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World of Warcraft |OT3|

thats barely 40k on most servers.

Really? I used them all anyway so I have 0 now :D
Got the disgusting oozeling after about 30 mins aswell the other night!
Most of the ones left are argent pets and promotional ones it seems. Still working in loads of others mind you.


No One Remembers
All the SPriest community asked for was more predictable orbs and a retooling of shadowy apparitions. And maybe one instant cast that wasn't a DoT for mobility's sake. This is what we got. Completely neutered. Replenishment? Gone. Devouring Plague? See ya later!

Epic trolling, Blizzard.

You're in luck. Vampiric Touch now also regenerates the caster's mana. I read 3% a tick.


You're in luck. Vampiric Touch now also regenerates the caster's mana. I read 3% a tick.

Oh? I guess that's helpful. They also added the upfront damage from DP to SW:p. Still, I don't like what they are doing. No need to reinvent the wheel, just fix what sucks and let us enjoy our class.


What folder is agent.exe in? People keep saying c:/programdata but I don't have that shit and I can't find that .exe with search...


Things I would like to see in MoP.

Since wands are gone sorta, have them replace daggers as the one handed weapon of choice for mage/lock/priest, would be far more fitting.

Bows/Guns/Crossbows show up on your characters back, would be kinda weird for hunters to have nothing visible anymore.

More equipment toggle options, for shoulders, tabards, weapons, and spell enchants.


Things I would like to see in MoP.

Since wands are gone sorta, have them replace daggers as the one handed weapon of choice for mage/lock/priest, would be far more fitting.

Bows/Guns/Crossbows show up on your characters back, would be kinda weird for hunters to have nothing visible anymore.

More equipment toggle options, for shoulders, tabards, weapons, and spell enchants.

Should have happened the day Transmog went live. Why its still not in is mind boggling.


Yeah, its kinda funny how much trouble they seem to have with professions >.<

Just try leveling cooking! (ignoring thanks giving!)


Leveling up another hunter, decided to go down to the fire area in Hyjal tonight, and the rare turtle was there. Dude like 3 shot me with his magic beam so I got a priest to come heal me, gave him 500g for his trouble, ha.
The new JC mounts. http://www.mmo-champion.com/content...w-Theramore-Scenario-Mists-of-Pandaria-Quests
They remind me of Voltron.
Should have happened the day Transmog went live. Why its still not in is mind boggling.

They're still working on a tabard selector thingy, which will come out in some form or another eventually.

I'd really appreciate it too as I have at least half a dozen (probably more) tabards taking up space because they're not easily replaceable at the tabard vendor. Some of the PvP ones for instance, I could get rid of, but it would cost me honor again to purchase them. The main technical difficulty is that some tabards have on-use effects, like the ones that teleport you, or the lightbringer one. That's where it would start to get messy.

I like the red one. Blue is fine. Other colors I'm not digging so much.
wow has gotten too complicated for my enjoyment. I still have my pally in the gaf guild and stopped leveling at about 47. That was the point where I didn't want to deal with all the extra abilities. I miss simpler times in vanilla.

Maybe I'm lazy, but I really think if blizzard wants to continue the game, they need a reboot somehow. Something where you wouldn't exactly lose your previous gear or levels per say (only when not in vanilla through MoP), but where your characters go through some kind of portal/rift, to a completely new world, and it's like starting over. So in essence, it's like a new game, but you're still continuing on with the same characters that you have spent so much time with leveling through previous expansions. It would be a completely new story that isn't bogged down with trying to continue previous lore, balancing issues, and the continuance of tacked on abilities for the sake of making another expansion.

So you'd still be able to return to Azeroth at any time, where your toons would revert back to their max level, complete with all of his/her abilities again and items. This could be similar to when TBC came out and you lost the ability to fly when going back into the vanilla zones. I'm sure they could twist everything into making sense story wise. But with each new expansion comes more and more abilities, levels, items, and balancing. The game is getting top heavy imo, and would be nice to have an expansion where somehow everything is reset and things are fresh again. Simplicity in fewer abilities, but depth in how you use them, with a completely different class system, abilities, and mechanics.

Each class would be altered when switching over and not only start at level 1 again, but become a completely revamped class at the same time, but similar role to the former. Or blizzard could come up with some new level scheme if starting at one again sounds stupid. It should be a whole new pursuit to end game. And at some point during the leveling process, you might be able to gain access to some of your previous items like pets and possibly mounts.

I think this would also be good because they could cut out the previous content for brand new players, so new players wouldn't have to purchase all the previous expansions if they didn't want to.

I've been wanting to throw my thoughts out to gaf for a while now. Not that it's a new idea or something that other people haven't already thought about. I just want to experience the newness that was starting at level 1 in a completely new world. All these expansions lack that experience.
I like the red one. Blue is fine. Other colors I'm not digging so much.

