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World of Warcraft

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did 45min baron today, finally! Still can't get valor boots or helm, killed kirtonos 19 times now, gandling probably around 30. Only doing it for the damn heroism chest :/


Has anyone else rerolled on Darrowmere? I made an Alliance. For some reason I enjoy leveling on Alliance much better.


If You Can't Beat 'Em, Talk Shit About 'Em
I did my first Strat run today. (I'm a 60 dwarf priest.) Man we got screwed a lot. I was only there to do the archivist but a couple needed dudes head. Wow... Such crap. I swear we were there 3 hours. It was me, druid tank with 10,000 armor, 2 rogues and a mage. It seemed like everytime he would do a pull he would lag and bring 2 groups and it would be a straight up rape job. We finally made it all the way to the archivist and it was a breeze but then on the final battle when he turns into the gargoyle it gets insane. The damage reins down and for some reason fade wouldn't even take him off me. He dropped me pretty quick and then the tank. The rouges and the mage finished him off but the tank and I could never make it back to for us to loot. He was the master looter :lol I got what I needed out of it but there were a lot of strange patrols this time through (so they said.) Ones that aren't usually there. Eh it was fun as hell though. I look forward to going through it again tonight to get his head this time because I need it :)


Mute said:
Has anyone else rerolled on Darrowmere? I made an Alliance. For some reason I enjoy leveling on Alliance much better.

Horde leveling on PVP is so much better. You can basically get to 45 on Horde side with less ganking thanks to SM being in Horde territory :)


ManaByte said:
Horde leveling on PVP is so much better. You can basically get to 45 on Horde side with less ganking thanks to SM being in Horde territory :)
That's why I'm leveling as fast as I can :lol I can't stand Horde zones 30+ though. Makes me want to cry.


Yeah w/ Horde you're basically stuck in the Barrens for 10 levels...ug

Well it's been a crappy month for our guild w/ progression. We were doing awesome. Our MT had full Might and we raised 5k in gold and mats to get him a Thunderfury for raids. Once he got it, a couple of weeks later, he decided to switch servers on us without telling anyone.

It really sucks cause we were downing Rag consistantly and were on our way to BWL. Our MT jetted w/ all the gear that our guild helped him get and now our current warriors are playing catch up. Lots of people left when progression stopped. Now a-days we cancel raids cause we don't have enough of a particular class most of the time.


what servers are you guys on...

im just getting back into the game (thanks to burning crusade hype and the south park episode... marketing ftw :lol) and I'm level 43 (night elf) on Shattered Hand. Lemme know if any of you are on there.
trilobyte said:
Yeah w/ Horde you're basically stuck in the Barrens for 10 levels...ug

Well it's been a crappy month for our guild w/ progression. We were doing awesome. Our MT had full Might and we raised 5k in gold and mats to get him a Thunderfury for raids. Once he got it, a couple of weeks later, he decided to switch servers on us without telling anyone.

It really sucks cause we were downing Rag consistantly and were on our way to BWL. Our MT jetted w/ all the gear that our guild helped him get and now our current warriors are playing catch up. Lots of people left when progression stopped. Now a-days we cancel raids cause we don't have enough of a particular class most of the time.

I think the BC factor is kicking in; some aren't playing as much after seeing 61+ loot. Our problem isn't so much this as people getting sniped off by guilds getting hit by this themselves reloading.


SatelliteOfLove said:
I think the BC factor is kicking in; some aren't playing as much after seeing 61+ loot. Our problem isn't so much this as people getting sniped off by guilds getting hit by this themselves reloading.

Yup, BC info killed my guild's interest in BWL. Which is ok, because we were horrible in there.


I don't understand the point of raiding now at all anymore,I mean with greens that are better than T2,what's the point :p Just alot of wasted time...


Has problems recognising girls
trilobyte said:
Yeah w/ Horde you're basically stuck in the Barrens for 10 levels...ug

Well it's been a crappy month for our guild w/ progression. We were doing awesome. Our MT had full Might and we raised 5k in gold and mats to get him a Thunderfury for raids. Once he got it, a couple of weeks later, he decided to switch servers on us without telling anyone.

It really sucks cause we were downing Rag consistantly and were on our way to BWL. Our MT jetted w/ all the gear that our guild helped him get and now our current warriors are playing catch up. Lots of people left when progression stopped. Now a-days we cancel raids cause we don't have enough of a particular class most of the time.
Swear I read this on the WoW BWL server forum. Someone was trying to catch upto another guy who basically stole the entire loot of a guild.

Feel sorry for you and your guild though. Really do not believe the nerve of some people to do shit like that.


speedpop said:
Swear I read this on the WoW BWL server forum. Someone was trying to catch upto another guy who basically stole the entire loot of a guild.

Feel sorry for you and your guild though. Really do not believe the nerve of some people to do shit like that.

Happened to an old guild of mine after I left there, the guildleader himself, bank and all, just up and moved to another server with his characters. What a douche thing to do. And the annoying thing is that it's so easy to switch character names that you can't track them that well.


Not raiding right now is stupid. You'll likely need the Level 60 Tier gear to survive long enough to get those Uber greens.

