Um, holy shit at Invocation talent for Mage.
Yeah that tier is new I think. Some really interesting options there.
Um, holy shit at Invocation talent for Mage.
Um, holy shit at Invocation talent for Mage.
Each spec is getting a different resource.Demonic Fury a new lock resource?
Flat stat increase abilities are so boring.
Um, holy shit at Invocation talent for Mage.
A lot of the new talents remind me of dota/LoL abilities, though slightly dumbed down by not being skill-shots.
It's a little weird for a tradeoff, but maybe the fights have more downtime than we're used to? Rune of Power seems a lot more interesting.
Actually invocation would be hilarious if they kept the heal glyph...they won't
I was looking at them and thinking Rune of Power seemed a bit funky, I would think as arcane it simply wouldn't be enough additional regen to not have evocate, and then I was thinking about invocation again and if you have any haste at all it's a dps gain to cast evocate, which is cool. You would probably keep your average mana level higher as arcane if you did it every 30 seconds, plus the buff outweighs the downtime, making it a nice choice.
Yeah you're probably right. I think "wow double the mana regen!" and it sounds nice but it's easy to forget that base regen is a miniscule part of overall arcane regen. And realizing that makes it more interesting, since losing base regen to get invocation isn't actually much of a sacrifice.
Question: What is "base mana regeneration"? How does mana regen work for casters (or mages)?
Answer: Healers get a significant amount of mana regeneration from Spirit, even during combat. Additionally, all mana users have a small amount of mana regeneration -- currently about 1% of maximum mana per second. With Invocation, that 1%/sec is removed. Things like Innervate will still allow you to regenerate mana, but you won’t passively regenerate any with Invocation.
Troll questline leads to ZA/ZG. It does give a lot of gold though, one of the quests gave me I think ~200 gold in rewards. ZA and ZG were turned into awesome fairly difficult 5 mans that gave superior gear for the time, but now they're just run as regular heroics and aren't as relevant except for the ZA bear run.So I randomly started my account up again with a 7-day trial. Haven't played since a couple months after Cataclysm came out.
Is there any cool content that was released in the last year that I should check out as a level 85? Apparently there's some sort of troll questline I started up from the bulletin board in SW.
Mastery, Mastery, Mastery. If it doesn't have Mastery on it, reforge to it. Unless you're considering socket bonuses (+20 or better), gem straight Mastery. After that? Prioritize Dodge and Parry, doesn't matter which one.
Also, your spec needs fixing. Drop Eternal Glory. If you're using Word of Glory on yourself your healer sucks. Drop Reckoning to 1 point or 0 points. It's mainly for threat generation and after the recent buff to tank threat, any threat generation talents, especially ones with random chances of proc'ing like that, aren't very useful. Pick up Hallowed Ground. Consecration is a bread and butter AE threat maintainer and that reduces its cost and and increases its damage. A no brainer especially if you're an off-tank in raids or doing heroics. Also, you are missing one of your essential raid cooldowns for oh-shit moments: Divine Guardian. Get that. You shouldn't be without it.
Mastery, Mastery, Mastery. If it doesn't have Mastery on it, reforge to it. Unless you're considering socket bonuses (+20 or better), gem straight Mastery. After that? Prioritize Dodge and Parry, doesn't matter which one.
Also, your spec needs fixing. Drop Eternal Glory. If you're using Word of Glory on yourself your healer sucks. Drop Reckoning to 1 point or 0 points. It's mainly for threat generation and after the recent buff to tank threat, any threat generation talents, especially ones with random chances of proc'ing like that, aren't very useful. Pick up Hallowed Ground. Consecration is a bread and butter AE threat maintainer and that reduces its cost and and increases its damage. A no brainer especially if you're an off-tank in raids or doing heroics. Also, you are missing one of your essential raid cooldowns for oh-shit moments: Divine Guardian. Get that. You shouldn't be without it.!!kbjSeWTeeQ!Ygj
Something like that?
Also probably can drop Guarded by the light and maybe keep 2/2 reckoning and 1/2 eye for an eye.
You don't get the damage buff if the channel doesn't finish, it's actually to your benefit to let it finished because of that (You lose damage if you cancel it, no matter what. You gain damage if you have even 1 haste rating and let it finish casting).
Yes, but in my example, you let the first one finish to completion. At that point you have 60% mana, and a 30 second buff. The question is, if you recast evo and immediately cancel it, should you not still have about 28 seconds left of the buff from the first completed evocation?
Yes, but in my example, you let the first one finish to completion. At that point you have 60% mana, and a 30 second buff. The question is, if you recast evo and immediately cancel it, should you not still have about 28 seconds left of the buff from the first completed evocation?
if you really wanted to do it that way, you would probably want to cut your first evo short so that you have the full 30s on the damage buff from the second evocate.
