Any UH DK's with WoD beta arena experience answer a few questions for me?
It seems like with the removal of Necrotic Strike and the addition of multi-strike, that the spec has really become RNG based, which is unfortunate.
In MoP, UH DK's were the definition of miniscule RNG. It was all about managing death runes for necrotic and maintaining pressure. The only real RNG aspect was the sudden doom procs which were not that big of deal to rely on. You even reforged any crit into mastery or haste, so you weren't reliant on crit either
I quit playing about the time SoO was released, but with the little bit of pvp I have done since I have returned it feels like UH is simply, spam your abilities as they come off of CD, but even then I didn't see health go down much. For comparison sake, I switched to frost and immediately did much better...this is not encouraging for me if frost will be the go to spec for DK arena.
As for UH, death rune management isn't really necessary since nothing specifically requires death runes (unless you get the health refilling ability, forget the name). And with Multi-Strike apparently being a major stat to invest in for UH DK's it appears the class now becomes heavily invested into RNG for optimal damage.
Am I reading too much into it? How has your experience with the class in lvl 100 pvp been? I know there are opinions that NS was holding the class back, but I definitely enjoyed that aspect of the play style and now that it is gone, I feel like things are not changing for the better (IE rng reliant).