Hey guys, I've been thinking about jumping back into WoW after a year break. I reckon I'll be focussing on having fun fighting through dungeons with other players whilst playing a fun physical class.
But what level range would you recommend I go into (in terms of number of other players at a similar level)? I have the folloing options:
- I start again at 1 and go through Cataclysm content and beyond
- I start with my lvl 70 Paladin (hopefully I can run straight to WotLK content quickly because I dislike BC areas)
- I start with a Death Knight, allowing me to play a bit in Cataclysm content before going into the same area as the pally.
Any advice would be appreciated!
If you don't mind questing, I found the 1-60 revamp pretty great (Horde side) as long as you keep away from Kalimdor. I've only done a handful of the zones through Alliance, so I can't really speak to that.
If you are going to level through straight LFD, then any level range will work. I've found that que times are lower as a DPS when I hit BC/Wrath, but it varies. On my 60-something hunter, sometimes the que popped instantly, sometimes it was 10 minutes.
If you plan on doing a mix, no matter what level you are, zone population is going to be light. 1-60, BC, and LK zones are going to be lonely outside of LFD.
I vote option one, but I really dig questing and the lore.