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Wolfenstein: The New Order |OT| They put Nazis on the Moon, Scheiß auf den Mond!


So I'm trying to get all the perks but struggling with the cover ones, like get 80 kills from cover using AR. What does the game define as cover?


So I'm trying to get all the perks but struggling with the cover ones, like get 80 kills from cover using AR. What does the game define as cover?

The easiest way to get them is to get up close to a cover and watch the little arrows pop up.

Then when you ADS you automatically use the lean mechanic to lean out of cover. You can also manually lean out of cover if you want.

This is how you get those kills.
So I'm trying to get all the perks but struggling with the cover ones, like get 80 kills from cover using AR. What does the game define as cover?

If you hug the corners or crouch behind boxes, you should see a very small arrow appear to indicate that you can shoot from cover. Aiming down the sites while the indicator arrow is on screen will allow you to peak out of cover (in the direction the arrow is pointing) and fire.

EDIT: Beaten by Lima!


One that drags on for too long.

Seriously, chapter 1 is twice as long as most chapters.

Absolutely. I enjoy the violence you can get up to in the level; would have loved a separate training level so we could bypass that and just focus on the castle assault itself.

Is that castle supposed to be Wolfenstein, by the way?

Even so, could have been much better than it was. Gave horrible first impression.

Yeah. Reminded me of Serious Sam 3 BFE's opening levels, to be honest.


The easiest way to get them is to get up close to a cover and watch the little arrows pop up.

Then when you ADS you automatically use the lean mechanic to lean out of cover. You can also manually lean out of cover if you want.

This is how you get those kills.

If you hug the corners or crouch behind boxes, you should see a very small arrow appear to indicate that you can shoot from cover in the direction the arrow is pointing. Aiming down the sites while the indicator arrow is on screen will allow you to peak out of cover and shoot.

I've nearly finished my second playthrough, yet I never knew what those little arrows meant.

Then again, I never use ADS.


Arrived at the bridge. Game fucking rocks. Also, it is veeeeeeeery pretty in many spots.

I am really enjoynig my PS4 Uber playthrough. I did not collect all perks, are the ones I unlocked now active in 2nd playthrough?

few PSshare shots:




Arrived at the bridge. Game fucking rocks. Also, it is veeeeeeeery pretty in many spots.

I am really enjoynig my PS4 Uber playthrough. I did not collect all perks, are the ones I unlocked now active in 2nd playthrough?

Yep, just as long as you don't start a new game. Use chapter select.


And I like total silence in the bridge section while traversing over first area. So eerie and quiet, just few alive soldiers...
On Chapter 9 right now and loving it, even the 'stealth' segments are fun which I am shocked at. There's not much of a penalty if you screw up, it's very easy to recover which keeps the flow and prevents frustration. The gunplay is fantastic as well, and the music is phenomenal! I love how it's sometimes subtly playing during gameplay, and other times it ramps up during an awesome cutscene.

Oh and I tend to be a graphics snob at times, but despite the rough textures and bad aliasing, this game does look very nice in certain settings. I find the bright daytime scenes look like garbage, but interiors and night scenes are quite beautiful. The way some of the lighting combines with fog/haze/dust particles is really atmospheric.
Did anyone actually miss the supernatural element in this game?

Whilst I enjoyed the sci-fi, I still missed the supernatural aspects of the series.
Just cleaned up the collectables and got the platinum. This game is maybe even more fun on the easiest difficulty. Mowing through dudes is so fucking satisfying. There aren't many shooters I can say that for.



My recommendation for the Uber trophy/achievement is to play in 999 mode. Unlimited ammo and 999 health is fucking fun. Ran through the game using only dual wield.

Are you sure you can get achievements/trophies in 999 mode? I'm playing on that mode now and I've noticed there's no collectibles.


Are you sure you can get achievements/trophies in 999 mode? I'm playing on that mode now and I've noticed there's no collectibles.

You can't get perk and collectible achievements.

You can however get the difficulty achievements yes.

Where is the best place to get the 5 thrown back grenade kills?

Any place where there is a Nazi and you have a grenade. Put it on the easiest difficulty, run up close to the enemy and throw your own grenade on the ground, then quickly throw it "back" to the enemy.
Cool. Both of them?

I'm supposing it would be possible to set up the classic game on the PS4 and take over on the Vita via remote play? Wolf 3D and Doom would be sweet on the Vita, IMO.

You won't be able to do anything like that.
There's a only a tiny portion of the first level of Wolf 3D.


Can people please give me some tips on getting higher fps? i have all settings to low but it's not enough, i only have a gtx 260 but i assumed i'd be able to get 60fps seeing as its on the old consoles


You can't get perk and collectible achievements.