It was being discussed on this page, but no one posted a picture cause everyone has seen it I guess.
Bah cant get the hang of grid and Xperl is ok but Its bloody confusing to setup for healing.
Like theres all kinds of crap I dont want appearing, I cant figure out how to have it show what rough amount is going to be healed like the default UI doesin BGs and party's this odd Raid style UI keeps popping up and getting in the way!
It was being discussed on this page, but no one posted a picture cause everyone has seen it I guess.
You're missing the point entirely. There's literally no possible way you could make it so Elitist Jerks doesn't figure out what does the most DPS and then half the people go do it. The best you can do is try to make the choices fun and as equal as you can feasibly get them.I haven't been following these talents very much, and excuse me if I'm dead wrong about omething here, but won't these 3 boil down to which one is the biggest dps increase after everyone's done their math on Elitist Jerks?
Edit: And as such... it'll just be a cookie cutter tier? Exactly what Blizzard didn't want with the new talents?
Each of the dark souls are spec specific anyway. Misery - aff, knowledge - demo and instability for destro.I haven't been following these talents very much, and excuse me if I'm dead wrong about omething here, but won't these 3 boil down to which one is the biggest dps increase after everyone's done their math on Elitist Jerks?
Edit: And as such... it'll just be a cookie cutter tier? Exactly what Blizzard didn't want with the new talents?
You're missing the point entirely. There's literally no possible way you could make it so Elitist Jerks doesn't figure out what does the most DPS and then half the people go do it. The best you can do is try to make the choices fun and as equal as you can feasibly get them.
Almost all of the choices they're giving are pretty interesting - even the ones that do less DPS involve interesting game play changes, i.e. Runic Corruption vs. Empowerment.
I'm starting to believe that the Giantstalker and Dragonstalker helms aren't real things.
I had the same problems with grid as you did, hugely confusing.
Just off the top of my head, I'm not sure what you get with just grid installed, let's say you have two text options (which you can find in options>indicators. both center text and center text 2 should be listed) the center text could be used to display player name as default. You can then set up the second text to show 'incoming heals' by going indicators>center text 2> click on incoming heals.
Depending on what level you are you may need to go to the incoming heal options and set the minimum threshold to a lower amount as it'll only show heals above a certain amount.
That's done by going to status, then scrolling down to incoming heals making sure you have it enabled and the min threshold is where you want it.
Hope that all makes sense, just play around with the options till you feel you understand it.
As for the last part, it may be the xperl version of raid frames. There's an option in the xperl settings where you can turn off the raid frames from appearing. I haven't used it in ages but I think they're small, thin columns of up to 5 players in each. They also look like the xperl frames that you are probably using for your player frame etc
Google" xperl raid frames" and check images.
Edit: I may have misunderstood which one you were talking about.
I started to feel like a lot of the stuff xperl had to offer was pointless for me so I ditched that for the default ui frames and just used grid for partys/raids etc
What about grid are you having trouble this? maybe some of us can help.
Ill try and jig it about today, but Grid I couldn't seem to make the bars bigger and they way it displays who has low health etc is not how I wanted (it turns pinker?) where as im after basically an xperl style bar that can show what incoming healing can potentially heal (so I know big heal VS little heal)
I suppose I could drop Xperl and just get move anything and increase the size of the party UI though!
In the screens you can see how the numbers will display differently depending what you're casting.
Yes you would keep the buff, but you wouldn't refresh it. you'd be wasting the buff. As noted it'd be better to cast, cancel, cast and finish. But neither is better thansimply casting it once and letting it finish every 30 seconds.
Those dark soul ones are pretty shit though >_<; (Are they spec talents or choice talents?)
It's not 30 mastery rating points, it's 30 mastery. That's like a ~45% increase in fire/shadow damage. Plus the other ones are 30% haste (i.e. just shy of heroism) and 30% crit on 2 minute cooldowns (i.e. like 17% uptime) . I'm failing to see what's wrong with them.
You could do that yourself with a trial I'm doing it by paying someone 1kg to make alts for me to throw the fistful of rose petals at : (
seriously, this valentines day achievement is such a bitch. The fist full of love achievement is the absolute worst on mal'ganis.. considering there are 0 alliance players here. Seriously, I went to stormwind and I saw only a handful of alliance players.. none of which were the ones I needed for my achivement.
I did two alterac valleys, and I saw only one I needed, a Human death knight... and for some odd reasons, most of the people in the AV were playing humans
now I'm doing it by paying someone 1kg to make alts for me to throw the fistful of rose petals at : (
How easy is lfr? I ask cause I can queue up but as a tank or you think I can DPS in my PVP spec?
Character armory is posted up a few posts.
How easy is lfr? I ask cause I can queue up but as a tank or you think I can DPS in my PVP spec?
Character armory is posted up a few posts.