Good advice about disabling TDR. I actually posted just a couple comments below that post an update, in which Chrome would lock up the system in a crash due to TDR being disabled. It's happened once in game this morning as well. It's obviously not the solution I hoped it to be.
As for the display driver crashes many of us are experiencing, I've heard from many experiencing issues who aren't overclocked beyond the factory OCs on the card. I'm not going to blame stock OCs that have been stable for months, over placing blame on a set of recent display drivers, 352.86 & 353.06, of which the issues seems to contained to for many of us.
In my case, I'm pushing my OC pretty hard. I don't deny that I might not be 100% stable, despite 8-9 months of stability through every game I play and every set of drivers that have released in that period, as I always update. Whether or not I'm 100% stable, down to last decimal point isn't a bigger deal to me than the fact the the last two Nvidia driver releases have done something to system stability that manifests in frequent crashes, in game and using other software such as Chrome, where there were no issues before.
The idea that certain software might be allergic to the new driver releases might very well be the case. Chrome certainly is, on my end. Afterburner might be. But the solution in my mind is not to disable Afterburner, and thus disable my overclock and throw away a 15%-20 performance increase, it's to roll back to the last stable driver release for me, which happens to be 350.12, and let Nvidia fix their drivers in the mean time, assuming the issue is something unintended, and not a new feature of the driver.