Same here. It's constantly 70-80 even after some crazy amount of INI tweaks because I've over clocked quite a bit. Those numbers don't make sense.
Are you finding that the tweaked inis are making a noticebale difference ?
Same here. It's constantly 70-80 even after some crazy amount of INI tweaks because I've over clocked quite a bit. Those numbers don't make sense.
I got the GOG version. I installed it. Download the "Day-one patch" and the two DLCs. Try to start the game... it doesn't even boot up before it crashes. FML.
Welp, I guess I'll be finishing TW2 before even trying to see how TW3 runs on my system.
I'd love to help, but this is not a problem that i've seen yet nor heard of a workaround for. I also have the GOG version.
Are you finding that the tweaked inis are making a noticebale difference ?
SLI Titan X, yes. But even I couldn't handle 4k at 60 without insane drops. Stepped down to 1440p70+ and maxed the hell out of every setting and INI tweak. Will post details soon.
Running this on an Alienware Alpha and I'm happy with the 1080p 30fps performance on mostly high settings with detail set to ultra.
Downloaded the geforce game ready drivers based on the 860m chipset and that seemed to help a bit as I was previously getting similar performance results, but at the lower resolution of 900p.
Anyone figure out how to change the FPS for cutscenes like the opening movie? Tried changing the MovieFramerate in visuals.ini to 60.0 but that didn't do anything.
Yup. Big time. Especially shadows and foliage. I'm not sure if draw distance has improved, but haven't come across an area yet that screamed "hey I should be able to see that in more detail".
On a 260x with a FX 6300 both overclocked with everything at max except hairworks I'm getting between 32-35 fps, so you can run it on a low end system, I locked it at 30, I have the feeling I'll have to turn down some setting once I get out of white orchard thought.
Played about 6 hours so far with everything turned on and it's been a locked 30 no problem on my 970.
30 feels perfectly fine in this game oddly. My usual test is spin the camera around and it feels as responsive as 60. The sluggishness of the camera at 30 is what tends to turn me off. Must be the motion blur or something.
Played about 6 hours so far with everything turned on and it's been a locked 30 no problem on my 970.
30 feels perfectly fine in this game oddly. My usual test is spin the camera around and it feels as responsive as 60. The sluggishness of the camera at 30 is what tends to turn me off. Must be the motion blur or something.
I got the GOG version. I installed it. Download the "Day-one patch" and the two DLCs. Try to start the game... it doesn't even boot up before it crashes. FML.
Welp, I guess I'll be finishing TW2 before even trying to see how TW3 runs on my system.
Game seems to be sensitive to overclocks. I just dropped back to stock for now (cpu, 3570k was at 4.6) to stop it from crashing. Will have to tinker with my oc settings tomorrowGuys what about the crash? Is the game still crashing or you somehow solved that problem? Unfortunayely i won't be able to play the game until thia night(i'm in europe)
Which Alpha do you have?
Does the game feel janky to anyone else? I play with mixed settings from medium to ultra and get a pretty consistent 30-40 fps.
When capping to 30 it looks like the V-sync or something is causing it, lack of triple buffering maybe? Running in SLI btw.
Thanks, was wondering if 60fps would fix it.I'm not running in sli just a single 970 but this is exactly what it feels like for me also even with 60 fps
GAF, could I get a locked 30 fps at 1440p with Ultra settings and HairWorks on my 2500K @ 4.4Ghz, OC'ed 980 and 8 GB RAM?
What does the sharpening setting do? Can't tell what it is/is not doing.
Tweaked the game a bit more. Seems my i5 2500k and 970 (none onf them OC) can run the game with consistent 60FPS with most things to Ultra and some to High (and f*ck hairworks) in 1080p. But even though fraps shows me the 60FPS, I can't help to shake the feeling that there is some minor stuttering.
I have a similar setup and get a locked 30fps at 1440p with ultra(except foliage distance and shadows) and hairworks.
I have one, and I'm using it. It's just that whenever I go to take a screenshot the message appears...was wondering if there's a specific HUD setting or something.
I've had the game freeze at least five times while trying to browse my own inventory. I have to safety save any time I want to look at or equip something.
Intel 4790k
Nvidia Gtx 980
16 gb RAM
144hz monitor
Running game maxed minus hairworks at 1080p.
I gotta say other than hairworks I am shocked how well optimized the game is. I have everything maxed and I the frame rate never had dropped below 58 fps. It fluctuates between 63 and 90 fps but with gsync you never notice it. I am 5 hours in and have seen 0 crashes.
Also this is a far better game technically then what I experienced on the same system on the Witcher 2. I experienced graphic glitches and massive pop in with everything maxed on tw2.
Bravo CD Project!
Go back to 350.12 and it won't crash anymore , I've reverted to them and not a single crash since.
Ditto here - 2500k + 970, 1080p, 60fps with most things on ultra. My feeling is that on-foot movement is smooth, but riding the horse isn't. Not sure if this is to do with world streaming or what.
Awesome running the same configuration. I'll have to see how hairworks looks in motion to decide if I like it so much to give up the 60fps. (I will probably do)
Question - does the game have PS4 icons on PC when DS4 is plugged in?
Will give it a shot now.
Inventory is outright broken. Equipping new items or looking at swords has probably 70% chance of crashing my game. Very disappointing.
Oh boy, apparently most people are suffering crashes. For me, the picture froze twice in the same cutscene (coat-of-arms discussion in the tavern) while sound continued normally.