I agree. I really like the red and blue ones and don't really care for the yellow and green. I'll still collect them all and the black one and the flying black one if I can.

wow has gotten too complicated for my enjoyment. I still have my pally in the gaf guild and stopped leveling at about 47. That was the point where I didn't want to deal with all the extra abilities. I miss simpler times in vanilla.

Paladins have too many abilities for you? What kind of pally did you level? I leveled Prot/Ret and thought Paladins were the simplest and most boring class in the game. Like I seriously felt like I needed more buttons to push because I was not doing jack shit in between cooldowns. To this day I feel the same way at level 85. Maybe you're getting your different spec spells mixed up or something. Do you have your Ret spells on your bars as holy or something?


Was trying to get all my heroic randoms done before reset tonight. Third one in a row where the tank has been a gigantic asshole and quit after a few bosses.


Make that 4 now.
Paladins have too many abilities for you? What kind of pally did you level? I leveled Prot/Ret and thought Paladins were the simplest and most boring class in the game. Like I seriously felt like I needed more buttons to push because I was not doing jack shit in between cooldowns. To this day I feel the same way at level 85. Maybe you're getting your different spec spells mixed up or something. Do you have your Ret spells on your bars as holy or something?
I'm not really referring specifically to rotations. I probably should have been more clear. It's more about any class and the abundance of hot keys needed. Just look at the number of abilities you had to deal with at level 60 in vanilla compared to how many you have now at 85 in Cataclysm. And it's only going to get worse with each new expansion. I have a max level demo Lock that used to be my main and I think the rotation and things to keep track of for that spec were plenty. I also have an 85 warrior, as well as an 84 Pally. I don't have the longest fingers. And once Q,E,R,F,C,V,Z, X, shift+Q, shift+E, shift+W, shift+R, shift+F, shift+V, shift+C, shift+Z, shift+X do not cover everything that might be useful, I get disenchanted. Tired of all the finger work I guess lol. I've never been a fan of using 1-6. Like I said, perhaps Im just lazy. But a reboot of the game would make me more happy rather than just more end game leveling.


Only 314 eggs into Noblegarden and I have the mount and 5 of the rabbit pets. Not bad at all.
Just started Noblegarden 30 min before the server went down. Got 2 pets and a bunch other stuff. Got to find that mount though! :p

Those JC mounts look sick. It's like Zoids and Power Rangers awesome.


Started playing my 85 hunter in quest greens again. For some reason she some how unlearned a good chunk of her glyphs including explosive shot and serpent sting, which both seem to be the exact same glyphs as when I left.

Also they for some reason removed eyes of the beast, a neat, fun spell that wasn't hurting anyone.


Started playing my 85 hunter in quest greens again. For some reason she some how unlearned a good chunk of her glyphs including explosive shot and serpent sting, which both seem to be the exact same glyphs as when I left.

Also they for some reason removed eyes of the beast, a neat, fun spell that wasn't hurting anyone.

Glyphs are all reset on the beta server as there are no longer prime glyphs and many of the ones you're familiar with have been removed from the game.
I'm not really referring specifically to rotations. I probably should have been more clear. It's more about any class and the abundance of hot keys needed. Just look at the number of abilities you had to deal with at level 60 in vanilla compared to how many you have now at 85 in Cataclysm. And it's only going to get worse with each new expansion. I have a max level demo Lock that used to be my main and I think the rotation and things to keep track of for that spec were plenty. I also have an 85 warrior, as well as an 84 Pally. I don't have the longest fingers. And once Q,E,R,F,C,V,Z, X, shift+Q, shift+E, shift+W, shift+R, shift+F, shift+V, shift+C, shift+Z, shift+X do not cover everything that might be useful, I get disenchanted. Tired of all the finger work I guess lol. I've never been a fan of using 1-6. Like I said, perhaps Im just lazy. But a reboot of the game would make me more happy rather than just more end game leveling.

I'm kinda similar but i'm amazed that you find it easier to use shift buttons instead of 1-6. For me using the numbers is easy it's once i have to start using shift or control with buttons that i can't be bothered.


Glyphs are all reset on the beta server as there are no longer prime glyphs and many of the ones you're familiar with have been removed from the game.

I'm talking about live. I stopped playing pretty early into cata and started up again recently. I can understand why some glyphs would be remove or changed, like the glyph for eyes of the beast becoming the the glyph to make your pet smaller, but both explosive shot and SS glyphs seem to do exactly the same thing as when I left.

I'm sure theres some logical reason, its just weird is all.


