Wow at Shaman MoP talents not being finished yet.
I think its time to reroll. Being a Shaman in WoW is so frustrating, and Blizzard always seems to treat the class like a red-headed step child. Their abilities and talents just seem like a cobbled up mess after each expansion, and I got a feeling that MoP won't be any different.
Kind of mad at myself for logging back into WoW after a year hiatus last month. I could have used that scroll. :-(
I'm pretty happy with where elemental has ended up in 4.3. We finally picked up solid cleave/AoE damage with spammable Chain Lightning, and mobile Lightning Bolt is something every other caster should envy. Mists is adding a decent defensive cooldown, a kickass dps cooldown, axing totem management, and it's finally making the fire elemental something that'll be up for every pull. Earthquake could probably still use some love, but I can't think of anything else that really needs attention. The fact that we still haven't seen the top talent tier is just the cherry on top.