But what about when he is AFK, using the AH or running in circles in Stormwind? Huh? HUH?
You can be a worgen 100% of the time >.<
But what about when he is AFK, using the AH or running in circles in Stormwind? Huh? HUH?
You can be a worgen 100% of the time >.<
So how many more months of endless void of nothingness before MoP is released? Was the Cata beta any later than this? Or do we still have another 7 months to go?
At least with wotlk they gated out the last raid, this is just dumb.
I was sarcastic because some people(crazy people) like to run around in their outdated and ugly human form rather than their badass worgen.
If I purchase the season pass today, would I get into the Pandaria beta?
Hunters are so so bad on the beta it makes me die inside =\
Elaborate, please.
http://www.arenajunkies.com/topic/221663-official-mop-beta-hunter-information/page__st__40 Mostly just the pvp side though, I don't waste my time with mmo pve.
They've pretty much been on the bottom of the totempole as far as pvp goes this entire expansion correct? I remember some numbers being released and hunters win % being the lowest.
What, how did you get these afkingAfter few hours AFKing in the background while I finished my last exam, I have now picked up all of the following pets:
Also, Burgy Blackheart's hat!
I guess I could go for the Molten Front spiders or something, but those don't seem all that enticing, really.
_NPCscanWhat, how did you get these afking
I really wish they'd fix that quest in MoP so I can progress through the story line. I can't wait 5 hours in a line for a quest.
In case you don't know what I'm talking about.
That was taken at around 3 am in the morning.
The first and only time I've seen this done, I jumped in front of the line and then stole the named mob afterward just because. Lolz.I really wish they'd fix that quest in MoP so I can progress through the story line. I can't wait 5 hours in a line for a quest.
In case you don't know what I'm talking about.
That was taken at around 3 am in the morning.
Halion trash was fucking difficult. The mini-bosses were pretty challenging/entertaining too. I've never actually fully killed Halion though, having only attempted in PUGs or semi-organized guild groups (read: not raiding it 2-3 nights a week). Gotten pretty close on Stage 3, but no cigar.
It's sort of unusually frustrating though in how one group will have it more difficult than the other (inside the shadow realm). It's a tough fight to learn for that reason. Toughest on healers out of everyone apparently.
It's sort of agonizing being the tank on the outside, hoping other people don't fail, not being able to see how well they're doing. I did tank on the inside some attempts though.
Feral druids are such annoying ass flag carriers in BGs. Ughhh
I wouldn't brag about that. Pretty big dick move.The first and only time I've seen this done, I jumped in front of the line and then stole the named mob afterward just because. Lolz.
Oh Halion was a GREAT fight, I just mean it's not like it was some beacon of relief. Sunwell was, it released in the same sort of position (A year of BT, sunwell came out just shortly before the xpac as 'filler' although it had been in progress for ages, just like halion), and it was vastly more content to bite off than Halion (plus most guilds hadn't exhausted the content available to them since we didn't have the content shuffling we have now which shortens its life, but whatever).
I wouldn't brag about that. Pretty big dick move.
After few hours AFKing in the background while I finished my last exam, I have now picked up all of the following pets:
Also, Burgy Blackheart's hat!
I guess I could go for the Molten Front spiders or something, but those don't seem all that enticing, really.
Really wanna get Chromaggus, but it could be tricky.
They seriously need to plan better. A full year of nothing is unacceptable.
edit: and I don't mean in the entitled "buuh blizzard you owe me patches!" kind of way. I mean I'm just gonna not play until MoP comes out. BC seemed messy at the time, but in hindsight it had stuff to do all the way up till WotLK, even the pre-patch event was way more awesome than the Cata one.
Another bugged quest that prevents me from continuing. Goddamn, there's a lot of these in the beta right now.
Oh wait, I don't need this one to keep going. I won't have to wait 2 days to keep playing the beta.
Or maybe I do, shit...
Is there a GAF guild in Mal'Ganis?
I really wish they'd fix that quest in MoP so I can progress through the story line. I can't wait 5 hours in a line for a quest.
In case you don't know what I'm talking about.
That was taken at around 3 am in the morning.
http://www.arenajunkies.com/topic/221663-official-mop-beta-hunter-information/page__st__40 Mostly just the pvp side though, I don't waste my time with mmo pve.
http://www.arenajunkies.com/topic/221663-official-mop-beta-hunter-information/page__st__40 Mostly just the pvp side though, I don't waste my time with mmo pve.
I'm actually really surprised people formed a line.
They're great in 3s now, which is the only bracket that matters.
They've pretty much been on the bottom of the totempole as far as pvp goes this entire expansion correct? I remember some numbers being released and hunters win % being the lowest.
Yep, near the bottom, occasionally a spot or two up from it, but the most consistent towards the bottom of nearly all classes.
I'm enjoying Pally healing thus far as I level. The decent amount of instant casts lets you line up a good amount of burst if needed.
Yea this is a problem. The thing that scares me most is losing the double focus back from steady/cobra.
Did Ulduar for the first time with a pug and got my drake YES!