Meh box office weekend is meh. The Promise looks to be a big bomb, thankfully for Open Range they won't lose anything since they just distributed it though.
Why did the football make a metal CLANK! sound when it hit his head?
Dude was straight up getting his Sean Young as Catwoman on.
DC turns actors into stalkers.
YES!!! Hell of reference...but not that far off
The difference is that Selina Kyle is an interesting character, unlike John Stewart.
The difference is that Selina Kyle is an interesting character, unlike John Stewart.
Tyrese just houngry for a franchise of his own.
Baby Boy Cinematic Universe!
Baby Boy Cinematic Universe!
I suspect that Tyrese is a chaos magician using social media to will movies into existence. Further research is necessary.
How does Katherine Heigl keep getting work?
Fans of her in My Father the Hero are now running things?How does Katherine Heigl keep getting work?
Fans of her in My Father the Hero are now running things?
How does Katherine Heigl keep getting work?
I saw Colossal last night because of this per usual, GAF overhyped something that was extremely mediocre. Wait for it to come out on stream, y'all.
It wasn't bad, it wasn't good, it was just weird and kind of interesting.
Everyone is on souped up bicycles!
Although, adding Snoop to the F&F universe could be all kinds of amazing.
She's trying to get Under Siege 3 made then.Uncle Casey Ryback calling in favors?
I saw Colossal last night because of this per usual, GAF overhyped something that was extremely mediocre. Wait for it to come out on stream, y'all.
It wasn't bad, it wasn't good, it was just weird and kind of interesting.
It wasn't bad, it wasn't good, it was just weird and kind of interesting.
BronsonLee review strikes again.
Trust BronsonLee in 2k17 brehs
Bronson also loved XXX.
I saw Colossal last night because of this per usual, GAF overhyped something that was extremely mediocre.
ThisG O
Any word on Free Fire? Wanna see it at some point this week.
There's some talk that Alien Covenant might not be coming to China afterall. I guess it has failes to pass censorship 3 times now. I am curious why.
Compared to where she was a decade ago, she's barely getting work. A few short lived shows and low budget movies in recent years.
There's some talk that Alien Covenant might not be coming to China afterall. I guess it has failed to pass censorship 3 times now. I am curious why.
There's some talk that Alien Covenant might not be coming to China afterall. I guess it has failed to pass censorship 3 times now. I am curious why.
There's some talk that Alien Covenant might not be coming to China afterall. I guess it has failed to pass censorship 3 times now. I am curious why.
It is supposed to be pretty fucking gross. Easily the most violent thing Ridley's ever made, apparently.
What if we say 怪獣 instead.I feel like monster movies would do better if you all stopped using the word "kaiju".
Please stop saying kaiju.
I guess he took to heart that the c-section alien birth in Prometheus was one of the few scenes in that movie to have a lasting impact.It is supposed to be pretty fucking gross. Easily the most violent thing Ridley's ever made, apparently.
Wasn't there a report about a month or so ago mentioning that they're routinely ordering 40 gallon drums of fake blood? The film's definitely going to be a gore fest...
Which is something I don't really know what to make of. Lots of "extreme gore" ranks pretty fucking low on the list of things I want in an Alien movie, and I hope it doesn't end up being a crutch.
this is one of the best scenes of all time:
man I love how Tyrese's stupid ass thought it was Taraji P Henson with just the top half of Snoop's head visible, and then he fully rolls down the window and its that hateful dude instead hahaha
Snoop was hilarious in here.
So is GitS still on track to lose that $80m?
Something, something Ant-Man.
I'm still not sure where the Ant-Man comparison was coming from.