I've been out of the WoW game for about 2 years now and for some reason I picked up Cata, but haven't installed it yet. Am I too far removed to jump back in?
its wow .. its not a hard game
I've been out of the WoW game for about 2 years now and for some reason I picked up Cata, but haven't installed it yet. Am I too far removed to jump back in?
I've been out of the WoW game for about 2 years now and for some reason I picked up Cata, but haven't installed it yet. Am I too far removed to jump back in?
I heard if you look in the window behind Golemagg you can see Rag.
^best thing about Molten Core 40 mans.![]()
Not to mention, catching up on gear has really never been easier. Even easier than end of wrath![]()
Check out those sexy Giantstalker shoulders! It also looks like I have Black Dragonscale Breastplate, a Helm of Narv, and Beaststalker gloves. Wow, my computer and UI were terrible. To be fair I was a broke high school student. Since then I've graduated from college and been working full time for two years.
God damn I've played this game a lot.
That pic takes me back. Jeeesus, some of the terrible fucking mods we ran in beta, and early Vanilla. Anyone remember Cosmos? Christ thinking back, that thing was bloated to shit.
But it looked so cool, lol.
I remember the days before they banned the original Decursive. That was a brilliant mod.
How DK tanking aswell? as that is the char im considering moving over with all my heirlooms!
DK is probably the weakest of the tanking classes, unless you include druids, but I haven't seen a bear tank in ages.
Hell, that shot at least has CTRA! I remember doing molten core with 0 raid mods, and then RaidBar which was the first one. CTRA came out a couple months later.
This isn't my shot, but it was a paladin from my guild.
DK is probably the weakest of the tanking classes, unless you include druids, but I haven't seen a bear tank in ages.
Jesus, you couldn't be more wrong.
Seriously? Both Paladins and Warriors are able to block cap in current gear, making them much better tanking options. Believe what you will, though.
That would matter if most of the fights did not include unavoidable or heavy magic damage (e.g. stomp cannot be blocked, impale cannot be blocked, drain is magic damage, void bolt is magic, etc. etc.) A block tank is great for warship and a warrior is awesome for handling bloods on spine (though, that's not necessarily due to them being a block tank.)
I miss the 5 minute salv buff that you had to put on each player, instead of their class. By the time you finish buffing, you had to rebuff since it was running out. Thus, needing 5 paladins per raid.
All of this talk of tanks not mentioning bear is making me regret levelling a feral tank.![]()
Block aside, they still have more armor. I'm not saying DKs are bad, I'm just saying they're the weakest of the 3 common tanking classes. And for the record, blood shield does not work on magic damage either.
I see plenty of bear tanks in 5 mans and LFR.
Can't say anything for normal and heroic raids though, not my thing.
3 common tanks?
druids have higher armor than both block tanks and dks have ams + better passive magic damage mitigation from their talents. i'm not trying to argue that they're the best tanks or anything, but implying that they're not competitive with other tanks on most fights and amazing on a few is just silly.
DK is probably the weakest of the tanking classes, unless you include druids, but I haven't seen a bear tank in ages.
Seriously? Both Paladins and Warriors are able to block cap in current gear, making them much better tanking options. Believe what you will, though.
Block aside, they still have more armor. I'm not saying DKs are bad, I'm just saying they're the weakest of the 3 common tanking classes. And for the record, blood shield does not work on magic damage either.
Yeah, I have nothing against bear tanks, I just never see them. Hence they are not common.
And as I stated earlier, I'm not saying DK tanks are bad, I'm saying they are the weakest. Would you feel better if I said they were the least strong?
You've got it backwards, paladins saw almost no benefit going from t12->t13 while the changes to bears & DKs made them better than both of the block tanks
DKs were never stuck gemming mastery, neither were bears. Not having a ctc cap means you were never bound by it in the first place. Both tanks have the most hp, have high armor, and do fine in the first place. The set bonuses help the raid out immensely more than the warrior/paladin ones (Vamp blood to raid and Frenzied Regen to raid). Bears do insane dps while tanking, DKs are most likely the most survivable tanks this tier. You can do any fight with any tanks, but those two classes are better.I'm not sure I follow. If you're already block capped, moving up a tier gives you freedom to start gemming towards some avoidance (or stam) as well. DKs are still stuck stacking mastery because they have no cap to hit. I'm not sure what bonuses bears got in t13 so if you say they're the strongest now, I'll take your word for it.
