Updated to 353.06 from 350.12 (last stable release for me) just for shits and giggles, on my OCed 970. Saw no performance increase in W3. I didn't get any display driver crashes for the hour or so I played, but within 5 minutes of launching chrome, crash. So it seems this new version has done little for the display driver crashes some of us have been experiencing.
I did however check reddit, in particular the thread linked below, and might have found a solution for that in the meantime. Someone linked to a little program called TDR manipulator, made by the same guy who Created DDU (Display Driver Uninstaller). It's supposed to allow you to modify and even completely disable TDR (Timeout Detection & Recovery) which is what's causing the crashes in the first place. I'll try it out with 353.06 and see if it helps in my case.
TDR Manipulator - http://www.wagnardmobile.com/DDU/
I didn't see any improvement on my 970. Specifically, I loaded up a save on 350.12, checked FPS, updated drivers to 353.06, loaded same save and I saw a 1 FPS increase @ 45fps which might as well be margin of error. Not the best test, but there you go.
Hm, I'm going to try that. Crashes have been getting more frequent as of late...