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World of Warcraft |OT9| People still play this? Isn't it from 2004


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
Shadow is much better for leveling on the current patch. No reason to go Disc for it.


ANDDD the first ban of NH has taken place

Fusion hearthed out the entire p3 mechanic on star auger LUL

5 week ban I imagine so long bc it's an example

This is one of those grey area bans because even tho it happened fast hearthing out mechanics has happened on fights in the past, even as recently as mannoroth. However this nullified an entire mechanic and trivialized the entire p3 which is why I imagine they took it more seriously than the previous hearthed mechanics.


Is Bradensbrook in Val'sharah the new "hot" pvp gank spot? I have seen so much ganking there lately, its a bit odd. Its not like Valdisdall or the warden's camp in Azsuna where you turn in emissary stuff.


semen stains the mountaintops
ANDDD the first ban of NH has taken place

Fusion hearthed out the entire p3 mechanic on star auger LUL

5 week ban I imagine so long bc it's an example

This is one of those grey area bans because even tho it happened fast hearthing out mechanics has happened on fights in the past, even as recently as mannoroth. However this nullified an entire mechanic and trivialized the entire p3 which is why I imagine they took it more seriously than the previous hearthed mechanics.

Ha, so it actually did happen.

They're pretty dumb to think that no one would notice that they somehow beat out Method for such a hard kill, lots of eyes would be on them.
As someone who just recently played through all questing content from 1-85 (doing loremaster on a new character), the 60-70 and 70-80 areas need a revamp WAY more than 1-60 does. I didn't use heirlooms at all and I hit 60 quite quickly and painlessly, and the 1-60 zones at least have cohesive stories in each zone with fairly understandable quest progression. TBC, on the other hand, is a steaming dumpster that no one should touch the questing content of with a 10 foot pole. Low drop% quest items, quests with less mobs in the whole area than you need to kill, quest items you need to use 10 times with a 20 second CD, run here do a quest run back get a quest for that same area... WotLK is also pretty bad, but not nearly as bad as TBC. 1-60 questing is wonderful in comparison, I think it holds up pretty fine. There's a reason that any time you ask what people's favorite quests are, they almost always pick some of the 1-60 revamp quests, like "the day deathwing came" or "welcome to the machine". The only issue now with questing is that there is too much between lv 1 and max level now. I like the idea someone put through that you choose like 2 expansions and you can get to lv 100 playing through just those.

They're not going to update the older expansions in any meaningful way. The 1-60 zones is something new players are going to experience when they first start playing. And they are something they sort of want people to play given the profession bonuses that you can gain for boosting a level 60 toon versus boosting a straight-up new toon.

The most they'll probably do for legacy content is increase the level scaling, make it so you can choose to play through alternating expansions rather than all of them (something they've discussed) and maybe apply Legions scaling to allow more free form playing through the zones.

The obvious solution is to allow the level scaling as an option in every zone. That said, 60-70 is terrible but 70-80 isn't too bad since you can fly from the beginning now. One problem I'm noticing though for new players is they don't have enough gold from leveling to buy flying. Honestly any one starting new at this point really should buy a token too.

You can afford flying if you do Loremaster runs through all of the zones, but people don't do that, typically they don't play like that. They play through some zones, dungeon queue and skip ahead. The gold gain from questing and dungeons only keeps up for the first tier of flying IF you know to save for it. It's the first 4k tier that's the real roadblock. The price should probably be halved to 2K and lvl 60 ground speed and flying should be merged and only cost 200 gold.
The obvious solution is to allow the level scaling as an option in every zone. That said, 60-70 is terrible but 70-80 isn't too bad since you can fly from the beginning now. One problem I'm noticing though for new players is they don't have enough gold from leveling to buy flying. Honestly any one starting new at this point really should buy a token too.

I've thought they should at least do scaling within expansion content and allow more overlap. For instance, it would be great if the 1-60 Cata zones scaled up to 70, allowing you to skip BC if you wanted. Similarly BC could scale up to 80, allowing you to skip Wrath if you wanted. Wrath scales to 85, Cata to 90, Panda to 100.

