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World of Warcraft for ALL!!! (sorta)


akascream said:
I am completely impressed with the Tauren zones.


I made a cow and really dig the open plains / indian theme.



I wanna log back on ...



Son of Godzilla said:

I guess you missed the awesome fucking oasis', Wailing Caverns, Ratchet, and the Seagaurde encampment which is the most awesome fucking thing ever created ever. I mean its just great. Pirate ships and all, damn cannoniers though rip up my mage. Hell all this is only half-way down the zone, still alot more to go.

Plus you gotta remember its the difference in zones that makes it awesome. Look at CoH, with the exceptiong of the caves and indoors its just one big freaking city. BOOORING. Or shit like DAoC which is a giant piece of green ground with a few hills and tree's every so often. maybe a few environment pieces every 2 miles if the designers werent feeling particularly lazy. The Beauty of WoW is the detail and the sheer amount of it. It looks like a serious professional went over the entire world and spent an hour on each square foot crafting it to be unique, in most cases anyways. its all great though


Gawd I think it is time for me to stop playing, I can't handle playing this extensively and dealing with reality at the same time


I've been playing on Kwha'ever and its down all the time. Boy did I pick the wrong server. I have a character for when Tauren/Orc/Troll/NightElf are down in my realm and when my realm is down. 2 backup characters heh.
My quest to swim to Loch Modan continues. I've reached the Hinterlands. Their minimap looks alot more developed than the mess that was easter plaguelands. It's amazing how much of this world hasn't been made yet.


GAF's Bob Woodward
I think it's Blizzard's way of telling you "you're trying to see things we can't show you yet. go away!" ;)


GAF's Bob Woodward
Woah - I was just reading on the Blizzard boards that apparently the game is supposed to look even better than it currently does. They've disabled all pixel shaders in the latest client (the client all stress-testers have), so you won't get some prettier effects, like the water etc. I had noticed the water looked a bit meh, but it's a testament to the art that it still all looks so incredible!
From what I can see on that gryphon flight picture, you have the same water as beta players have. Mostly a texture with transparency along the shores. It's never been possible to change the settings to anything better. I'm pretty sure there will be though.


GAF's Bob Woodward
SiegfriedFM said:
From what I can see on that gryphon flight picture, you have the same water as beta players have. Mostly a texture with transparency along the shores. It's never been possible to change the settings to anything better. I'm pretty sure there will be though.

Yeah, there will be. All the latest clients (including closed beta clients) have pixel shaders disabled. According to blizzard they'll be re-enabled in the future, but who know's when.


Man i got the #131 Error that has to do with terrain or something corrupt while playing. Mmy undead mage is scrweed. Cant log into her because it always crashed during the loading screen.


Well after reading this thread,I'm gettin the game...:D

I spent a brief amount of time with FFXI,got to level 30 I think,but quit due to my 56K...so now that I have BB I think I'll enjoy it alot more :)

Whats the requirements to get it lookin like most of the pics in this thread?DumbNameD's in particular look really nice...


Ramirez said:
Well after reading this thread,I'm gettin the game...:D

I spent a brief amount of time with FFXI,got to level 30 I think,but quit due to my 56K...so now that I have BB I think I'll enjoy it alot more :)

Whats the requirements to get it lookin like most of the pics in this thread?DumbNameD's in particular look really nice...
My computer's old. It's only 2 GHz with 512 MB RAM and a GeForce4 Ti 4400. The game runs smooth enough for me at 1024x768.


WoW actualy runs supprisingly well on my computer, with 1.7ghz, 512 RAM, and a terrible Geforce2 MX. I've been playing at 1024x768 with most of the settings turned right down, and while it doesn't run great, it's still perfectly playable and doesn't look all that bad either.


Son of Godzilla said:
Lvl 22. Go me. Aero claims that the contest has been changed to top 10 per class per faction per server. I looked for proof and found none.

You were right. I was just quickly reading and missed some of it. It isnt top 10 its just a per server basis like you said. My mistake. Still though...not that many high level troll mages. If you really hit it for the next 3 days you MIGHT make it.


GAF's Bob Woodward
OK, so we only have 2-3 more days of playtime left (*WEEP"). Anything I should do/see before finishing up, or should I just worry about seeing/doing everything when the game is actually out? Any suggestions on cool stuff to do before things are over would be cool..


gofreak said:
OK, so we only have 2-3 more days of playtime left (*WEEP"). Anything I should do/see before finishing up, or should I just worry about seeing/doing everything when the game is actually out? Any suggestions on cool stuff to do before things are over would be cool..

