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Wonderfalls appreciation thread (unaired eps)

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No real spoilers for ppl planning on getting the DVD set though.

Having just downloaded and watched up to episode 11 I can say again that this was one of the best new shows on TV in awhile. The storylines just get funnier and more entertaining, and unlike most shows I started really getting attached to the characters themselves. Even when the show engages in some sex-farce-like madcap plotting (*incredibly* funny in the mini-arc involving 'wrong love') there was a great emotional attachment to the characters and their predicaments. Wonderfalls is the rare show that manages to have entertaining plots consisting almost entirely of "good" people who may be flawed but who are all intelligent and inherently decent to each other and actually always try to do the right thing. A great ensemble cast really but the Tyler family especially are all perfectly cast, although they don't get much to do for the first few episodes.

Most everyone who watched the show noted that Caroline Dhavernas is smoking hot and seems to get more beautiful and just plain appealing every episode. If she's not getting into movies or getting more TV projects thrown at her than everyone in the Biz must be blind because she's charismatic and has great comic timing to go along with the ability to underplay emotional scenes. Any TV show with a cynical, hard drinking (seriously, she spends most of her free time tossing back shots at the bar and thats even before she falls for the bartender) sarcastic yet still not-annoying main character is worth checking out.

The DVD supposedly will be out in early December, showing all 13 episodes, including the whopping *9* unaired eps. Thanks for giving it a shot, Fox! That 4 eps run really gave ppl a chance to see how unique and well crafted the show was! :p

Sadly, I only have 2 eps left to watch. The ongoing story kicks so damn much ass, it's good to know the shows creators deliberately made it so the 13 eps they knew they'd film could sorta stand on their own as a self-contained entity.

White Man

In your opinion, are any of the unaired eps better than the eps that aired? I only saw the show on TV, and I don't think anything ever lived up to the potential of the pilot.

Mama Smurf

My penis is still intact.
Was your episode 9 fucked up sound wise? I refuse to watch it the way it is, I'd have to pause and go back every few seconds just to make out what people are saying.
White Man said:
In your opinion, are any of the unaired eps better than the eps that aired? I only saw the show on TV, and I don't think anything ever lived up to the potential of the pilot.

Before it was cancelled Tim mentioned that Episode 5 was where the story arc was going to start. The show ended up being cancelled after the 4th.

It's also worht nothing that's its very wrong that Method and Red are getting better ratings than Wonderfall ever did.


I haven't downloaded any episodes yet, right now I'm planning on waiting for the dvd. I may crack beforehand though and just download them.


Pretty much all the unaired eps build on what comes before - I don't know if the jokes are funnier or the acting better or anything, but the humour and situations are so character-driven that simply watching a few more eps makes everything seem much, much better. I laughed my ass off in the last 3 episodes I watched and simultaneously damn near got a little misty at a few scenes. ;)

I felt the same way about Arrested Development, by the time I had watched the entire first season I found the first episodes *much* more entertaining to rewatch.

The unaired eps definitely do contain much better ongoing plot arcs, but that's to be expected. And as I said initially a few of the minor characters get a lot more to do in the following eps - Jaye's siblings especially get excellent scenes and become much more central to the stories. Overall I'd say that, yes, the show did get better as it went on but even more than just the writing getting sharper or the actors becoming more comfortable in the roles I'd say the show itself becomes much more engaging simply from catching on as a viewer to the slightly kooky style and getting to know the characters.

Season 1
1-1 12-Mar-2004 -- Wax Lion
1-2 19-Mar-2004 -- Karma Chameleon
1-3 26-Mar-2004 -- Wound-Up Penguin
1-4 01-Apr-2004 -- Pink Flamingos
1-5 UNAIRED -- Crime Dog
1-6 UNAIRED -- Barrel Bear
1-7 UNAIRED -- Muffin Buffalo
1-8 UNAIRED -- Lovesick Ass
1-9 UNAIRED -- Safety Canary
1-10 UNAIRED -- Lying Pig
1-11 UNAIRED -- Cocktail Bunny
1-12 UNAIRED -- Totem Mole
1-13 UNAIRED -- Caged Bird

Cocktail Bunny = funny as shit!


Mama Smurf said:
Was your episode 9 fucked up sound wise? I refuse to watch it the way it is, I'd have to pause and go back every few seconds just to make out what people are saying.

Oops, sorry missed your question.

Yeah, eps 9 has messed up sound. It's not from the screener dvd's, and you can see how the sfx shots aren't done (there's a TEMP graphic on the screen to show you that a special effect will be added). I bet at some point soon someone will release a torrent of the finished eps with fixed sound, but for now there is a better audio version out there. It sounds like someone just took the crap audio and reencoded it while fixing the audio as much as possible but it's still hard to listen to. And the post-production sounds (doors opening, etc) are waaaay too loud compared the spoken dialogue, and there's no music. It's listed on torrent sites as "fixed audio" or something similar, but as far as I could find there isn't a version out there with normal audio and post production.

I found the 'better' audio one was good enough to watch on the computer, but I would wait for a proper screener version if you wanted to burn them or watch it on TV. The lack of music (and the way the animals that would be talking with CGI aren't moving) is a bit of a distraction and it's such an important arc episode.
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