And they made him a Lord of Cinder. Not for virtue, but for might. Such is a lord, I suppose. But here I ask. Do we have a sodding chance?
Raiding.I get that way collecting the eggs, too.![]()
Raiding.I get that way collecting the eggs, too.![]()
Hi Swifty!
Most mouses don't have those carved thumb rests. I rest my thumb on the side of the mouse like all the ones I've had before it, so on the Naga buttons.I've used a naga mouse and the buttons are way too high, it bugs me not having a thumb rest
That's why the MX518 is kingMost mouses don't have those carved thumb rests. I rest my thumb on the side of the mouse like all the ones I've had before it, so on the Naga buttons.
I've been using this bad boy and it's awesome. A lot more comfortable than it looks!
Get a Razer Naga and all keybinding issues will go away
Haha, I have a 9 button Lachesis and 23 keyboard buttons that I bind abilities to (plus shift/ctrl/alt combinations); the challenge in binding often isn't due to a lack of buttons, but figuring out the most optimal way to bind.
So could I feasibly still complete Noblegarden if I started it today - or am I realistically out of time? Yet another annual-cycle protodrake slips away from me![]()
So could I feasibly still complete Noblegarden if I started it today - or am I realistically out of time? Yet another annual-cycle protodrake slips away from me![]()
I got every single achievement yesterday within a few hours except for the one where you have to put bunny ears on someone. There's like, no alliance on my server.So could I feasibly still complete Noblegarden if I started it today - or am I realistically out of time? Yet another annual-cycle protodrake slips away from me![]()
Hi Swifty!
I got every single achievement yesterday within a few hours except for the one where you have to put bunny ears on someone. There's like, no alliance on my server.
50 chocolates atm so I need to grind up 450 more or so but that shouldn't be too hard.
Just dinged 58.
God, Outland is sooooooooooooooo boring.
Quest rewards are laughable.
There was a time when I couldn't wait to get to Outland but now it's just boring as shit when the Eastern KIngdoms and Kalimdor are both fantastic now.
If you just do Instances, 58-68 go by in no time. The rewards are better too.
Get a Razer Naga and all keybinding issues will go away
Muscle memory. Same as any multi-button device including the keyboard.Does it take long to get used to what button is what? I like the idea of having abilities bound to it I just worry I'd be fumbling to hit the right button out of 12.
Do you guys think I could clear BT dualboxing with my warrior (fury) and my friend's pally? My warrior's not geared at all (85 blues) but I would have the pally set up to be healing my warrior the whole time. I've never dualboxed before but I figured I'd give it a shot. I've been on the hunt for 'mog gear and when I tried to solo BT I was nearly getting wrecked on trash!
I am leveling up mining and outland can go to hellI remember when TBC launched how packed and amazing Hellfire was.
It's funny how things change
I am leveling up mining and outland can go to hell
either there are too few nodes, they respawn way too slow or everyone and their grandmother is mining them, I needed 3 days to get enough of them (as per the wowprofession guide), needed one day for all the other zones -.-
Yeah, mining 1-300 is super fast, even if you're a low lvl with just a ground mount.
Then you reach Outlands. ;_;
Yeah I might do that, despite the queue times.
I did 58-68 through outlands last month with a DPS class with only one heirloom. Queue times are actually very short (3-5 minutes for me), and the dungeons give you ridiculous amounts of experience. Like, 2-3 dungeons a level, if you have rested. More if you're decked out in heirlooms.
Time to rage again.
Just had a priest in LFR grip me into the ice wall, wouldn't be a problem except I was tanking and no one would brez. So stupid they can do that. But I'm assuming you're doing heroics, so may I suggest sleeping with the GM and getting him/her to kick out the bads.
Ok, that sucks that it happened, but that's still pretty hilarious
I. Love. Lifegripping. Into. Ice. Walls.
It's the highlight of my week, every week.
Just dinged 58.
God, Outland is sooooooooooooooo boring.
Quest rewards are laughable.
There was a time when I couldn't wait to get to Outland but now it's just boring as shit when the Eastern KIngdoms and Kalimdor are both fantastic now.
I'm raging so hard at this fucking game right now.
Oh my God, I think I'm gonna break a lot of shit any second.
Raiding? RAIDING? It's not called "RAIDING" when we WIPE ON SHIT THAT HAS BEEN ON FARM FOR WEEKSWhy? What keeps happening besides "raiding"?
You would think I was doing that but nope, this is my main guild and we're wiping on bosses that are easier than fucking 3.3-content. It's so aggravating, I literally want to hurt my guild members.Are you substituting people or something?