I know! :(


I've at least tried 4 classes with different races:

Undead Warlock
Night Elf Priest
Human Paladin
Troll Mage

My goal is to get my main character (Troll Mage) to at least level 16, though I'm sure I should be able to reach level 18 easily. It will be a sad thing to let the game go.

As far as other things to do, I'm starting to play with the crafting system. I like the low learning curve a lot so far.
Things to see in a relatively low level:

* The dwarf statues in south Loch Modan (passage to Dun Morogh).

* Theramore dock (just take a ship from Menethil or Auberdine).

* The huge glowing sword in southern Darkshore (just follow the road).

* Thunder Bluff (tauren capital).

* Iron Forge/Dun Morogh at night.

* Deadmines in Westfall if you get a group (lvl 16-20) together.

* Dalaran mage city to the southeast of the lake in Silverpine Forest, fairly dangerous to go there (esp. for Alliance) but you can see the dome from far away.


Aviendha says, "Get that camera outta my face:


I Killed one of Crazy Cat lady's cats >_> :


Welcome to Storm City:


Tag team stabbing a bugged guy that wouldn't let us pick his pocket:


After a good stabbing you need to take a rest:


The best for last. Aviendha the dual weilding badass:




SiegfriedFM said:
Things to see in a relatively low level:

* The dwarf statues in south Loch Modan (passage to Dun Morogh).

* Theramore dock (just take a ship from Menethil or Auberdine).

* The huge glowing sword in southern Darkshore (just follow the road).

* Thunder Bluff (tauren capital).

* Iron Forge/Dun Morogh at night.

* Deadmines in Westfall if you get a group (lvl 16-20) together.

* Dalaran mage city to the southeast of the lake in Silverpine Forest, fairly dangerous to go there (esp. for Alliance) but you can see the dome from far away.

Hmm... I haven't seen many of those places yet, though one of my current quests is on Thunder Bluff.

Anyway, you should add the main Night Elf city (not the one you start at) which is simply breathtaking. Also, Ogrimmar is quite vast and impressive.


Arg, just wrote a huge ass amount and it went "poof" :(

Anyways, the initial impression has worn off and the game isnt as great as Id expeted. The sum up what I wrote originally...

-Combat isnt THAT fun compared to City of Heros. There are some boring classes, some useless classes, and the diversity issue. Warriors are pretty boring, priest dont feel like priests as much as they do mages who can heal, they gave them Shadow Words but only put one type in. LAME. Things that might not be fixed there. Thankfully the hunter pets sucking, the Paladins identity crisis, the Warlocks "what can i do besides summon and make health stones" rant, and the druid forms being "Meh", will and should be addressed.

-Class diversity is terrible. All the classes are the same pretty much. At least in a game like DAoC you could be "this type of rogue", or "this type of mage", "this type of healer". Its terrible actually, once Ive gotten over the initial wow factor I realized this and was really dissapointed.

-The game needs more classes. Yes we can expect some improvements with hero classes, but those will likely be elite. We need more inital classes. A musician type, another mage devoted to a particular area(buffing/control/DoT/DD), maybe another unique class for each faction maybe even a unique class for each race, and another paper cut fighter. This sadly isnt going to happen, and it really sucks. *sigh* What could have been.

-Some Spell and attack icons are horrible. Hopefully they get changed, becasue as is 80% of them are either stupid looking, make no sense, or are rehashes from War3 that were dumb to begin with.

Its a good game and I like alot of stuff about it and I cant wait to finally get it ""For real" so I cant start after some higher level content, but i dont think it s going ot be that amazing game I thought it would be. Dissapointing ot say the least, but it is beta and it is an MMO, so lots of things can be fixed/ changed during the course of its life.
I see your points. But what level are you? Lvl 15 or so? The real fun stuff doesn't start until around lvl 25-30 when you have enough talents to make a difference, and some unique equipment that isn't just "mail texture pasted on basic body". Also, since levelling is relatively fast, it's not like people can't reach it.

Warriors are very fun. Charging in first of all, using sweeping strikes to aggro two opponents, hamstring to make sure humanoids can't run away and bring friends, pummel to stop casters... I don't even do the "taunt all and be meat tank" stuff that warriors are "supposed" to, but I guess you could do that too.

