-eating rumble feedback).

Seems stupid to jack up the price of a console for something like that. The damned thing only comes with one controller anyway, let people buy the wireless ones separately if they want it so bad.

I wouldn't consider around 100 hours as eating batteries.

Justin Bailey

------ ------
Yeah, while we're at it, put a six disc changer in the system and have everything done through the controller (system on/off, too).

Not because I'm lazy, because I think it would be "neat."


Link316 said:
I agree, wish Nintendo would bundle the Wavebird with the GC but I guess its up to Sony to take the plunge and set this as the standard

Don't you mean.

" I agree Nintendo came up with another great idea in the Wavebird, but Sony will copy it and claim it as their own "


Link316 said:
I agree, wish Nintendo would bundle the Wavebird with the GC but I guess its up to Sony to take the plunge and set this as the standard

Just like four controller ports?


I don't think they should become a standard,
but they should at least have official wireless controllers available for any console launch.


needlejuice said:
Don't you mean.

" I agree Nintendo came up with another great idea in the Wavebird, but Sony will copy it and claim it as their own "
Nintendo invented the wireless controller!


I agree. The Wavebird owns. Nintendo certainly didn't invent the controller, but I think they did a kickass job with the Wavebird. Save for the lack of vibrate function (and I'm realizing how much I don't need it), the range, feel and weight of the Wavebird is just perfect. Matter of fact, I like it a lot more than the standard controller, which I haven't plugged in since the first week I got my GC. All controllers should be wireless by default with replaceable battery packs and they should be chargeable by plugging them into the controller port. I think it could be easy to make a low-amp powered port, so it should work great. All IMO of course. But I had this idea from last gen, and it still hasn't come to fruition. PEACE.

Deleted member 1235

Unconfirmed Member
they should come with detachable wires and charge off the console. screw cradles.
i love the nice solid consistent connection of wires for anything that requires precision, reliability or speed... wired lan, wired controllers., wired mice... i like wireless tv remotes...


DopeyFish said:
wireless sucks. Wires forever.
lol .........I think it might be too expensive for them to be standard but atleast follow Nintendo's lead and make some available (first party that is)


Standard wireless ain't gonna happen. The lesson from this gen of consoles is that you have to price the base console as low as you possible can, i.e. cut features to an absolute minimum, and then overcharge people for accessories.
DopeyFish said:
wireless sucks. Wires forever.

More or less. I mean, for a lot of games the Wavebird is great, but sometimes a hint of the lag does kick in (I stopped trusting it for PM2 battles), and god help me if I was in a much more wireless active environment. I just haven't seen a perfect implementation yet, and until that happens, just give me a wired controller with some actual length to it (dammit, Nintendo, get with the program)

Deku Tree

I would want one of these if the rechargable battery didn't need to be replaced (like my cordless phone battery) instead of needing to be replaced yearly (like my laptop battery). I hate this laptop battery nonsense where after a year you either get 15 mintues of battery life or have to buy a new battery.
I think Nintendo will do it.

Revolution will probably have a built-in WiFi/Motorola (same as the DS) chip so that it can communicate system-to-system or Revolution-to-DS without wires. This could also double as a reciever for wireless controllers. You dump controller ports and theoretically you could have games for more than 4 players using a number of control inputs (controller, DS, bongos, etc.).

Crazy, but it seems like it'd be right up Nintendo's alley.

I would like to see Sony do it too, if they're going to really push PS3 as something to fit in with your home theater (Blu-Ray, etc.) then it's kind of a buzz kill to have cables coming out the front of it.

And I hate having wireless recievers infront of the system, they're usually so bulky and ugly. I'd rather just have it integrated into the system itself.

Agreed though that the controllers should come with a "charge" cable which can double as an emergency cable to piggyback power off the base system in case the battery gets low during a play session.

Similar to how people plug their phones into an outlet or into their car adaptors when their cell phone battery is running low.


Sullichin said:
Having a built-in reciever would be awesome, though.

Fuck yes. This needs to be the standard. Four receivers should come built in to the system(s) for wireless first party (and likely third party) controller support.


GameFan Alumnus
I'm buying the Microsoft wireless Xbox Live headset because I can't stand that cord that wraps around my hand when using the current headset.
Well if both Revolution and PS3 have Wi-Fi built-in (should be dirt cheap, I mean it's already in the $150 DS which will be $99 probably by then) ... that could double as a reciever for wireless controllers too right?

It also might eliminate the need for a broadband adaptor, but then it'd force you to have a wireless router. If you're using your console for online play in your living room though, chances are you don't want to have to wire the internet through there anyway. Maybe Nintendo might try and save a few bucks by doing this (no BBA port, but WiFi built-in instead).


"Saturated fat causes heart disease as much as Brawndo is what plants crave."
Until wireless controllers have excellent responsiveness, full rumble support, extremely long battery life, and a way to recharge them hassle free, and as little cost as wired controllers..

