Wolfgang Jr
OKKKKKKThat doesn't make sense . No developer ever targets the highest spec and then scale back as its a nightmare to deal with and often requires another team to handle it as it won't be simple port.they always target the middle ground and scale up or down from there. U don't design a game for rtx 2080ti and then scale it back to a 1080p cards. You target the middle cards and u scale up for high end gpus or down for low end from there . Gpu does more than resolution

Yeah, every dev develops for 486's and then adds: Details: "Ultra" to the .ini file at the end, right?
Dude, you're well retarded. There is literally ZERO ISSUE HERE. Consoles are PC's now. ALL PC's run any modern games these days if you're on Windows 10. XSX will run on ULTRA settings, XSS will run MED/LOW settings.
Holy shit you guys are fucked.