It would be nice if good zones like Twilight Highlands and Kun-Lai and others were actually viable leveling options, but as is you're basically done with that level bracket before you could reasonably finish those zones. Leave the dungeons and raids as is.
ANDDD the first ban of NH has taken place

Fusion hearthed out the entire p3 mechanic on star auger LUL

5 week ban I imagine so long bc it's an example

This is one of those grey area bans because even tho it happened fast hearthing out mechanics has happened on fights in the past, even as recently as mannoroth. However this nullified an entire mechanic and trivialized the entire p3 which is why I imagine they took it more seriously than the previous hearthed mechanics.


How did hearthing out work exactly? Wouldnt the fight reset?


No Scrubs
Is Bradensbrook in Val'sharah the new "hot" pvp gank spot? I have seen so much ganking there lately, its a bit odd. Its not like Valdisdall or the warden's camp in Azsuna where you turn in emissary stuff.

It's near a pvp world quest zone, so after you finish that quest you'll use the whistle and wind up back there. Since you're still flagged for a little bit it's a good spot to get some free kills if you don't care about ganking someone.


It's near a pvp world quest zone, so after you finish that quest you'll use the whistle and wind up back there. Since you're still flagged for a little bit it's a good spot to get some free kills if you don't care about ganking someone.

True, though I should specify I'm on a PVP realm anyway so flagging doesn't matter much.

Its just weird to me though, its never been bad until this past week or so where it suddenly turned into gank central.

Valdisdall, warden's camp, Lorlathil, those are the usual places. But suddenly Horde's all hot and bothered at Bradensbrook. Its surprising.



How did hearthing out work exactly? Wouldnt the fight reset?
Nah. You can port out during wipes, mechanics, whenever. Youd think shit like this would be disabled after 12 years but blizzard doesnt play their own game.

But it was a transcendence exploit in the end.
Nah. You can port out during wipes, mechanics, whenever. Youd think shit like this would be disabled after 12 years but blizzard doesnt play their own game.

But it was a transcendence exploit in the end.

transcendance...monk move?

did they literally take a whole group of monks
Welp. First legendary. On my alt to boot.

I'm sorry.
It's in the bottom tier for DH legendaries right now.

Probably ported out with a debuff and so cheesed out a mechanic.

Clever use of game mechanics I say.

Nah, in this case it completely neutered the fight. Removing the add in P3 trivializes the encounter both mechanically and DPS-requirement-wise. I don't know the numbers for sure, but it looks like up to 358million health that would be completely negated. So that much extra damage + the lost DPS for having to deal with his mechanic and the cost of target switching.


Nah, in this case it completely neutered the fight. Removing the add in P3 trivializes the encounter both mechanically and DPS-requirement-wise. I don't know the numbers for sure, but it looks like up to 358million health that would be completely negated. So that much extra damage + the lost DPS for having to deal with his mechanic and the cost of target switching.

Yeah, that's what I meant. Clever use of game mechanics.

... but seriously, they've had that happen since Molten Core. When are they going to learn?


Guess my twink is also kinda lucky huh ....



semen stains the mountaintops
With sets being a thing now, I wish they would make the mythic weekly cache better by making it easier to get loot we want. Most pieces are going to be useless, so it kind of feels a bit pointless to do 15s on a character that's doing NH.

There's always that hope you get a perfect relic or that one item that would be amazing at 900 but getting them is one in a million.

Give me a 900 Melandrus, Blizz.


Shadow is much better for leveling on the current patch. No reason to go Disc for it.

Absolutely, and you don't even need to use suboptimal talents that you'll never touch at endgame. Just don't listen to any guides that tell you to use Misery. It is not worth giving up Power Infusion.


With sets being a thing now, I wish they would make the mythic weekly cache better by making it easier to get loot we want. Most pieces are going to be useless, so it kind of feels a bit pointless to do 15s on a character that's doing NH.

There's always that hope you get a perfect relic or that one item that would be amazing at 900 but getting them is one in a million.

Give me a 900 Melandrus, Blizz.

Dungeon trinkets are better for some specs. Fuck bliz for making shit ass raid trinkets.
All I can think of while questing and leveling in Val'sharah as a Horde is the Warsong Lumber Camp in Ashenvale and how I wish there was something similar Val'sharah.


semen stains the mountaintops
Was worried that I wouldn't be able to do a 15 this week on my alt, so I got into a carry group that did my 14, then we did a 16 and finally a 17.

