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With PS4 Neo and Xbox Scorpio out next year.. What now for Nintendo?

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So it looks like we are now in the era of 3 year half generation console upgrades. This is beyond a new 3DS like upgrade(which xbox one slim reportedly has).

The Xbox Scorpio is essentially a next gen upgrade, being 5x more powerful than Xbox One in GPU. PS4 iNeo s not that far behind either. Both are likely out by Fall 2017. So what now about the NX? What do you guys think Nintendo's best game plan to tackle this?

Should they still release the NX with PS4 like specs in March 2017 or risk breaking even and at least going for a 4 Tera Flops GPU like PS4? Either way, they will need to do something about this. At least get some kind of SCD support.

Note: this dicussion is not really about what you think Nintendo will do, but what you think they should do.
Nintendo will always do their own thing. I think they should continue to do their own thing as trying to change their game now won't work for them. I don't think they are in a position to just go for straight power.
I think they should make the console they want to make, and then put the games they want to put on that console, because I feel like they've learned from the failure of the Wii U, and they still make great games.
I feel that Scorpio and Neo are more enthusiast products than they are mass market. These two will probably be around the $600 mark.

Nintendo has to compete with the base models.
Not change course, obviously.

They should be working on making their platform unique and innovative while being as friendly to mobile and indie developers as possible. Nintendo should innovate on the controls once again and engage a new generation that is growing up with touch, whether GAF likes it or not.

Getting into an arms race with Sony and MS is stupid. There are huge markets that they're not serving and that's what Nintendo needs to focus on.


Games are already in development, there have probably been numerous contracts signed. Not to mention they would have to either increase the price of NX or possibly sell at a loss to get better hardware. They're not going to suddenly double the power of the thing.


Nintendo will always do their own thing. I think they should continue to do their own thing as trying to change their game now won't work for them. I don't think they are in a position to just go for straight power.

Didn't work at all. Their console and handheld sales keep declining every generation (except Wii and DS). Not sure why people keep believing that they should do their own things.


Good luck, Nintendo. Their mindshare is dwindling yet many diehard Nintendo fans are hoping from something amazing. Besides, occasionally good 1st party games... I don't know what the NX can do to actually grab somebody's attention who doesn't care for Nintendo IP. Good luck, Big N. Really hope we aren't saying "RIP NX" when it's shown.
I feel that Scorpio and Neo are more enthusiast products than they are mass market. These two will probably be around the $600 mark.

Nintendo has to compete with the base models.
It insane to launch them at $600. Look at the PS3 launch. No one is gonna repeat that mistake again.


What now? They might actually have to announce/show the thing!

Once we know what the actual NX we can determine what level of doomed Nintendo is.
Scorpio is gonna be $600, easily. Or at least $500, maybe $550. I don't see why that's so unreasonable to y'all. Prices will drop over time, but Scorpio will represent the high-end Xbox option, as opposed to a straight replacement for the Xbox One.
Nintendo will always do their own thing. I think they should continue to do their own thing as trying to change their game now won't work for them. I don't think they are in a position to just go for straight power.

Came to post this. And I'm fine with that, I know people think Nintendo should try to get third-parties interested, but I think Nintendo should focus on it's own games.


...lacks reading comprehension.
Nintendo should just go third party for console games. With iterative models it makes even less sense to buy a Nintendo console just for their games. Less so if you only love two or three of their IPs.


The way I see it, at least with Neo, devs are going to be having settings that support both versions of hardware. If NX is in the general ballpark of the base One and PS4 it'll probably fine for whatever bare bones 3rd party support it's likely to get.

But Nintendo is gonna Nintendo and they'll create their own games that it w/e it is they've built. It's been that way for a long time and I don't see it changing. Even if Nintendo put out the most powerful box, it'd probably still be mostly Nintendo games and a smattering of 3rd party.
Talking about power when referring to a Nintendo console is wrong, they just don't care and will never compete directly with the others.
Not sure if bad with jokes or really immature.

Of course he's joking, but you'd have to be naive to think that with the SPecs it's flaunting that Scorpio will retail for anything less than$499/$500, with $600 being pretty likely. Point being that Nintendo's going to continue to cater to the entry-level market at around the $300 mark like they always have and not get into a spec war. It's not as profitable anyway, if the success of the Wii means anything.


Okay even though I have been top 3 most pessimistic Nintendo fans in the world, especially these past 6 months

I will honestly say NX can still attain Wii levels of success. It's possible if they have the right software & hook for their console AND IF Nintendo is delaying the release of the console for a more logical reason other than "lmao VR" then they are making the right choice.

Of course I still think there is a 75% chance it will bomb, but we'll see


Honestly I think the NX will be Nintendo's last console. It will end up being an unmitigated disaster sales wise, possibly matching what the WiiU has achieved. I'll probably get a lot of flack for this lol


has there ever been a follow-up to that digitimes rumor that Nintendo was pushing the NX release in order to include VR support? Digitimes are pretty reliable, but that just seems like a weird last minute reaction to the Neo/Scorpio and NX would presumably need a spec-bump as well.


Their console numbers are abysmal, their handheld market got ate up by Apple and the demographic is skewing towards older players. It's also close to a full generation of kids not growing up with Nintendo because of their lack of presence in the mobile scene.

Do what they always do and never change is the same advice given to the Japanese corporations without realizing the great shift in taste that arise in the mid 00s and further accentuated by the dominance of America / Western social media platforms which dictate the modern culture. Not to mention the revival of PC gamers where consoles just aint cutting it for them, some who were previously in Nintendo's base.

It's extremely hard to stage a comeback, it feels like the race is over before it starts.


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