You can however get the difficulty achievements yes.

Any place where there is a Nazi and you have a grenade. Put it on the easiest difficulty, run up close to the enemy and throw your own grenade on the ground, then quickly throw it "back" to the enemy.

Thanks, didn't think about throwing back my own grenade. Got Platinum!


Gold Member
I'm struggling with the Autopanzer perk... (Empty a fully powered LKW without missing)

I assume that means empty a full clip/charge without missing? I've done that a couple times and it's not triggering. Does it mean not taking your finger off the trigger either? The LKW is your box cutter laser thing right?
I'm struggling with the Autopanzer perk... (Empty a fully powered LKW without missing)

I assume that means empty a full clip/charge without missing? I've done that a couple times and it's not triggering. Does it mean not taking your finger off the trigger either? The LKW is your box cutter laser thing right?

Right. I did it pretty easily in the last fight of chapter 6. Just find a large robotic enemy and lay into him.


I'm struggling with the Autopanzer perk... (Empty a fully powered LKW without missing)

I assume that means empty a full clip/charge without missing? I've done that a couple times and it's not triggering. Does it mean not taking your finger off the trigger either? The LKW is your box cutter laser thing right?
yes, but it has to be fully upgraded to get the perk. You'll eventually get a scope with a lockon system. The scope will show red dots fill up. Wait til they are all full then fire. If it's still not working then you don't have it fully upgraded.

Edit: shit I think I was wrong about it needing to be fully upgraded... Sorry.
Just gave this game a rent for PS3 and play through the first chapter. It was pretty damn long haha. Graphics look kinda blah but gunplay seems decent and the story is somewhat intriguing so far. Not sure what to expect as I've only played Wolfie 3D, but I'm looking forward to the ride.
Long time reader...finally got approved to post today. So for my first post I'm just about to pop this game in on the xbone and give it shot. Fond memories of RTCW.


I don't know how it takes some people 15 hours to play through this game. My first two playthroughs were approximately 9 hours long, and each subsequent playthrough has been even shorter. And I didn't even rush it on my first two runs. Well, not that much anyway.


Junior Member
I downloaded this game today, but I also managed to snag Watch dogs so I haven't dived in. I hear good things, really just hoping for a good ol fashioned FPS romp.


I don't know how it takes some people 15 hours to play through this game. My first two playthroughs were approximately 9 hours long, and each subsequent playthrough has been even shorter. And I didn't even rush it on my first two runs. Well, not that much anyway.

It took me about 15 hours, but I was being very thorough and only missed two collectibles.

EDIT: Took me more like 17 hours actually.


Is Chapter 10 supposed to be this difficult

edit: yeah some people seem to have a problem with it too
nvm i just avoided the 2 big dudes at the end and ran onto the train
Finished this today.

Chapter 13 is great, and has the best atmosphere and sound in the game.
Chapter 14 is a lot of fun.
Chapter 15 is a lot of fun.
Chapter 16 is overload on special enemy types, and the final boss is a bit of a slog

I suspect my aggressive style of trying to get a few more shots in before running away was making Mecha Deathshead harder than it's supposed to be because as soon as I settled down (and got a bit lucky with his slow turn speed) I beat him pretty handily.


Overall this is one of the best shooters I've played in a long, long time, but it's not necessarily due to any one thing. Just like this team's previous projects, it's a mix of great pacing, really natural writing and great characterization, great world building/atmosphere, and (this time) great shootouts. I can give a few reasons as to why the game isn't a 10/10: Stealth is pretty easy due to dumb AI, textures and IQ are not great, latter chapters rely too heavily on tank enemies, cutscene transitions and location changes between chapters feel abrupt which eats into the presentation a bit, the sound mix is effed until you hack your console audio output (and even then its tinny), I found the weapon wheel right stick movement a bit inaccurate compared to other games,
shotgun supersolders
are massively annoying enemies, etc. whatever, who cares, let's get to the good stuff

Why It Works

- Pacing: The game took me around 20 hours to complete, and for 19 hours and 30 minutes of that it never felt like it was dragging, and nothing felt like it played out too quickly. Each chapter is given as much time as it needs to breathe and encounters, set-pieces, and tasks within those chapters vary in tone, speed, and difficulty. You go from shooting, to character moments, to stealth, to mini-bosses, to underwater, to bigger bosses, to vent crawling, to fetch missions back to shooting, and all of it feels like it was done by a team timing every second out so they hit the marks just right. I've seen some criticism for Chapter 1, but I thought it was a good introduction to all of the mechanics and situations you'll be faced with on the journey. I've seen some criticism for Chapter 8, but I thought it was placed exactly where it needed to be to kick off the 2nd half of the game. and showcased MachineGames' doing what they do even in the face of a balls out shooter like Wolfenstein. It's a game that has a good flow to its arcs and feels in control. Inhale, count to four. Exhale, count to four.

