Take me to the orphanage, Higgins. I wish to laugh at the children.
You people can solo Dragon Soul 25H? Geez.. Now I wonder what I'm doing wrong, I get my arse kicked.
With the lock changes in 6.1 I've changed my spec a bit from reading guides, but I have a super noob question I couldn't find an answer to.
Grimoire of Service: does it matter what demon I use besides the ability they cast? When using Demonic Servitude as my 100 talent, should I be using Doomguard with GoServ or again, does it matter?
Thanks in advance!
I got my first mythic Blacrock Cache this morning and it was a terrible crit/versatility helm. Trolled 2 da maxx.
And if you're running DS for gold you should portal to Uldum and pop in to Throne of the Four Winds first. It's an incredibly quick raid (couple of minutes if you have half decent DPS), easily doable on 25H and drops a crapload of gear, tokens, gold and potentially a mount.
You people can solo Dragon Soul 25H? Geez.. Now I wonder what I'm doing wrong, I get my arse kicked.
You'll want to use the demon that does the most dps. I'd reckon doomguard would be it if you have DS (but I don't have the math to prove it).
With the lock changes in 6.1 I've changed my spec a bit from reading guides, but I have a super noob question I couldn't find an answer to.
Grimoire of Service: does it matter what demon I use besides the ability they cast? When using Demonic Servitude as my 100 talent, should I be using Doomguard with GoServ or again, does it matter?
Thanks in advance!
The Ashran change is stupid as fuck. The reasoning is correct but the solution...what the hell.
I don't undertsand why they seem to be completely lost with what to do with this place.
Leveling in draenor is so fast, but then I realized I need to finish every zone to get all the followers![]()
So I'm thinking of jumping back in. Anyone have any suggestions as far as garrison builds go? That's the part that's still really frustrating for me. I want to be able to make money. Any suggestions?
Cata dungeons give out gold like candy, especially on Heroic mode. With the garden and mine, you have a glut of resources even if you are crafting and you can sell off everthing. Enormous Draenor fish are also easy money. Some servers have different prices for the fish... ammonite and fatmouth are very high on my server, but whiptail aren't worth the travel time. You'll be grinding it anyway if you want Paigle as a follower.How did you guys get so much gold >.<
Get a Trading Post as one of your medium plots.
Take two money-making professions (I'd suggest Alchemy/Enchanting, or Tailoring for selling bags) and the appropriate small plot buildings. Get a Salvage Yard for your third small plot, you can get some green transmog items from salvage crates to sell.
I'd go Barracks/War Mill or Dwarven Bunker for your large plots, more geared followers = more gold reward missions completed. Plus, if you upgrade your garrison to level 3 as soon as you hit 100 (make sure you kill rares/collect treasure as you level up, look up the add-on HandyNotes) and build your War Mill/Dwarven Bunker on your second large plot, you'll get enough upgrades while finishing Nagrand questing to pretty much immediately get you into Heroic dungeons and LFR.
What about mining/skinning for money in the barracks? Those are what I used to do and was wondering if you can still make money off those
Take me to the orphanage, Higgins. I wish to laugh at the children.
so did bonus work orders just get thrown under the fucking bus? I have workers in there 24/7 and went from 2x bonus down to really like 1.5-1.6x
The market for ore is completely in the toilet. Every garrison has a mine that anyone can mine from, and you can get ore for GR at the Trading Post. Skinning is slightly better, because there's no easy way to get leather without it aside from the Trading Post (you have to go out and trap mobs for the Barn), but I dunno if it's enough to pass Alch/Ench/Tailoring for money-making.
the enchant will have the runed copper rod red in the description but you don't actually need it for her to enchant your stuffSo I feel like this is a dumb question, but how the hell do I perform enchants with just the garrison building? It says I need a runes copper rod but I can't seem to find one. All I can find are plain copper rods off vendors.
Cata dungeons give out gold like candy, especially on Heroic mode. With the garden and mine, you have a glut of resources even if you are crafting and you can sell off everthing. Enormous Draenor fish are also easy money. Some servers have different prices for the fish... ammonite and fatmouth are very high on my server, but whiptail aren't worth the travel time. You'll be grinding it anyway if you want Paigle as a follower.
Thanks for the info. I never thought about the savage bloods. I'll have to do something about that.I came into this expansion with about 20k which is about where I was through most of Pandaland. Now after dropping 230k on heirlooms, 50k on the Arakkoa rep mount, 120k on the expedition yak and 100k on the alliance bike I'm 'broke' at 70k.
A lot of my gold has come from old raids/mount runs, Dragon Soul in particular drops around 70-100 gold per boss before you even take into account cendoring the weapons and armour and I run it on five characters per week to try to get the two other mounts I need from there.
Then there's the fact I have five level 3 barns pumping out savage blood around the clock. The price on my server has dropped to around 400-600g each but when you consider I do about five hours grinding every two weeks (hour per character) and then sit on my arse, it's still a really good way to make gold.
And as said above, don't dismiss professions. Do your daily cooldowns, use your mine and herb garden on any characters which have them and craft stuff. Even basic pieces of tailoring/leatherworking/black smithing armour sell for 2-4k in my realm.
Thanks for the info. I never thought about the savage bloods. I'll have to do something about that.
Guess I'll get in on the savage blood frenzy.Crafted gear is about the best option for anyone not in full mythic gear and it takes 60 savage bloods to get 1 single piece to rank 4, so yeah it is worth it.
That said though I am curious if the blood transmute will have a noticeable impact on the market.... Just need that vendor to spawn.
What new graphics settings are you all running? I have a decent rig with a GTX 770 and am having a hard time deciding.
It's pretty much a necessity to play in Windowed mode for multitasking.
Always mine your garrisons for stones for the work orders just for the primal spirits.
Alch is quite meh since the pots are dirt cheap on AH and the trinket is craptastic.Guess I'll get in on the savage blood frenzy.
Is Alchemy worth it to boost in 6.1? I'm taking Enchanting for one slot. Trying to figure out what I should boost for the second slot. Either Inscription or maybe something else.
Well that's a shame.Alch is quite meh since the pots are dirt cheap on AH and the trinket is craptastic.
The alchemy trink is actually phenomenal compared to other trinkets in the 615-630 range but for some goddamn reason blizz doesn't want alchemists to have upgradeable crafted gear.
They do now.
So, anyone gotten tier gear from BRF follower missions? I got a trinket.
Yeah I saved up an ungodly amount of blood for this hoping the PTR version isn't final... now slowly AHing them at firesale prices.? Did I miss something?
Oh christ those Versatility abominations.![]()
What new graphics settings are you all running? I have a decent rig with a GTX 770 and am having a hard time deciding.
It's pretty much a necessity to play in Windowed mode for multitasking.