Account-wide achievement support is in the lates beta patch according to MMO-Champ. Which is great. It's even better if it applies to Feats of Strength as well, and if it awards achievement mounts (as account-wide mounts aren't in yet it seems, though pets are.)
Somebody let me know the details if you're in the beta and can test it!
Account wide achievments. Holy fuck why does that make me happy?
What kind of monster have I become![]()
This? This feels good.
And good riddance to the worthless soul-stealing profession it came from.
I'm still working on getting the Raven Lord mount. Damn Anzu keeps giving me Gems and worthless Blues. At least I make decent gold from those runs.
Also been doing Magister's Terrace in hopes of getting the mount and pet. Gotten the silly Orb twice now. At least they're painless to clear.
Draenei or Worgon for Priest?
This? This feels good.
And good riddance to the worthless soul-stealing profession it came from.
I'm still slugging away. Got the mount already - just want the $!#@ pet. Then last night... what pops up...? The Staff of Ammunae. Gawddamnit. Now I have to waste 175 artifacts on something I don't want. *gives archy the finger*
Bleh. The staff was my third rare out of there. As cool as it would be to have in pet battles, I don't think I can put myself through any more just for the hand.I'm still slugging away. Got the mount already - just want the $!#@ pet. Then last night... what pops up...? The Staff of Ammunae. Gawddamnit. Now I have to waste 175 artifacts on something I don't want. *gives archy the finger*
It won't be quite so bad as long as all they add is stuff for the two races on Pandaria. Getting the scepter sucks extra hard on account of how terrible the tol'vir:everything else digsite ratio is, how big Kalimdor is, and how much of a pain it is to fly across thanks to every other zone having a completely different height. Pandaria should end up being like a less aggravating Outland, even ignoring the improvements they're making.Hopefully Blizzard wont add some awesome mount in MoP for this profession.
Draenei or Worgon for Priest?
This? This feels good.
And good riddance to the worthless soul-stealing profession it came from.
I remember back when some guild opened up AQ on my server, the guy who actually opened it got the mount, and it was only one per server. Or is that another one?
Edit: Oh nevermind I see Archaeology.
Speacking of arch, are dig sites random or should I go straight to tol'vir sites?
Grats on the mount Sciz. I really need to get back to it and work towards "finding" mine
Male draenei look dumb in cloth gear. Female worgen look dumb period!
Male draenei look dumb in cloth gear. Female worgen look dumb period!
They're completely random, no matter how much you will dearly want nothing but tol'vir sites, which aren't even available until 450 skill. The only slight relief available is that you have a reduced chance to proc a site for a race that you've found every artifact for, and you'll still get an infuriating amount of them.
The AQ-gate opening event mount is a black version of this.
It used to do all sorts of weird shit like instant mid-air mounting and such, but now it's just a regular mount that nobody has.
My friend has it and he loves showing it off along with his scarab lord title lol.
it's listed as legendary isn't it?
Lol... come on Blizzard.
Anybody have a male human priest?
Or is the hearth animation is also same as healing animation?
It is for all characters. There are two basic spell casting animations, and just due to how they're doled out Hearth + heals are the same (at least most heals).
So just do a hearth on a lvl male human and bam what they use for flash heal, heal. greater h?
Back when I was playing, there weren't as many opportunities to solo raids / dungeons. I mean, we had druids soloing Mother Smolderweb; I think paladins and hunters were having some success at places.
How is it now? Just from what I've seen online, it looks like DK is probably the easiest route but can most classes solo higher ended content from BC and WotLC? Mostly looking at rogue, druid, or maybe warlock since those are the three classes I'm looking at rerolling.
This? This feels good.
And good riddance to the worthless soul-stealing profession it came from.
Yeah, it seems like the sell price for items like that is 25% of purchase price, so it will probably be 60k gold before any sort of discounts. Maybe down to 48k if you can get exalted with the vendor's faction.The new Traveler's Tundra Mammoth equivalent looks pretty cool. Going to be super expensive though if the sell price to NPCs is 15k.
Hearthstone animation is the one that caster dps use. Not healing animation. Its 2 different ones.
Guardian Druids might end up dethroning DKs as kings of soloing with the changes they have made on the beta so far.
Whether or not they are actually better than DKs for soloing when the changes hit live, they will be able to keep pretty good uptime on their +45% dodge ability and self heal with no cooldown. Druids are great anyway if you like to have a lot of flexibility.
I used the scroll of resurrection for a friend, but i didnt get any spectral gryphon?
I used the scroll of resurrection for a friend, but i didnt get any spectral gryphon?