I already have a Raven Lord. You jelly?![]()
I am! Its a beautiful mount.
I already have a Raven Lord. You jelly?![]()
got a SoR question:
can i split the lvl 80 boost and the realm/faction change, or do these only apply to the same character?
You can just choose one of those two things, the transfer or the level 80 character.
It's both great and annoying, because now I'll want to level all sorts of other characters to get the mounts for my main, and I hate leveling ><
You can just choose one of those two things, the transfer or the level 80 character.
Send me a PM with your e-mail and I'll shoot you oneAnybody with a Scroll to give out? I haven't played WoW in over a year, but I've got the urge for an MMO.
You're forgetting Winged Steed of the Ebon Blade, but that's just lvl 55-60.Well to get all the class unique mounts (since there aren't any class specific flying mounts if you don't count flight form - which would no doubt be cool), you'd only have to level to 40 on a few characters tops.
1-40 with heirlooms probably takes less than a day at most. Especially with the revamped content and huge dungeon quest XP troves (skipping ones that aren't worth it, like Gnomergan).
You're forgetting Winged Steed of the Ebon Blade, but that's just lvl 55-60.
I don't think they've said anything about what mounts can or can't be account-wide. So either it's intended or the mounts haven't been added to a blacklist for the system.Maybe its not even intended to be able to use class/race/faction specific mounts, its still a beta. Or did Blizzard said otherwise?
Do my horde server is dying. The sever my alliance is on is not. I am tempted to move my horde there. Than there is also area 52 but I never see anybody on (gaf guild that is) when I log on.
Also anybody currently leveling?
Also tips on discipline priest healing?
Leveling, ten man, or 25?
For the priest will be mainly 5 mans, LFR and occasional guild 25.
Don't suppose you can save the free 80 huh? I think the only non-70+ toons I have are priest, rogue, and DK... not much desire for any of those. Id much rather save it for a panda variant or monk depending on how that turns out. Oh well...maybe I'll just mirror a class I already have on a different faction.
If you are mostly doing those then id find a good AA spec and use holy fire/smite as your filler, keep renew up on tank, get a rapture mod so you know when to bubble, this will be you main way to get mana back, use greater heal as your main heal, flash for quick, but try to keep using greater, penance to quickly get up grace stacks or quick heal someone (also use renew to spotheal), prayer of healing for aoe, dont forget to use cooldowns! You've got a fewl! always have prayer if mending up on every cooldown! Use pi, ps! The jist of it lol, lemme know if you hsve any qs
Tol Barad and Firelands have the most in one zone.Hey guys, quick question: what's the likely the best place to do dailies at 85? I guess I mean in terms of quest quantity.
I really want to hit 10k Achievement points before MoP hits. I'm sitting at 9025 right now without having done any of the ToC/ICC raids. Last time I tried to join a pug ICC, my pc completely seized. We'd engage a boss and as soon as I entered combat, my pc would be frozen until after the boss was dead. Needless to say, I dropped out after the 2nd time it happened. Dunno why ICC does that. Add-on related, maybe? I can do 25m raids anywhere else, but ICC just cripples my computer.
It'll be frustrating if I can't figure it out as that's a whole lot of achievements that are easily attainable.
Oh well
Tol Barad and Firelands have the most in one zone.
Agreed. Pretty easy to hit the 25-per-day cap in those two places depending on what you have opened up in Firelands and who controls TB.
And TB dailies give you access to a pretty decent drake mount.
I managed to get the Insane title yesterday. While it wasn't exactly a walk in the park (if I ever see another pirate or have to pick another pocket again, I may cry) it really wasn't nearly as bad as it would have been back in Wrath. I managed to burn through the Bloodsail, Steamwheedle Cartel and Ravenholdt portion of the grind in about two weeks, and Darkmoon Faire's a joke now for rep. Maybe they should change the title to The Slightly Inconvenienced?
Oh and I got mount number 145 on my main yesterday too, not bad for a character who doesn't do 85 raiding, has no TCG game stuff and has only existed for 18 months or so.
Already getting disinfranchised with the game. Went raiding last night, and this game really feels like it's devolved into an e-penis contest with a gear score attached to it.
Not sure if I'm going to keep playing.
Firelands also have the fire hippogryph mount, a trinket that throws a tree and an item that spawn plants, rabbits, squirrels, flowers and fawns. :lol
Already getting disinfranchised with the game. Went raiding last night, and this game really feels like it's devolved into an e-penis contest with a gear score attached to it.
Not sure if I'm going to keep playing.
You're a bit late to realize that, don't you remember the days of Argent Tournament where you needed XXXX GearScore from an addon to get into a pug?
I think they did a good job of killing GearScore. There's nothing wrong with an easy to get gear requirement for heroics and LFR. After that? The score is just an average of the ilvl, something you basically did in Vanilla by looking at what raid you had the majority of epics from. Then I see nothing wrong with looking at achievements to see if you can actually kill a boss.Agreed. Pretty easy to hit the 25-per-day cap in those two places depending on what you have opened up in Firelands and who controls TB.
