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Witcher 3 PC Performance Thread


It is continously crashing since I started 45 minutes ago. Went back to 15.4 but still crashing. Choose low settings but to no avail.I got a 280x. This sucks.
i5 2500k and GTX970 - The starting areas seem to give me pretty steady 60FPS with high settings and textures set to ultra.

Hairworks is the only thing I've disabled so far. I loose about 10 FPS with that enabled.
Titan X (+200 +400), Core i7 930 @ 4.2 Ghz and 24 GB of 1600mz RAM, all on an SSD

Ultra, 1080p, hairworks all and hbao+ on, no CA, no sharpening

60 most (90%) of the time unless you get a crazy close up on hairworks with multiple characters. I love hairworks, i lust love it.

I recommend using the unlimited option for fps limiting, in game vsync, and then the 60 fps limiter through Rivatuner. The ingame fps cap goes abiove 60 sometimes and dips below more often oddly, it isn't proper framepacing.


Windows 10 .84 driver. GTX 970 in SLI. LOTS of stutter. Not smooth at all. Gonna have to disable one I guess. Well that's worth the money. Please update soon Nvidia.

Same... Stutter everywhere with my 2x 780s (no I'm not VRAM capped).

Can't even get 60fps on LOW settings no nVidia FX at 1440p with a 3770k & SLI 780s? Okay, I guess I'm waiting for a patch or something.

(Windows 7, latest driver).


60 frames stable with everything ultra but hairworks on a 980, enabling hairwork bring my frame to high 40s low 50s on gameplay and to 30 frames on cutscenes, i dare to say this is more unoptimized than tressFX for tomb raider when it came out and it only looks cool on the creatures and on geralt beard, his hair looks better without it


Can't seem to get 60fps with any config. Like others have said, only foliage distance and shadow quality really bring it up or down.


My GTX 970 crashed 10 minutes into the game. :/

I had all the settings set to Ultra for Graphics and High for Post-Processing at 1080 Borderless Window. It was running perfectly fine too.

Reverting to the previous driver fixed the driver crash that would happen whenever you went into an outdoor area. I am currently testing things out with a clean installation of the current Game Ready driver as well as using the GeForce Experience optimization settings to see if I was just flying too close to the sun by maxing out every slider.

If you are getting similar driver crashes using an Nvidia graphics card, revert to the previous driver.

Update: A combination of running the game at Fullscreen instead of Borderless Window and doing a clean installation of the latest Geforce driver seems to remedy the driver crashes. I am currently running the game at 1920x1080 with every quality setting set as high as possible and Vsync enabled and the game is more than playable for me (Lowest framerate drops are in the 30s while out in the open with tons of enemies).

My setup is:
Intel Core i5 4690K @3.5GHz
Nvidia GTX 970 4GB
8GB of RAM


Cutscenes run like ass. I just got to the tavern a little bit after the beginning and close-ups I go down to the low 20's. It bounces back to the 30's (I capped it), but it's very jarring.

Oh and also, I've crashed 3 times already all during cutscenes. I'm running this on an SSD btw.


Seem to be around 30-50 fps on my 4770, 770 2gb and 16 ram.

Everything on high. Hair off. SSAO

Im also doing borderless window with no vsync. Anyone have data which is better vs fullscreen?
i-5 4690k CPU
GTX 770 4 GB

Got it cranked up to 1800p at a silky smooth 15 fps on Ultra

It runs fairly decent at 1080p on high, and personally the difference between ultra and high isn't enough for me to justify the lower framerate

You and me both. High with Hairworks > Ultra with no Hairworks


Getting constant driver crashes w/ GTX 670 on W10. On 350.12, and tried W3 drivers that came out today but they seem a bust, doesn't install properly (leaves one monitor blank, and when restarts looks like theres no driver installed). I'll try .84 W10 drivers.
Just had my third crash with my GTX 980 with current drivers only this time right monitor went black and whole pc froze up. Don't know if this is a dual monitor issue like with Pillars or what but it's pretty damn irritating.


4960k, 16GB, 7970ghz.

45-50fps most the time.

All high, hairworks disabled, been testing it for about an hour and no crashes which is good.


maybe tomorrow it rains
I decided to just crank everything up and play it at 30 fps. 1440p, everything up all the way except foliage distance which is set to high. Also turned off motion blur, because I hate that shit. Aside from some stutter when switching to cutscenes, the framerate is stable. Only played up until the first little town, though. If it starts dropping, I'll just set it to 1080p.

Really surprised, since I'm only using a 970 and i5 3570k @ 3.4GHz. Just got this card a few weeks ago, and now I feel totally validated.


970 gtx sli 16gb ram i7 4970k@ 4.8ghz 1080p running everything on hbao+ hairworks, getting 60 fps MOST of the time unless it get's really zoomed up to hair or something, cutscenes stutter though.


Also this game's time from windows to in-game after a load is magical fast. I think it takes like 8 seconds after launching the game to load a save. On a regular ass HDD too.