Even at 887 equipped ( 892 in bags ), my pally rarely gets invited to mythic+ pugs, so I got pretty lucky to get into that group.
Was worried that I wouldn't be able to do a 15 this week on my alt, so I got into a carry group that did my 14, then we did a 16 and finally a 17.

Even at 887 equipped ( 892 in bags ), my pally rarely gets invited to mythic+ pugs, so I got pretty lucky to get into that group.

Does that include playing as either Holy or Prot?


Holy shit, after basically giving up hope having been waiting for a legendary for 11 weeks, this dropped from 2nd to last boss in Kara:

Absolute BiS legendary for M+, the one I never thought in a million years I would get and the one I wanted most. That's it, legendary system saved, its perfect as is, no changes necessary.

But seriously, this only really serves to further show me how shitty the system is, though I am glad to have gotten the one I actually wanted after my first two being basically garbage tier legendaries.

Then the gods saw fit to give us for our weekly +15...

HoV +15 Teeming/Skittish/Fortified... Oy vey what a shit fest this was. We ended up saying fuck the timer and went into most pulls CCing 4 mobs, yes FOUR mobs, and people still died because if two mobs in a pull randomly targetted the same DPS they would get insta killed. What a fun and balanced place! We finished it though, looking forward to our 900 piece.

As a random aside, this whole time I misunderstood how depleted keys worked. I always thought if you ran a depleted key and finished under the par time, it repleted the key and you could then run that same instance again with a regular key. But how it actually works is the key actually gets upgraded to a new one based on your finish time, even +1/2/3 based on time to a new key. That's both good and bad, cuts out a run I thought we'd have to do but also if you then +2 the depleted stone you miss out on a loot chest you could've gotten. More good than bad though for sure. Only found this out because during our +13 run I d/ced and couldn't get back in for like 10 minutes.


I wonder why Blizzard made 3 different kinds of AP items:
1 type is instant
1 type needs some seconds to activate, but you can move around/activate it while moving
1 type needs some seconds to activate and you can't move around/activate it while moving around.


you can't put a price on sparks
I wonder why Blizzard made 3 different kinds of AP items:
1 type is instant
1 type needs some seconds to activate, but you can move around/activate it while moving
1 type needs some seconds to activate and you can't move around/activate it while moving around.

They had 3 different people working on making the items and they all misunderstood which kind it should be.


I wonder why Blizzard made 3 different kinds of AP items:
1 type is instant
1 type needs some seconds to activate, but you can move around/activate it while moving
1 type needs some seconds to activate and you can't move around/activate it while moving around.

I'm just glad the one that drops in instances is the one you can do while moving because invariably my bags end up full and I'm frantically clicking them as I try to keep up.


I wonder why Blizzard made 3 different kinds of AP items:
1 type is instant
1 type needs some seconds to activate, but you can move around/activate it while moving
1 type needs some seconds to activate and you can't move around/activate it while moving around.

I originally thought it had to do with amount of AP a thing was worth (instant for the low AP ones, cast time for the higher ones to give you time to go "oh shit" and cancel it if you used it when in the wrong spec), but I don't think that is consistent. Also, having it castable while moving removes the only benefit of a cast time, since if you go "oh shit, wrong spec", your first reaction (at least mine is) would be to move to cancel the cast hah, but you actually have to reach for the escape key.

In the end, I just think they were randomly designed by different interns.
Finally replaced the forged Chaos Talisman on my DK... with Kil'jaeden's. I actually think my Chaos Talisman could be as rare or more rare than a legendary given it comes from Violet Hold.

The warforged / titanforge system makes trinkets so weird. I didn't play WoD or Pandaria. Was it similar, or just a Legion thing? Some of the Nighthold trinkets are really good, but just seems like they have trouble making raid trinkets better than forged M+ / Kara / stat stick trinkets.

Also, having it castable while moving removes the only benefit of a cast time, since if you go "oh shit, wrong spec", your first reaction (at least mine is) would be to move to cancel the cast hah, but you actually have to reach for the escape key.

I've spent a fair number of tokens in the wrong spec because of this.

