Sometimes I really hate the WoW community.
People haven't seen the Pandaren female and already complaining.
Sometimes I really hate the WoW community.
People haven't seen the Pandaren female and already complaining.
think I'll pick this up again, was watching some videos and kinda drew me back in ^^
can't make use of the scroll since I don't have my old acc anymore...
how are fury warriors these days? thinking of playing a melee dps since I did a caster last time
might switch to death knight once I get to the level where I can
yeah just read about this feature, I'll buy the game "soonish", maybe this week, maybe next, probably just wow+tbc+wrath, will wait with cataclysm a bit, don't want to waste 60 if it turns out I won't enjoy it afterall, 30 is a much smaller hit ^^Can allways use Recruit a friend though! which id be happy to sort you out with!
I think spirit link totem is pretty cool.
Its duration and radius is a joke.
Vow of Unity sounds so much better.
Got a Scroll of Rez so I'm back. Soo...are the DS raids any good? I'm at a 367 gear rating, should qualify for them soon
Pretty bummed that the raid finder doesn't work for older raids
It's dumb that the scroll of rez takes so long. I woke up, excited to get my character to 80, installed/patched the game, got a gaffer to invite me, and now it's been 12 hours with no sign of it. Way to kill my buzz.
Check the rewards section directly on your account page. It will be there despite not receiving the email.
If USA pm your name and email.Can anyone with a spare Scroll of Resurrection kindly send one my way ? Want to see what WoW is like now, haven't played in ages.
Can anyone with a spare Scroll of Resurrection kindly send one my way ? Want to see what WoW is like now, haven't played in ages.
It's dumb that the scroll of rez takes so long. I woke up, excited to get my character to 80, installed/patched the game, got a gaffer to invite me, and now it's been 12 hours with no sign of it. Way to kill my buzz.
If they look anything like these:
I'll be happy!
Can anyone with a spare Scroll of Resurrection kindly send one my way ? Want to see what WoW is like now, haven't played in ages.
Edit: Got it!
They're... ok. Just ok. Don't expect any unique boss design other than Deathwing or unique raid zone design since its all in Dragonblight, flying ship from ICC, Eye of Eternity and Maelstrom. This is what is mostly disappointing in this raid imo. It makes sense lorewise to be in Dragonblight and Maelstrom...but its boring to see such old stuff.
After quitting WoW after I got my main up to 56, I'm now back and playing after the scroll thing at level 81. The thing is, I haven't finished all of the BC, Lich King content. Can I still go back and fight all of the bosses and stuff like that? Are they basically dungeons?
If they look anything like these:
I'll be happy!
Just finished a DS raid. Couldn't get into my guild's run, so I found a nice group that was half pug and half of one of the better guilds on the server. We went 5/8 pretty fast, but folks had to leave after a few wipes on the battleship boss
It was pretty fun. Reminded me of Ulduar in terms of having a nice mixture of interesting boss fights in an epic environment; I'd imagine the hard modes are far more interesting. I tanked with no knowledge of any of the fights yet we cruised through The Siege of Wyrmrest Temple with just one wipe (after I fucked up on Warlord Zon'ozz).
Had an ugly wipe on Ultraxion due to me not understanding the fight, and not having my extra addon bar enabled. We beat him on the second try but I was still messing up; I'll have to look that fight up, whereas everything else was straight forward.
The battleship isn't quite the lootship from ICC lmao; it seems challenging enough. Our dps wasn't getting the dragons down in time, then folks bailed.
I definitely like this raid more than the other Cata raids, which were good but just felt a bit stale aesthetically. I'm kind of tired of dungeon settings, lava pits, etc. Wyrmrest/Dragonblight was one of my fave areas of the Wrath expansion, I love snow yea, right up my alley.
edit: I also got to 372 gear rating pretty fast due to the new instances, plus valor points. Jeez, it's so easy to get valor. Remember when you'd only get them for doing the daily or special instance once a day? You can get them by doing each of the 3 DS instances, plus one random Cata dungeon lol.
Just say no to sexy pandas.
I still have no real clue how Ultraxion works, I think im doing everything im supposed to do but I still drop dead.
Its the only fight I actually die on!
I really don't know. I know we do it with one tank, but our guy is a beast. The only tricky part is the final phase (head), when there's two big adds coming.Also, thanks Nugg for Ultraxion. Guess it shouldnt be that hard. On LFR Madness of Deathwing, i need to taunt when the other tank have Impale on him right? Nothing else special?
Man I want to hear some more new info on the Monk class. Especially the healing aspect. Being able to heal by dealing damage sounds great, hopefully they didn't scrap that.
You can already do that with Disc priests, although i have no idea if its as efficient at lvl 85 than it is while lvling.
Ah I meant main healing in raids and groups. I mean, it doesn't make a lot of sense for a martial artist to be standing in the back healing with the other healers right? I want to heal dudes with my fists!You can already do that with Disc priests, although i have no idea if its as efficient at lvl 85 than it is while lvling.
It's merely "ok", (aka a lot of people don't do it).
Ah I meant main healing in raids and groups. I mean, it doesn't make a lot of sense for a martial artist to be standing in the back healing with the other healers right? I want to heal dudes with my fists!
The only ability we have right now is that jade serpent thing.