Valor for the Valorous
With the patch we’ll be bringing back Valor as a currency. You’ll will be able earn Valor once more by taking part in Heroic and Mythic Dungeons, from various Bonus Events, and via the first run through Raid Finder each week. To upgrade, visit your friendly neighborhood ethereal to upgrade gear up to five item levels at a time, up to two times per piece of gear.
That's the mount? Holy balls, guess I'm doing Archi.
*edit* oh, that's the time walking mount. Hrm.
Why are the 6.2 mini patches better than 6.1 lol.
Also hopefully I still have a friend or two in the raiding scene so I can grab that heroic archi kill.
That's the mount fro Archi.
Wait...cross realm mythic raiding is coming? Well, that's pretty awesome.
I just saw this (I'm an intern) at a class. He's only 7 years old!
I just saw this (I'm an intern) at a class. He's only 7 years old!
Hahaha, it's true. 6.1 was the worst "big" patch ever.
Kalamidor? Aseroth? LOL WHAT AN IDIOT.
(Nah, seriously, that's so cool)
Brewfest was also a part of 2.2. It's kind of pointless to single out 2.2 as a content light patch. It was also only released a month and a half before 2.3.That title goes to 2.2.
The only addition was in-game voice chat that no one uses.
Item Upgrades and Valor are back!
With the patch well also be introducing Cross-Realm Mythic Raiding. Youll now be able to join with friends, fill that one last spot, or have an easier time recruiting to backfill missing raid slots, allowing you to take on some of the most difficult encounters in Warlords of Draenor.
I still think the most memoerable bosses are in Kara. Aran and Malcheezar are just the best.
One was no simple jester, and the other commanded entire legions!
Damn. That's EU I guess. NA is still 30k.
Rösti;181680483 said:I also started doing pet battles. It's relatively fun but the leveling process is tedious.
NA token has increased by almost 50% in a couple of months. It was at 34k yesterday, and hasn't been below 30k in weeks. Dunno if supply is just continuing to dry up or if flying and world events created more demand (probably a combination of the two), but after being fairly stable during the summer it's done nothing but steadily increase for a while now.
Pet leveling during the bonus event is at the rate it should be all of the time. It's interminably slow normally.
I can't tell if I'm happy that they turned one of their cool mount designs away from the in game store or if I'm upset that I'm going to have to go through Heroic HFC to get it.
Gemüsepizza;181727304 said:Just read the patch notes. Cute, but that won't stop the sub loss. Blizzard needs to stop shitting on the average gamer, and they need to stop catering to mythic raiders. They need to realize that the times are changing and that you can't build a game around a few hardcore gamers anymore. But they don't seem to get it. They didn't even adress the LFR situation in any way. I will wait until Blizzcon, but if they continue on this path I'm gone.
They have the means to see how many people are doing certain things.
This is the kind of data they could collect in 2005. If people really weren't raiding, wouldn't they add all the other stuff, and raiding would be the footnote, to keep their customers happy?
People get this weird echo-chamber bubble around their heads and they think the things theyre interested in are the things everyone is interested in. It's just not the case.
They aren't going to make a game and invest resources, time and effort into something only "a few hardcore gamers" do.
LFR justifies the creation of more raid content when millions of players are able to see content. Only a few thousand people actually saw Kel'thuzad, but millions saw Deathwing. The reason Mists of Pandaria is starting with 18 bosses and adding larger raid tiers than we have had previously is because many players are going to see the raids through LFR.
Gemüsepizza;181729074 said:They have the data. But they are not acting on it. If they were, people would not leave this game.
You mean hardcore gamers?
They did, in the past. Then they changed their course slightly and this quote was made:
But with WoD they decided to tell LFR gamers to piss off, by removing tier sets, replacing good items with crap items, and recently by introducing the legendary upgrade item. And these are just a few examples. They have returned to making a game for the 1%. This approach will fail.