Grats on Luffa.
I wonder why Blizzard made 3 different kinds of AP items:
1 type is instant
1 type needs some seconds to activate, but you can move around/activate it while moving
1 type needs some seconds to activate and you can't move around/activate it while moving around.

good fucking question. Extremely minor stuff like that drives me up the wall, because...why???


So healing is fun?

For the record..i never..ever did healing. I have a human priest and it is pretty simple, i don't know how healing was in past expansions, maybe i will deck out my priest when i hit max level.

So far did 3 dungeons and asked how i did it and they where happy...my first one was with a few who rushed through the dungeon. I don't mind since that is my kind of type of play anyway, but as a healer? A whole new vision opened up,good thing with my UI i can switch between a Healer UI and Damage UI.

Any recommended addons needed for a healer?


Finally replaced the forged Chaos Talisman on my DK... with Kil'jaeden's. I actually think my Chaos Talisman could be as rare or more rare than a legendary given it comes from Violet Hold.

The warforged / titanforge system makes trinkets so weird. I didn't play WoD or Pandaria. Was it similar, or just a Legion thing? Some of the Nighthold trinkets are really good, but just seems like they have trouble making raid trinkets better than forged M+ / Kara / stat stick trinkets.

I don't think its ever been THIS weird. Gets even stranger with Kara trinkets and Nightbane chest. I think the Medivh trinket at 860 with an 875 chest from NB does ~40% of our hunter's damage on some pulls, and that combo is better than a 900 in both slots in a lot of cases. I can imagine a TF 890 trinket being BiS forever (and locking you into the NB chest forever as well).

Funny how VH trinkets are actually really amazing for a lot of specs, but they are almost impossible to get high level versions of since there's no M+ for VH. Chaos Talisman is good for DPS, the tank one from the spider boss is amazing, and the healer one (you can use it on someone to give them a ton of leech) is incredible for necrotic since leech bypasses it, use it on the tank for great benefit.

They went kind of wild with trinkets this expansion, there are fewer "standard" proc every 120 seconds for increased stats or on use 120 sec CD for more stats ones and many more "weird effect" or "does actual damage via some weird proc/AoE" ones. Seems like they are harder to balance this way, not sure I had enough of a problem with the old style of trinkets for this to be worth it...

So healing is fun?

For the record..i never..ever did healing. I have a human priest and it is pretty simple, i don't know how healing was in past expansions, maybe i will deck out my priest when i hit max level.

So far did 3 dungeons and asked how i did it and they where happy...my first one was with a few who rushed through the dungeon. I don't mind since that is my kind of type of play anyway, but as a healer? A whole new vision opened up,good thing with my UI i can switch between a Healer UI and Damage UI.

Any recommended addons needed for a healer?

Healing can be super fun with a fast group, a game of trying to make sure you have enough mana for each pull. Quickly turn frustrating though if they truly have no concept for your mana.

As for addons, the default blizz "raid style" frames are quite functional for healing, but if you want more customization, you could use Grid or VuhDo. The only truly "mandatory" addon for when I play healer is Clique, allows you to easily bind spells to clicks/keypresses. For example, you can set it so that when you right click a unit frame, it casts Renew (instead of opening the menu) and your mouse side buttons cast Guardian Spirit or Flash Heal or whatever. Makes things really fast since you generally need to have your mouse over their frame to heal anyway, so adding click binds feels great to me. Mouseover macros are nice too for general heals, so you don't have to actually target the person you are healing, just have your cursor over their frame. If you want, I can post the macro I use for this.


Any pro frost dk here to solve a question I have for the breath of sindragosa build? I got the ring and helmet legendary and recently also got Kil'Jaeden's trinket legendary. Should I switch either the ring or the helmet for the trinket or put it on bank and forget it's existance?


We made it a few more bosses deep into heroic nighthold, I feel like melee don't really have to worry about anything in this raid. Almost no mechanics ever target us. I'm sure mythic is different but man it's been faceroll.

So far the one thing I actually had to think for is when geniuses get slammed by Krosus. I saved us by being the only one who could find a line of sight on the tank with battle rez.

Any pro frost dk here to solve a question I have for the breath of sindragosa build? I got the ring and helmet legendary and recently also got Kil'Jaeden's trinket legendary. Should I switch either the ring or the helmet for the trinket or put it on bank and forget it's existance?