You're a bit late to realize that, don't you remember the days of Argent Tournament where you needed XXXX GearScore from an addon to get into a pug?
Devolved? I think the game's always had a large e-penis contest element to it. The number one raiding guild on my vanilla server would come into IF and spam in general chat all the epics they got from that nights raid.
Then those guys are assholes. I'm talking about in general. It seems like the attitude you're talking about has permiated almost every one. Makes me not really want to play any more. Or at least keep to myself, and that kind of defeats the point of an MMO.
We recently added account-level changes to achievements in World of Warcraft: Mists of Pandaria, and theres still a lot of work left before were done. The plan here is to illustrate the intent behind our design, which should in turn help you figure out the answers to many of your questions.
Overall, we never want you to play Character A instead of Character B because of achievement concerns. If Character A had the Violet Proto-Drake, then you might not play Character B. If Character A was only one holiday away from the Violet Proto-Drake, then you may not play Character B. If Character A had completed most of the raid achievements from Dragon Soul, you may not want to bring Character B for one fight and miss out on the achievement. Having alts is cool and working on achievements is cool, but we dont want the two systems to work against each other.
This goal is paramount and drives everything else. If we allowed you to earn extra achievement points from completing an achievement on two different characters, then you might only want to play the character with the most points and youd feel like you had to grind through all the achievements with every alt, thus defeating the purpose of having account-level achievements.
Most achievements are account-wide
This means you only earn the points once. If you have earned an achievement on one character, you can see it on all your characters. However, and this is important, you will still see the achievement toast (the pop-up notification) if a second or subsequent character completes the achievement. We think its still important to recognize milestones like reaching level 80, maxing out a profession, or killing a raid boss for the first time. It's fun to have everyone congratulate you when you get the toast. Nonetheless, this will just be a new character of yours completing the achievement that youve already earned on your account. You wont double up on points.
Most criteria are not account-wide
If you start an achievement on one character, you can't then finish the achievement on another (there are exceptions, so please keep reading). We didn't think it made sense for one character to get level 60 and another to get level 20 and then see the "level 80" achievement toast. If you start to explore Thousand Needles on one character, youll probably want to finish that achievement on the same character.
Some achievements are "meta achievements."
These are achievements that require you to get other specific achievements. An infamous example is "What a Long, Strange Trip It's Been." These achievements generally ARE account-wide. If one character earned Noble Gardener and another character earned The Flame Warden, then your account would get Long Strange Trip. (Otherwise it would be weird: it would look as if you had the sub-achievements, but you wouldn't have the meta-achievement). Even though you need Explore Thousand Needles on one character, all of your characters can contribute to Explore Kalimdor.
A very few achievements are account-only.
There are two categories of account-only achievements. One is achievements that are not possible to earn on one character. If we made an achievement to level every class to level 90, it would be account-only. (I'm not sure we will, but it's a good example.) The other category are achievements that are just brutal to complete on one character (and youd never want to do for multiples), such as 2500 daily quests or 250K honorable kills. In these cases, the cumulative work of all your characters on those criteria will count.
We hope that rewards granted from achievements (pets, mounts, titles, and tabards) will be shared at the account level.
I'm not going to promise this yet, because a lot of magic has to happen for that to work, but it's our intent. We have discussed having a character level requirement for some rewards, so that your level-2 gnome couldnt walk around with the Defender of a Shattered World title just because your level-90 shaman earned it. If the gnome made it to level 80, though, you could proudly show off your title. You also wont be able to use a faction-specific pet, mount, or title on the wrong faction. The achievement wouldnt go away -- you just wouldnt be able to show it off on that character. There are probably additional exceptions and details well find as we dig deeper into the system.
This is the kind of system that will evolve over time, and we dont think this has to be the way achievements work forever. As beta players start experimenting with it and offering feedback, I am certain that we will end up making even more changes.
Ghostcrawler put up a blog post on how account-wide achievements are going to work. I think most of this is pretty much what we expected.
All I kno is I don't remember trade chat being so incredibly stupid in Vanilla. At times I have to turn it off cuz the chat is just so bad. Also for groups its incredible how quickly people rage quit in pugs after 1 fuckup. Granted yes it does suck wiping for stupid things but back in the day I remember most groups I was in stuck with it until the end and it was an awesome feeling knowing u could conquer a dungeon with the group you were with even if they weren't the best.
Yeah, that's pretty much what I'm talking about. The people in the game have changed, and not for the better. On one hand, it's awesome we have a group finder. On the other, since those people aren't on your server, they go the same route as any other internet activity and act a damn fool, because the chances that you'll see them again are slim to none. At least people on the server would let you know if somebody was good people or not. That doesn't happen now because people doing dumb shit like rage quiting or ninja'ing something doesn't get around because you never know who you're dealing with. I can think of tons of instances in before the LFG finder where people would get SHAMED about the shit they pulled, and not get invited to groups. lol
Unfortunately :/Uh, so the female Pandaren dance is some weaboo shit?