I'm not really referring specifically to rotations. I probably should have been more clear. It's more about any class and the abundance of hot keys needed. Just look at the number of abilities you had to deal with at level 60 in vanilla compared to how many you have now at 85 in Cataclysm. And it's only going to get worse with each new expansion. I have a max level demo Lock that used to be my main and I think the rotation and things to keep track of for that spec were plenty. I also have an 85 warrior, as well as an 84 Pally. I don't have the longest fingers. And once Q,E,R,F,C,V,Z, X, shift+Q, shift+E, shift+W, shift+R, shift+F, shift+V, shift+C, shift+Z, shift+X do not cover everything that might be useful, I get disenchanted. Tired of all the finger work I guess lol. I've never been a fan of using 1-6. Like I said, perhaps Im just lazy. But a reboot of the game would make me more happy rather than just more end game leveling.

I've personally found it easier to bind z/x/c to strafe/forward, bind the rest of the keys to abilities, and move mostly with the mouse (small positioning changes with z/x/c). That way I never have to 'curl' my hands past their neutral position to hit most abilities and I don't have to stretch my hand in a weird way to do shift+key or ctrl+key. It seemed to help a lot with response time and my hands didn't get as tired.
I'm not really referring specifically to rotations. I probably should have been more clear. It's more about any class and the abundance of hot keys needed. Just look at the number of abilities you had to deal with at level 60 in vanilla compared to how many you have now at 85 in Cataclysm. And it's only going to get worse with each new expansion. I have a max level demo Lock that used to be my main and I think the rotation and things to keep track of for that spec were plenty. I also have an 85 warrior, as well as an 84 Pally. I don't have the longest fingers. And once Q,E,R,F,C,V,Z, X, shift+Q, shift+E, shift+W, shift+R, shift+F, shift+V, shift+C, shift+Z, shift+X do not cover everything that might be useful, I get disenchanted. Tired of all the finger work I guess lol. I've never been a fan of using 1-6. Like I said, perhaps Im just lazy. But a reboot of the game would make me more happy rather than just more end game leveling.

I still don't see how you can run out of keys to bind at 47 on a paladin. You didn't say what kind of Paladin you're playing, but are you keybinding your heals as Ret or your shield moves as Holy or something like that? Do you have Kings on a keybind? Paladins just don't have that many spells, especially at 47.

My advise is; get a gaming mouse like the Logitech Mx518 and start using Ctrl and Alt as modifiers along with Shift.


Yeah, the ability bloat does get tiresome, and this is coming from someone that has had over 100 bindings for the last 4 or 5 years (shaman with engineering and a general obsession with consumables). I don't mind learning the bindings, but I do get frustrated sometimes when I begin to obsess over reworking my bindings to be more "optimal". I have multiple spreadsheets covering my bindings and the different approaches I've taken to learning them, and each iteration normally involves me having to relearn a great deal of them.

I wouldn't be doing this if interface design wasn't my favorite part of WoW, but I do occasionally long for simpler solutions.


So... any list of stuff they are doing differently with each profession?

For one, I want to know if JC is going to have a daily token again.


Really Really Exciting Member!
80 Euros worth of pets is a joke. Im up to 77 pets now an most of the ones I cant get are Card games or Real money pets. -_-

Nah you're still missing a couple of "easy" ones. I'm at 119 i think, and i have 0 card games pet, 1 pet from the CE edition of Starcraft 2 and only 1 "real money" pet. Only a few of them are very rare.


I agree. I really like the red and blue ones and don't really care for the yellow and green. I'll still collect them all and the black one and the flying black one if I can.

I want to, also, but it's going to be a very expensive proposition. The four colored mounts are all components in the black one. Meaning if you want each of the colors, plus black, you'll need to craft *9* mounts.

Just started Noblegarden 30 min before the server went down. Got 2 pets and a bunch other stuff. Got to find that mount though! :p

Those JC mounts look sick. It's like Zoids and Power Rangers awesome.

My wife had to farm the 500 chocolates. She was pretty jealous when I got that mount, ha!
I want to, also, but it's going to be a very expensive proposition. The four colored mounts are all components in the black one. Meaning if you want each of the colors, plus black, you'll need to craft *9* mounts.


I have 2 JCs and 2 miners. I'm ready. I imagine it'll be about as hard as making a Vial of the Sands. Hopefully there is no Archeology involved though.
My wife had to farm the 500 chocolates. She was pretty jealous when I got that mount, ha!

I ended up having to farm all 500 chocolates as well. I was hopeful when a guildie mentioned she got her mount with egg #15 but once I reached 250... I knew it wasn't going to work out. Got damn near everything else possible. Thankfully 500 eggs ends up not being that much of a big deal on my server. Not in Bloodhoof Village at least - maybe four hours of running around?


And they made him a Lord of Cinder. Not for virtue, but for might. Such is a lord, I suppose. But here I ask. Do we have a sodding chance?
I'm nerd raging at this game right now. I'm about to break my table in half, throw my mouse at a wall and stomp on my fucking keyboard.
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