I've got ring/belt myself so I haven't really looked into the helm. But I bet it'd easily win out if you had the 2-piece T19 set bonus. I don't know how good convergence of fates is now that it's been nerfed with hungering rune weapon, but people were saying you would only need that OR the ring, not both. That could be another option.


I've got ring/belt myself so I haven't really looked into the helm. But I bet it'd easily win out if you had the 2-piece T19 set bonus. I don't know how good convergence of fates is now that it's been nerfed with hungering rune weapon, but people were saying you would only need that OR the ring, not both. That could be another option.

Yeah I have the 2set and the helmet is incredibly strong, guess the leg trinket will go to waste sigh.


Yeah don't use the trinket. Having finally gotten 4 piece I'm 100% sure that the helm and bracers are ACTUALLY the best legendaries. The ring is probably third. Added benefit that helm and bracers will benefit non-bos as well, which is much more versatile for target swapping and is better for M+

If I had those I'd go freezing fog/gathering storm and POSSIBLY icecap or avalanche (would need to play around with them) and just use Breath as a 30 second CD every 2 minutes rather than try to extend it for too long. Your burst would be crazy but your sustain would also actually be significantly better than most breath builds.

(This is just in my head what would be best, I haven't actually tried it, but freezing fog is REALLY strong with the hat and with the bracers your gain from breath would be a lot higher for those 20 seconds than the remaining time).


We just tried Elisande normal mode for the first time.

Holy shit we are lacking damage. We haven't even seen P2 yet and died after 4 1/2 minutes because no more slow/fast zones were there. God, I feel so bad right now. xD
So healing is fun?

For the record..i never..ever did healing. I have a human priest and it is pretty simple, i don't know how healing was in past expansions, maybe i will deck out my priest when i hit max level.

Run Cata Time Walking as a healer next time it's up.

How easy or difficult healing is entirely depends on the groups you run with.
Maybe its because I've wiped more on him then all the other Nighthold bosses combined, but Star Augur Etraeus might be my favorite Raid boss. He's like a follow-up to Algalon in his first phase showing you the vast and unfeeling space that extends to incomprehensible lengths, but goes further to show you the folly of fighting against the Legion and either further showing the Legion's own folly in fighting the truly horrifying existence of the Universe.


Yeah don't use the trinket. Having finally gotten 4 piece I'm 100% sure that the helm and bracers are ACTUALLY the best legendaries. The ring is probably third. Added benefit that helm and bracers will benefit non-bos as well, which is much more versatile for target swapping and is better for M+

If I had those I'd go freezing fog/gathering storm and POSSIBLY icecap or avalanche (would need to play around with them) and just use Breath as a 30 second CD every 2 minutes rather than try to extend it for too long. Your burst would be crazy but your sustain would also actually be significantly better than most breath builds.

(This is just in my head what would be best, I haven't actually tried it, but freezing fog is REALLY strong with the hat and with the bracers your gain from breath would be a lot higher for those 20 seconds than the remaining time).

That is what I am doing. Howling blasts crit for 1.6m it is really strong but you said ring might be 3rd best legendary which is 1st and 2nd then in your opinion? Helm and what else the bracers?


you can't put a price on sparks
I wonder why Blizzard made 3 different kinds of AP items:
1 type is instant
1 type needs some seconds to activate, but you can move around/activate it while moving
1 type needs some seconds to activate and you can't move around/activate it while moving around.

oh yeah, throw in the artifact power items that DON'T scale with artifact knowledge


oh yeah, throw in the artifact power items that DON'T scale with artifact knowledge

Those blow my mind. 100 ap is nothing even at artifact level 1, much less anything higher. Maybe if they were something like 10k ap it would make sense (that would be a big boost to a leveling character), but 100 ap that doesn't scale is a joke.

Honestly, it's another example of how it seems like almost every single system in Legion is half-assed and poorly implemented. But somehow it comes together to be something compelling, at least for now.
Those blow my mind. 100 ap is nothing even at artifact level 1, much less anything higher. Maybe if they were something like 10k ap it would make sense (that would be a big boost to a leveling character), but 100 ap that doesn't scale is a joke.

Honestly, it's another example of how it seems like almost every single system in Legion is half-assed and poorly implemented. But somehow it comes together to be something compelling, at least for now.