I just thought I'd sneak in and express my excitement that after who knows how many months... I finally got my scorchling from Zen'Vorka.
Oh a side note, for those of you who still venture into the Molten Front... I was finding a higher drop rate of charms there for the Love is in the Air crap.
Also, you can get them in the cave by the forlorn spire where you stomp on the blue circles. I was letting some of those guys build up, stomp on a blue circle, destroy them all... collect charms.
Yeaaaah, can't believe this is actually being argued. Ignorance is one thing, but actively spreading it is another. DKs and Bears are THE best tanks this tier. Period. If you don't kite on spine (Which is viable now) then warriors and paladins are notably inferior.
DKs were never stuck gemming mastery, neither were bears. Not having a ctc cap means you were never bound by it in the first place. Both tanks have the most hp, have high armor, and do fine in the first place. The set bonuses help the raid out immensely more than the warrior/paladin ones (Vamp blood to raid and Frenzied Regen to raid). Bears do insane dps while tanking, DKs are most likely the most survivable tanks this tier. You can do any fight with any tanks, but those two classes are better.
I just go into Icecrown, north of the citadel...all those ghosts walking around in groups of 5-6 die in 2 hits with aoe spells. Same place i go when i want to quickly complete the Darkmoon Faire quest asking for 250 tokens.
Paladins can also completely ignore impale as cooldowns permit, and they're the only tank that can reset Tetanus stacks by themselves. It's probably not as big of a deal for 25-man, but those are huge benefits for 10-man guilds that might only be using one tank.
The 4-piece bonuses are great for all of the tanks, but mostly they were bringing druids/DKs on-par with warriors and paladins that already had strong raid cooldowns. There aren't really any outright 'bad' tanks for any of the Cata tiers, but I still think you're underestimating warrior/paladin tanks for T13.
The advantage is taking no damage instead of 140k+. It's an option you can use during a couple important moments in the fight if your dps is coming up short. We don't do this anymore, but at one point when we were learning the fight our dps was too low to kill the corruption before the bolt landed on the 4th platform going GRYB. Being able to survive the bolt and ignore the impale that happens right after it was pretty huge. We still have our pally DS impale on the first and third platform because taking 0 damage is still better than taking 140k+.
At this point, we just use it to reset tetanus for the second set of adds. DS/BoP had other extremely useful moments in T11/T12. They've felt pretty broken to me for the entire expansion.
Yeah, I go there for the ears. I should farm for the charms as well on off hours. Although... as long as the test of strength is active on your quest list - you won't get the charms. Confirmed that something was amiss on WoW Insider. I was hoping to kill two birds with one stone yesterday.
Yeah, I go there for the ears. I should farm for the charms as well on off hours. Although... as long as the test of strength is active on your quest list - you won't get the charms. Confirmed that something was amiss on WoW Insider. I was hoping to kill two birds with one stone yesterday.
You get both. Confirmed by me playing the game and grinding over 100 tokens yesterday and finishing the DMF quest in record time.
I did not get one the entire time. I had four charms going into it and by time I was done, I had four charms leaving.![]()
Check out those sexy Giantstalker shoulders! It also looks like I have Black Dragonscale Breastplate, a Helm of Narv, and Beaststalker gloves. Wow, my computer and UI were terrible. To be fair I was a broke high school student. Since then I've graduated from college and been working full time for two years.
God damn I've played this game a lot.
I used to know a Rogue named onethirtytwo, but that was on Sargeras during Vanilla.
What guild /server was this?
They were and are stuck gemming mastery (or avoidance). Unlike other tanks, where avoidance and mastery supplement each other, they contradict each other when it comes to DKs. Sure, you could gem stamina if you want, I suppose, but with health so inflated at this point it seems pretty pointless. And the 4pc for DKs just gave them an ability that Paladins have inherently (I will concede that it is on a shorter cooldown but it's still something DKs will have to give up moving to the next tier).
I guess that's only really a paladin tank exclusive benefit if you don't have any holy or ret paladins in the raid but I never really considered using it on impale outside of when you're using one tank and the dps manages to fail to kill the last platform's corruption before the second impale