For the past years time I've made most, if not all of my money on transmog items. Buying cheap and selling high, but for some reason the market has slowed a lot for me over the last couple of months, so I've been looking desperately for some other market to venture into to satisfy my gold craving needs.
That's when I stumbled into this reddit post:
In this post the author describes a way to make gold with absolutely minimal effort, once it's all set up of course.
So two weeks ago I decided to start leveling up all my alts. At this point I only had two characters at lvl 100, and a bunch of characters from 60 to 90. Levelling them was actually way faster than I thought. Heirloom head, shoulder, chest, cloak, leggings for 45% extra xp and pot from garrison for an additional 20%. All the while Darkmoon Faire was running for an additional 10%. 75% extra xp and rested XP for the most of the alts meant that treasure hunting was absolutely insane for amassing levels.
Now I've been doing this for two weeks, and white it's satisfying to rack in all those many many missions, I haven't actually made any profit yet - upgrading all those garrisons is an incredibly expensive effort. The last couple of days I've even begun to keep track of my characters in a spreadsheet, because logging back and forth all the time is cumbersome.
Have any of you tried to do something similar - or do you have any tips for how to optimize this 'build' ?