Hip Hop

good performance on a GTX 670, i5 3570k,

getting constant 38-47 fps on the tutorial/early area with a mix of Ultra/High.
Mostly Ultra.
Performance is fantastic on a R290! Im using a mix of High to Ultra settings and Im getting 60FPS with minor dips to 57-58 FPS at 1080p. Most of the time its 60FPS even in combat! I have hairworks turned off. I really dont care for hair and I know Nvidia probably program this to take a shit on itself on AMD cards. Im very happy!

16GB Ram 1600Mhz
R9 290


Yeah I think hairworks is gonna have to stay off, seems like a locked 60 at everything ultra on a 970, but drops to ~50 with hairworks on


8gb ram

hairworks off, shadows high, foilage distance high
everything else ultra 1440p(dsr)

anywhere from 40-55 fps.

there was a time where a cutscene? i think went to 30 which was odd.

ill mess around some more but very happy

game looks fantastic.

The Cowboy

Anyone else getting what feels like loading stutter on cut scenes?, my GPU usage 70%ish and during gameplay all is fine, yet in cut scenes it seems to stutter each time it switches scenes.

Game is on a 480gb Vertex 460A SSD.


Performance really good but the game keeps hard locking when im browsing the inventory, especially when reading books and notes
Hopefully some can help me. Running sli 970s and getting like 50-60 fps in 1440. But when I have the framerate unlocked I get flickering. Lock it to 30 and it goes away


Playing on a 780 Ti OC + 2600k @ 4.2 ghz.

Everything is on ultra except grass density, foliage distance and shadows which all three I've set to high. I have HBAO+ on + Gameworks. I have blur off as well since I don't like blur in my games.

Have not dropped below 30 except the cutscenes I've mentioned. Honestly, I'm having a hard time noticing the hair stuff. I mean, it looks ok on Geralt, but nothing like how I was impressed with Lara's hair. I might turn it off, I'm not sure.

I'm playing capped at 30 fps btw.


Also this game's time from windows to in-game after a load is magical fast. I think it takes like 8 seconds after launching the game to load a save. On a regular ass HDD too.
There's some magic going on here, although since we're all still in White Orchard the load-time for the world proper might be longer.


Anyone else having a kind of chugging/stuttering effect when moving fast or when the camera is moving sometimes? I don't think it's a framerate issue.


well not really...yet

1440p G-Sync Monitor

Everything on Max settings, resolution at 1440p

Framerate between 30-45 FPS, smooth as silk thanks to G-Sync. I can get to 55-60 FPS on 1080p, but am sticking with 1440p

The framerate performance is so smooth thanks to G-Sync I feel no inclination to downgrade any settings. The game looks phenomenal and runs amazing.



Anyone else getting what feels like loading stutter on cut scenes?, my GPU usage 70%ish and during gameplay all is fine, yet in cut scenes it seems to stutter each time it switches scenes.

Game is on a 480gb Vertex 460A SSD.

Getting the same issue. People on Steam discussions are saying the patch broke the cutscenes, no clue. Rumor has it that the game is prioritizing the loading thread and therefore it's slowing down the actual rendering of the cutscene. Other people say HairWorks is going crazy when scenes are being rendered close to Geralt's face.

I don't buy the HairWorks thing. The cutscenes for me are stuttering even during the cartoon-drawn portions. It's utter bullshit.


Neo Member
3570k / GTX 970 352.86 / 8 GB DDR3 Win 8.1

Everything at stock frequencies.

Everything Ultra @ 1080p

Rock solid unshakeable 60 FPS.


NO Hairworks. Hated it in Tomb Raider, still hate it in here. I think Geralt's hair end up looking like a plastic wig. I'd have to lock at 30 FPS but I don't think Hairworks is a gamechanger... While a lock at 60 FPS is a gamechanger indeed.

If you Quit to main menu -> Enter the Options menu the game will crash to desktop.
On a 260x with a FX 6300 both overclocked with everything at max except hairworks I'm getting between 32-35 fps, so you can run it on a low end system, I locked it at 30, I have the feeling I'll have to turn down some setting once I get out of white orchard thought.


Weird, I thought my game was stuttering but it actually looks like the animation for walking with the horse has a tiny pause in it lol. Running on foot and horseback is smooth. Also in engine cutscenes run terribly even with all post processing besides AA, light shafts and bloom off.


GTX780, I7 2600k here i have a lot running on high but had to put out nvidia hairworks that one is a breaker also lowered shadows to medium.

Also have put out motion blur,chromatic aberration. Also using borderless windowed with in-game vsync off with unlimited frame rate and using adaptive vsync on desktop. All in all it runs very smooth now game looks beautiful even on high. Now i want a g-sync monitor and a gtx 980 lol.


Seems to run at a solid 30 capped on "high" on my GTX 670. I just had to turn foliage density or distance down, and turned hairworks off for good measure but I'm not sure if that was necessary. Either way, I'm satisfied. I was worried things would go worse for me with my card.

I just hope there's a way to edit the FoV.
Single EVGA 980 SC- 3840x2160 - Mix of Ultra and High - Hairworks off and HBAO+ on. Looks gorgeous at a playable framerate (my standards are low).


The non-engine cut scenes seem off. Sort of juddery. Reading them as 29 FPS which seems odd.

Oh well, at least they're not frequent. Though I do find it weird they'd record them at low framerate (aside from the obvious CGI ones).
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