... f*ck wireless :p

What gamecube really needed in the first place was several feet more wire on the wired controllers. A dumb place to cut costs on if you ask me.
Well WaveBird basically hits all those notes.

The rumble is an issue, but I think battery efficency will get up to the point where you'll be able to get a long lasting battery life with rumble for upwards of 12 hours.

The trick would be having the controller's charge through the base system. Because if it does that, then you could also use the base system for emergency power (just plug in the charge cable), the same as cell phone users do with outlets/car adaptors as I stated above.

How much more is the WaveBird over the regular controller anyway? Like $5 or $10?

The other thing is with one reciever and no traditional controller ports, you can also have more than 4 players at once. I can't really imagine what game would use such a function, but who knows.


teh_pwn said:
Until wireless controllers have excellent responsiveness, full rumble support, extremely long battery life, and a way to recharge them hassle free..

... f*ck wireless :p

Well, the Wavebird does two of the 4 very, very well. Lack of rumble doesn't bother me, but it would be nice. A base station for charging would be cool (or charging via the system itself), especially since wireless mice and PC controllers already do this. I'll keep my fingers crossed.

I'd still want traditional controller ports, too, unless the stock wireless pad rocked so much there was no need for it...


Cords dont bother me in the slightest, especially the generously long MS ones, and they dont tangle badly either if you just throw them in the cupboard.

Border is right, there's too many cons to bother with to simply negate one harmless cord.
Crazymoogle said:
More or less. I mean, for a lot of games the Wavebird is great, but sometimes a hint of the lag does kick in (I stopped trusting it for PM2 battles), and god help me if I was in a much more wireless active environment. I just haven't seen a perfect implementation yet, and until that happens, just give me a wired controller with some actual length to it (dammit, Nintendo, get with the program)

Alright I can't believe this. Either you have a wonky WaveBird (it happens) or you have some serious interference in that room. I don't play with anything other than a WaveBird now, and I can counter (not the action command, the counter) so consistently in Paper Mario, you'd think it was automatic.

The room I play in probably takes up 95% of the power consumption in a 10km radius too, so you'd think interference could be a problem. :p


i want wireless controllers, a remote with every possible function including power and reset, and i want a 3 disc tray.
So why not have a detachable cord?

If the systems are going to possibly have a wireless protocol (Wi-Fi) built in for other purposes (like PS3-to-PSP, Rev-to-DS link or wireless internet access) anyway ... why not let that double as a reciever for your controllers?

Gives you as a hardware maker a little more bang for your buck and gives the system another snazzy feature.

If your battery is low, just plug the cord back in and hook it up to the system.

It would be great if you could reset or power on/off wirelessly too.


The current Logitech controllers (Xbox and ps2) are more than decent...both come w/ rumble, are suprisingly sturdy, have decent buttons, and go into sleep mode when you don't screw with'em for like 5 minutes.

I'd say you sacrifice a *little* bit, button-wise (the Xbox analogs feel a lil' loose), but they're responsive as all hell and the lack of wires more than makes up for any minor cosmetic loss.

*note* I'm talking about the small NEW version of the Logitech wireless ps2 controller, not the huge old one...check the bottom of the box for (c) 2004 (the good one) if you're not sure. Be sure to avoid this one:

and get this one instead:


hyperbolically metafictive
Oh! My Car! said:
Are there any decent wireless PS2 controllers? At the moment I'm looking at Hori and Logitech Cordless Action.

the new logitech pads are excellent. i prefer their physical design to any of the stock controllers this gen, they support rumble, and they seem to last ~50 hours between battery replacements. i haven't heard of a hori wireless, but now i'm curious...their stuff is generally very good.

edit: actually the automatic sleep mode is the one thing that really irritates me about the logitech pads. in a game with long cutscenes, you'll sometimes get back to the action and find that the pad's shut itself off. that "feature" just ruined a good neo contra run for me. i think i'll play mgs3 with a wired pad.
Screw multidisc trays, I want to install my games on the internal hard drive so I never have to get up to switch discs unless I buy a new game. Hell, online delivery cuts that part out too.


border said:
Wireless controllers are too expensive.....eat batteries.....no rumble feedback (or battery-eating rumble feedback).

Seems stupid to jack up the price of a console for something like that. The damned thing only comes with one controller anyway, let people buy the wireless ones separately if they want it so bad.

I agree.


Keep in mind, the Logitech wireless Xbox controller does *not* have the headset port built into the controller (which does suck)...only one I know about that *does* is the HipGear wireless, which is questionable quality-wise.

Drohne's right re: battery life, as well...I'm not quite sure hour-wise how long they last, but I've had mine for ~3 months, and haven't changed the batteries yet.

To be honest, my Wavebird is pro'lly #3 at this point, simply due to the lack of rumble.
(and that...is difficult...to say...)

I generally avoid 3rd party periphs, but these controllers (and a few Hori sticks) are the suprising exception.
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