The game runs great on my GTX 970 + 8350FX combo, near constant 60fps. I'm using Geforce experience settings.
Played for 3 hours yesterday. Single gtx 980, I5 4670K@4ghz, W8.1, 8gb ram. Everything but hairworks maxed. It stays at 60 fps most of the time. No crashes, no stuttering. Perfect.
I don't think hairworks is worth the performance hit. It doesn't even look that good actually.
Edit: Just remembered that game hangs if i try to set unlimited fps. Also iirc my game is set to borderless window.
Any performance difference between bordnerless window and fullscreen?
Yes. I've seen people say it's related to items loading it. It's very frustrating, and my only technical issue with the game.Does anyone else only get stutter when turning the camera while moving the character at the same time?
It's so maddening. It's like that horrible microstutter in Bethesda RPGs. The framerate counter is reading a solid 30 the whole time as well, and everything else in the game is very smooth.
I'd go with the 60FPS option. That framerate makes a world of difference imo.
I'd go with 60fps without thinking twice. Only reason I capped at 30 is because even on low, a 680 can't run at 60, so might as well cap it to 30 and play on High with HBAO+.
The game doesn't seem to play nice with GeForce Experience... It keeps setting the config file back to default optimal settings with each bootup even if you tinker with the settings in game or the Experience panel.
Going to disable it for Witcher 3 and set it manually.
Does anyone else only get stutter when turning the camera while moving the character at the same time?
It's so maddening. It's like that horrible microstutter in Bethesda RPGs. The framerate counter is reading a solid 30 the whole time as well, and everything else in the game is very smooth.
I'm just not buying into some of these 700 series comments.
With a 780 (with or without stable overclock) there is no way I can get a 100% no holds barred 60fps lock wihout dropping everything to medium.
Kepler is dead.
Lock it yourself with MSI Afterburner and half-refresh rate vsync from the control panel. I never rely on the game to do it since doing it myself guarantees smooth results every time.
After having played more of it, my framerate seems to stay 70+ most of the time even in the open and dense areas (so far at least, not made it to any major city), super smooth performance. Everything on its max setting with Hairworks off (1080p).
i7 4770K @ 4.5Ghz
2x GTX 780s SLI (Overclocked)
16GB of RAM.
G-Sync monitor
I suspect the poorer performance on Hairworks is due to Kepler not being as quick as Maxwell for Tessellation, but as I said earlier in the thread, I'm not too keen on how it looks on Geralt so I'm okay with disabling it from that perspective - however I really do wish we could find a way to enable it on the monsters alone, they look really great.
Getting rather good performance for my old rig. I'm super pleased so far. Generally stays at about 42-46fps, with occasional momentary dips into the 30s or spikes in up to 60 in enclosed areas. I'm really impressed at how smooth and fast the game boots and loads. Witcher 2 is abysmal in all of this, just terrible menus and loading all around. Meanwhile W3 boots up in like 2 seconds and everything operates super speedy and smooth. One of the most pleasant and totally painless games launches in a long while.
Motion blur = Off
Blur = On(might be Off)
Anti-aliasing = Off
Bloom = On
Sharpening= On
Depth of Field = On
Chromatic Aberration = On
Vignetting = On
Light Shafts = On
NVidia HairWorks= Off
VSync = On
Ambient Occlusion = SSAO
Maximum Frames Per Second: 60
Resolution: 1920x1080
Display mode: Borderless Window
Number of Background Characters: Medium
Shadow Quality: Medium
Terrain Quality: High
Water Quality: Medium
Grass Density: Medium
Texture Quality: High
Foliage Visibility Range: Medium
Detail Level: High
PC Specs:
i7 920 oc'd to 3.6ghz
Sapphire 7950 3gb
16gb ram
500gb Samsung 840 SSD
Windows 7 Pro
I'll probably tweak stuff to eek out a few more frames and the game does occasionally have a slight stutter to it even if the framerate isn't super variable at the time.
Apparently it's not working for everyone, but I've been able to use all of the overlay features by just launching witcher3.exe through Steam.
You can turn Vsync off if you are running borderless window mode. That auto gives you triple buffered Vsync.
Edit: wait, 4k is 2160p, so half the split.
With Hairworks.
Apart from the line:
which seems to be missing from my users.settings, but it was in viveks'.
Aw shit. forgot there's a wealth of new configs in there. Back to the drawing board for me then.
I think it'll update automatically if you open Galaxy. This is the first time I've used it, though.Thanks, I'll try that
Do I have to download the patch manually if I'm using GOG Galaxy?
Last year? Where you frozen in carbonite for 10 years? The AA situation has been bad ever since developers started using deferred shading around the Xbox 360 launch.Game looks pretty good but the AA jumped out immediately as kind of bad. Seems like in the last year or so anti-aliasing has become a big issue. Seems to have gotten crazy expensive so we're left with inferior options.
Seems like Kepler has poor performance relative to Maxwell regardless of Hairworks.
Yeah, decided to go with the 60fps option in the end.
Whilst it looks amazing at 4K, I just can get used to this 30fps nonsense, it just feels wrong and according to afterburner monitor my 2 GPU's are running at the raggedy edge (90-95%) to maintain the 30fps lock, and I've barely started exploring the game, so there are bound to be instances where the frame rate will drop below 30.
I will not buy Titan X, i will not buy Tiatan X, I will not.......
Reading through this thread, the one thing I don't get is why so many people chose not to use HBAO+. It's so worth it.
I've heard rolling back to previous Nvidia Drivers helps with inventory crashes.
Anyone tried this? Does it effect performance much?
For anyone on nvidia fighting crashes, I haven't had a single crash since switching to fullscreen from borderless windowed -- and that's with using the latest witcher 3 drivers.
Also, anyone found a way to remove the weight limit or make items have zero weight? I'm a super hoarder in RPGs and weight limits are usually the first thing I make go away but I've had no luck finding out how.