Bonus rolled the 700 staff off Gruul last night, we normally raid until 11:30 and were going to stop after some hans/frans attempts but we figured we'd give him one try. Glad we did. I've heard some rumors on the internets that your bonus roll becomes more likely to give loot if you get nothing multiple times in a row - and boy was I ever on a streak of bad luck. The trick was to change to resto spec which has only the staff and a chestpiece on the loot table so I had a 50/50 shot at the staff.
I won't know what I get in my cache until I get home from work today but I don't expect much - my last few weeks were all awesome. Haste/mastery caster neck, bracers, and ring - all slots I needed badly, to the point where it was kind of eerie that I kept getting such good stuff. If I get a Kromog cloak or the Iron Maidens boots today then I'll start getting worried.
Hans and Frans seemed intimidating at first but, like oregorger, when you go in with a specific strategy it's in some ways simpler than heroic. Which makes the fact that the same fucking people get stamped every pull even more frustrating. The addon which shows your left/right positioning on the belt things between tracks was a godsend, especially since I'm a fat moonkin and can't see my feet.