Half-assed and poorly implemented? You sure you're not talking about WoD?

Though yeah, Legion has its own issues for sure - it's still miles ahead of the last expansion.


Half-assed and poorly implemented? You sure you're not talking about WoD?

Though yeah, Legion has its own issues for sure - it's still miles ahead of the last expansion.

Look, I'm not saying it isn't fun, it is. But look at legendaries, crafting, the terrible terrain, bugs bugs and more bugs, the original gating for world quests, world quests just being dailies (but not counting as dailies for things like achievements), putting mythic artifact appearance rewards behind a long raid grind, another long drop grind with annoying gating, the prestige system, the list goes on and on. Yes, much of that has already been fixed, and Legion is more than just the sum of those systems, but at this point in WoD people were still pretty happy with it as well.

The difference this time is they seem to be pushing a lot of content, and that's great, and all that really matters in the end. But it is interesting to look at some of these poorly done systems and see how the Blizzard magic just sort of makes it not matter when things are fun and positive. But plenty of it still has just as much a "designed by the B team with poor internal communication" feel as anything in WoD did.


you can't put a price on sparks
Look, I'm not saying it isn't fun, it is. But look at legendaries, crafting, the terrible terrain, bugs bugs and more bugs, the original gating for world quests, world quests just being dailies (but not counting as dailies for things like achievements), putting mythic artifact appearance rewards behind a long raid grind, another long drop grind with annoying gating, the prestige system, the list goes on and on. Yes, much of that has already been fixed, and Legion is more than just the sum of those systems, but at this point in WoD people were still pretty happy with it as well.

The difference this time is they seem to be pushing a lot of content, and that's great, and all that really matters in the end. But it is interesting to look at some of these poorly done systems and see how the Blizzard magic just sort of makes it not matter when things are fun and positive. But plenty of it still has just as much a "designed by the B team with poor internal communication" feel as anything in WoD did.

barring a couple of those, i think thats just world of warcraft. its sad they havent learned anything over the years. theyve tried so many different things, i guess they tap old ideas every now and then to see if they are somehow better now


Look, I'm not saying it isn't fun, it is. But look at legendaries, crafting, the terrible terrain, bugs bugs and more bugs, the original gating for world quests, world quests just being dailies (but not counting as dailies for things like achievements), putting mythic artifact appearance rewards behind a long raid grind, another long drop grind with annoying gating, the prestige system, the list goes on and on. Yes, much of that has already been fixed, and Legion is more than just the sum of those systems, but at this point in WoD people were still pretty happy with it as well.

The difference this time is they seem to be pushing a lot of content, and that's great, and all that really matters in the end. But it is interesting to look at some of these poorly done systems and see how the Blizzard magic just sort of makes it not matter when things are fun and positive. But plenty of it still has just as much a "designed by the B team with poor internal communication" feel as anything in WoD did.

I'll gladly take the current crafting system over the previous one in Draenor. Actually, it wasn't the crafting per se, it was basically standard issue stuff, but it was really the garrison being the #1 source of your gathering mats since it was so bloody terrible trying to find the crap out in the world. Then they dithered endlessly over whether flying would be allowed, even though it really felt like it was intended given the great scale of the continent. Northrend it ain't, but neither is it the compact and action-packed zones of Legion.

There were mythic dungeons, but they were tuned pretty high. The rewards were decent, but not many people did them, certainly not as many as do now. Other than that, if you didn't raid, the end-game was half hearted.

The flight master's whistle, in conjunction with the world quest system, gives the old daily quest grind a totally different rhythm and feel. It's never the same path twice, and planning out the best attack pattern, given the geographical challenges, is like a minigame in itself.

You can't really blame them for using techniques that they had used in the past to draw out content, so that it's not completed so quickly. LFR being opened one wing at a time is a good example, or the gating of certain content behind time unlocks. They have to give you ways to keep playing, and sometimes they take the easy way out. That's just always how Blizzard has done it, and if it's a problem in Legion, it was a really problem from day one but people have gotten used to it by this point.
So my guild is now looking for a prot warrior or brewmaster monk. Maybe a prot paladin. If anyone here happens to have one of those, and can make our times, etc.
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