continuing my casual ass update that noone cares about:
got my garrison to level 3, bought the dwarven outpost thingie, fucked off to nagrand and holy upgrades batman

already got 2 blues and 1 epic out of 4 quests (well, 4 quests that give rewards, not ounting all the others)
I also got a epic trinket upgrade from a fire rare, not sure if that was the dwarven building or just luck. whatever it was, all helps the ilvl i guess. Speaking of ilvl, also got the 640 ring from the legendary quest. My slow climb to 615 to do MC continues
I also got the lvl 2 upgrade for my enchanting place because why not, and I have fuck all resources again
didnt do any new dungeons yet because this is all I had time to today really. I did jump on my pali for about 1 hour while I waited for the dwarven outpost to build, Ive never played ret ever (in 10 years lol), and it was fun! I had a shitty tank set from timeless isle gear that aparently lost all its tank stats and works for dps now, so that helped, bought a lvl 90 mace from the AH for just 70g (a 90 blue from draenor too, thought it was pretty cheap) and was good enough to absolutely destroy the starting quest up to getting the garrison. I can see myself playing him next tbh, and can always go holy to heal aswell.