They better leave 9-1-1: Lone Star alone.
Not because I even intend to watch it, but more because it gives The Cinema Snob some great content. He's been doing Lone Star Clip of the Week bits in some of his more recent reviews, which finally led to this:
Like seriously, what is this insanity?! I've heard this is a spin-off, is the main 9-1-1 show this batshit crazy?!
One day every channel will only show Jersey Shore re-runs
It's already happening. 99 already wore its progressive attitude on its sleeve, and hell, why not, Holt is great even if he is practically introduced as "the gay black character". But get ready for the whole of season 8 to be people making sad faces because they're ashamed of being cops.
Where the hell is BHC 4?Probably not Beverly Hills Cop
I don't even think Shark Week is safe. After all they feature "Great Whites."
Well, that dog does have a shady past...They got Paw Patrol. I'll never be the same.
The Protests Come for ‘Paw Patrol’ (Published 2020)
A backlash is mounting against depictions of “good cops,” on television and in the
I'm surprised South Park has survived this long.
Whatever is underperforming ratings wise. The execs will be happy to dump a poorly performing show and get credit for doing so.
They are going to cancel any show that shows real police work. All the fake ones they can just conform to their narrative.
Hbo max getting rid of all police academy movies.
Cops aren't the devil, get out of here with that stupid half-baked hippie rhetoric. These cement heads should stick to doobie smoking and wearing socks on their hands.
One day every channel will only show Jersey Shore re-runs
Yanked from the schedule not cancelled. It will be back once this all blows over.While this is possible, and would give them a good excuse, even high ratings might not be enough to save a show. Live PD was one of the most popular shows on cable for Fridays and Saturdays, and yet it still got yanked.