- Writing and Characterization: This is something the members of MachineGames got right a decade ago so it being a positive didn't surprise me at all. Every key player has a strong voice, and even the smaller roles feel like characters ripe to be fleshed out. The villains are horrible disgusting villains with a lot of charisma and are always kept in the frame by good plotting even when it seems like you're a world away. Lines are delivered naturally in and out of gameplay, and everything from BJ + Anya's relationship to cutscenes are handled with a finesse not only unique within shooters of the last few years, but in the industry at large. Yes it's pulpy, but it's done well and gets you to care about what's happening even after you've spent 15 minutes killin' Nazis.

I have to give a special mention to our hero, B.J. Blazkowicz. I think what MachineGames was able to do here is pretty cool, and will be largely unappreciated due to the IP and genre. They've managed to make a protagonist badass enough to be the soldier the game calls for, but infused with a heart, a voice, memories, and a sense of humor all unique to him. This isn't a one liner factory on a camera swivel, this is a guy that feels like his mind is churning, and thanks to that great little internal dialogue narrative device, we get to hear bits and pieces of him float to the surface through the violence and the muck. Whether its flowery lines during his reflective moments, or weird issues he has with the way a certain word sounds, or how he feels about falling off a bridge, or his economical dialogue with Anya; this is a character.

- World Building/Atmosphere: They've created a cohesive whole despite basically being a globetrotting WWII adventure. Every chapter is memorable and neck deep within the mood its trying to set from the classic "War Is Hell" trenches of the prologue, to the horror flavored asylum BJ "wakes up" in to really start the campaign, to the oppressive walls of a labor camp, to the 60s sci-fi visual and aural aesthetic of Chapter 13. Combined with the news clippings found throughout the game, you truly get a sense of what this alternate Nazi ruled future is like from many perspectives. Another aspect of this is the music which from the distorted, grinding noise accompanying Deathshead's scenes, to the somber guitar work found in the low key moments, to the metal and electronic offerings sprinkled everywhere else, it simply works. The rough sound mix will dampen some of this, but if you can get the levels right, you'll be treated to a very effective score.

- Gameplay: Plain and simple: this is a fun shooter. Guns have impact, explosives splatter enemies, leaning is really well done, hip fire is useful PRAISE DAH LAWD, the perk systems asks you to change your playstyle and offers great rewards, EVERY gun upgrade is useful and handed out right when you're getting used to your arsenal, knife takedowns look good, there's a "rock" for most every enemy's "scissors," and dual wielding giant auto-shotguns is amazing. Best of all, the non-shooting elements are well done too, and offer a nice bit of variety and anticipation for the next shootout. It all runs at a high clip and feels good on the sticks. It's to the point that I can almost forgive the AI for being so dumb in stealth sections because I'm still having fun. Even the little environmental puzzles and collectables are interesting enough for me to go out of my way to complete.

In Conclusion

It's a winner. MachineGames has taken their old formula and thrown everything they know into a blender with much better movement and shooting mechanics, and what we have is a 2nd generation shooter (1997-2007) with a ton of heart, and the kind of linear singleplayer ambition found in only a handful of shooters over the last 10 years. If there's any justice in the world, they'll be allowed to keep carrying this torch either with a Wolf sequel (I'd love to go to more countries and see
the resistance on the offensive on a large scale)
, or work on a new IP with the same qualities. I need more of this in my life.

Final Rating: Dual Shrapnel Round Firing Auto-Shotguns Ripping Enemies To Pieces /10


This game is spectacular. I'm early on but I'm already hooked. And lol at the achievements - it's kind of satisfying getting an achievement every time you do one of those mini challenges on the perk screen.

Such a nice touch to see "Bethesda presents" basically an hour into the game. I love it when games/movies do that - there's a long intro, then BAM "<insert company" presents" - the game has only just started to get going folks.


This game is spectacular. I'm early on but I'm already hooked. And lol at the achievements - it's kind of satisfying getting an achievement every time you do one of those mini challenges on the perk screen.

I actually wish they put a little bit more effort into the achievements.

I mean, 32 achievements tied to perks, really? Pretty lazy.


Just started this, got through the first chapters. The part in the intro where Deathshead is just staring at you through the window in the door was super creepy. The music and the noise, coupled with his expression was just really unsettling. Creeped me out big time.
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