With talents in place, every class will have three distinct subgroups. There is a mile of difference between a rage warrior, a defense warrior or a arms warrior.

Icons and such are a VERY minor complaint, those have been updated/renamed all throughout the beta and they're hardly done.


GAF's Bob Woodward
AeroGod said:
I am disappointed


Only kidding, I appreciate your points. I haven't played enough to agree or disagree with most of them. All I know is..I must play more.
EviLore said:
Went on a raid with ~50 or so people. Here are some pics, in order of events:

Last night around midnight PST? I was there. We even went on a counter attack but because we were idiots we had no idea where to go after Booty Bay.


SiegfriedFM said:
With talents in place, every class will have three distinct subgroups. There is a mile of difference between a rage warrior, a defense warrior or a arms warrior.

Talents, with the exception of the 2-3 clickable abilities you might get way down the particular line, are purely passive numerical differences. That means nothing to me. Someone who puts his talents in his arcane line, nothing keeping him from training and casting fire or ice spells if he wants or it was needed. Its the look and feel. Even if he is telented in ice spells he still feels like every other mage in the game to me. Then look at DAoC. Every wizard is still a wizard but they all serve a different purpose. Earth, Fire, Water. I think it really stems from the lack of classes. The Mage is THE Mage so they have ot throw alot of shit on him, ahh I dunno.

Like I said though, its still a great game and still one of the better MMO. Its just kinda sad that games 4 years old are doing thats WoW doesnt do that it could benifit from. Im not saying DAoC is better then WoW or that it should try to be DAoC, but it cant hurt to borrow a few pages from its book especially when that adds to the diversity of what you see and can be in the game.


This game is indeed addicting and fun, I want to quit but then I feel I wasted all that time for nothing..sigh.

I saw a lvl33 Undead..goodness gracious. I'm sure he's even higher by now.


So I take it levelin is pretty fast in this game?Some of you guys are already up to 40 in what 4-5 days?!It took me like 2 months to get to level 30 in FFXI :p


Ramirez said:
So I take it levelin is pretty fast in this game?Some of you guys are already up to 40 in what 4-5 days?!It took me like 2 months to get to level 30 in FFXI :p

Yes leveling is very fast, probably one of the fastest MMOs around if you are playing fair. That is if you stick to quests and groups, otherwise it slows down but is still fairly fast. Depends on what class and tradeskills you play too. I actually like it this way and I hope htey keep this pace for retail.


I believe the majority are around 20s, more or less. I'm lvl17 now. I haven't seen a lvl40 yet though.


President/Creative Director of Grumpyface Studios
Restarted as a rogue on the pvp server Morgannon... I am very happy to announce that at least at low levels, pvp isn't a "run in and gank" sort of thing. My two friends and I (all level 7s at the time) got attacked out of nowhere by two level 10 alliance peeps... and we owned them! :D Great stuff.

Also, I want to urge everyone to take a tradeskill if you haven't already. I have NEVER been a tradeskill person, but I am loving it so far... it really adds a lot for you to do, and it's easy. Seriously, try out a tradeskill while you have a chance!

Grey Fox

Hah,was that the raid on Ratchet just a few hours ago?The Horde kicked your sorry alliance asses outta there. :D

Anyways, character round-up:

21 Orc Hunter

11 Human Paladin

10 Night Elf Druid

All on different servers,thanks to the random server shutdowns.Also,I gave up on trying to get into closed beta since Norgannon was pretty much always down when I was playing.


Blizzard's said that they feel leveling is about right for how fast it is right now, and any adjustments they do would be past level 30. Their reaction to all the EQ whiners saying "I want to have to spend 6 months reaching max level" is "if you hit the cap and want more leveling, make another character."

Also character diversity is way better than Aero thinks. The only real classes lacking diversity are the Priest and Paladin, and at least the Paladin is going to get changed up. I don't know if Priests will get changed up that much, but they might get some of their offensive power back, and they definitely need better talents. By far the most diverse class I've played is Shaman, I have so many different abilities to use I keep 2 hotkey bars going and a sidebar with 6 ability slots from a custom UI.

edit: Look at the latest news post on www.worldofwarcraft.com


Man, playing a Tauren Warrio, I don't get to play with many priests. But the other night I partied with one for wailing caverns and am I'm in fucking love!! :p
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