John Rabbit

I just completed this for the first time as I wanted more after finishing my 2nd run through The New Order in preparation for The New Colossus.
I know that at the time of it's release, The Old Blood had a less enthusiastic response than TNO did, and to be honest I completely understand. It's just not quite as good as TNO; it's smaller in scope, the new mechanics they introduced aren't so hot, the story and characters are less developed and interesting, etc etc.
Given the following things are true:
- It's October, the month for spooky, scary skeletons
- The New Colossus is less than 2 weeks away
- It's almost been a year since America lost it's goddamned mind and gave way to a sudden resurgence of white supremacist assholes
The Old Blood has something for you across all 3 points:
- It's a fun, pulpy story that takes a hard turn into the supernatural/occult for the last 1/4th or so. The last two chapters alone are almost worth it; I completed them back-to-back in a dim room with the cool night air coming in through my windows. Just perfect.
- It's a nice "side-story" kind of thing to see if only to have more background on B.J.'s adventures before TNC comes out (plus you get to use some different 1946-era weaponry that isn't in TNO); the ending is a really nice tie-in to the beginning of TNO
- There's no end of Nazis to shoot/maim/exsanguinate
Bonus, you can run through it in about 8 hours (less if you don't bother looking for the collectibles) so you can probably knock it out in 2 sittings. I hope we get more of the supernatural/occult/horror aspect in The New Colossus.
At $20 I'm not sure I can recommend it, but if you've already got it in your backlog, or you can find it for less than $12-15 and are interested in The New Colossus, I say go for it.