Also, map of Silvermoon:



I'm going to take a shot in the dark and say I *SEVERELY* doubt Blizzard will make it even remotely difficult for anyone without AQ40/Naxxramas gear to grind to 70, it'll probably just be as easy as 1-60 prior.

Raid gear will be caught up too so quiickly it wont even matter. I saw a level 62 or 63 blue robe earlier that will be better than the Faith one once you plug in gems.

Itemization is just so much better now. Stamina levels have soared, Blizzard has learned what people want in armor, and gemcrafting will make Tier 3 that much more irrelevent. This is coming from someone who got 6 peices of Plagueheart before stopping awhile ago.

I like to raid, but it's a HUGE time investment that will be for absolutely nothing in a short while. In my opinion, it's absolutely retarded to keep raiding if youre in a hardcore guild at the moment. 20-25+ hours a week for grinding gear (for the DPS classes...) that will be replaced within a couple levels? No thanks!
Ramirez said:
I don't understand the point of raiding now at all anymore,I mean with greens that are better than T2,what's the point :p Just alot of wasted time...

It's what I do in WoW now; ain't leveling another alt since I'll grind like a fool on Downing after release, PvP with my alt is kinda moot since he's only halfway thru Honored in WSG (aiming for the legguards since Vindicator's bracers are on him atm anyways). 4 nights a week, 3 in BWL for 3 hours each, then an AQ20/ZG clear. Not too bad, really; it gives me time to get thru this crushing GRIND of new game releases. :lol
"Not raiding right now is stupid. You'll likely need the Level 60 Tier gear to survive long enough to get those Uber greens."

Yeah, because you know everything blizz has shown about BC so far points that they want to force people into 40 man raiding to progress.


When I have played lately (which has been, what, 6 hours this week maybe? I spent more time than that just today replaying MGS3 Subsistance) I've been leveling up my hunter alt. Got him to 48. The whole reason I'm leveling him is hunters are easy to solo with and I want a good farmer class for gold/runecloth in the future.


ManaByte said:
Not raiding right now is stupid. You'll likely need the Level 60 Tier gear to survive long enough to get those Uber greens.

You're wrong. I have no raid gear and got 4 gear upgrades in the BC Alpha in the first couple days, one of which was a blue.

Anyone can get them, they're not hard (though the new instances are much more challenging, the normal quests are just like you'd expect).


Teknopathetic said:
"Not raiding right now is stupid. You'll likely need the Level 60 Tier gear to survive long enough to get those Uber greens."

Yeah, because you know everything blizz has shown about BC so far points that they want to force people into 40 man raiding to progress.

Exactly:lol :lol

This first expansion will be casual oriented because of the Level Jump, the future expansion will be more raid-centric.


Yep, the BC bug has hit me. I'm really looking forward to this. My guild and another old guild we used to run with have been re-vitalized. I almost feel bad for the alliance players who will be reminded of what world PvP is.


So vita,

Do you think Burning Crusade's retail date is going to be anytime soon? I always thought before Black Friday....

How long is beta supposed to last?


Hero said:
So vita,

Do you think Burning Crusade's retail date is going to be anytime soon? I always thought before Black Friday....

How long is beta supposed to last?

It'll be before Christmas, that's for sure.


What site can I go to if I wanna get a look at all these "uber-greens"?
usea said:
What are your views on selling your WoW account when you quit playing?
Might as well cash-out if you're quitting. Most players only get pissed at the people that buy the accounts, and proceed to join groups as a class that they don't know how to play properly.
warrior whining worked. Well done Blizz for having the guts to admit you're wrong.

Although I'm starting to worry that dw fury warriors will be big fat agro magnets. Wouldn't mind seeing improved beserker stance further lower the threat in beserker stance by like 15% at top level.


MrPing1000 said:
warrior whining worked. Well done Blizz for having the guts to admit you're wrong.
What did they go back on? I'm still seeing Tactical Mastery in the Protection Tree *grumble*
"What did they go back on? I'm still seeing Tactical Mastery in the Protection Tree *grumble*"

You don't need to spec protection to get some rage retention now, there's a new skill that lets you retain 10 rage when you switch stances.


if you plan on quitting, might as well cash in and sell your account

you'll be suprised what ppl will pay for your characters


Yeah, but 10 rage ain't shit. Not enough for a Sunder Armor in PVE tanking, not even close to a Mortal Strike for PVP. Retaining 25 left you with nearly enough for 1 MS or 2 Sunders. I guess this is a better compromise than the previous talent tree, but still annoying.


meh when you're tanking you'll be in defensive stance like 99.5% of the time, so for pve purposes its not a big deal at all

in pvp moving TM is a bigger nerf
The change is pretty lame. Endless Rage used to be cool, now it's just a meaningless toy on the end of an even larger MS-tard tree.

As far as the rage thing, it's something that needed to be done for years now.


Yeah, I don't really understand why everyone is so happy with the Endless Rage switcheroo. It could have been a pretty monstrous PVP/raid talent, but now it's just a healthy all-around boost that probably won't be that great outside of the 60-70 grind. Having a 41-point talent that's a Passive Ability feels kind of lame.

31/30/0 seems like a more preferable Warrior build now....maybe 33/28 for the rogue-murdering Second Wind talent.
"maybe 33/28 for the rogue-murdering Second Wind talent."

I don't see why they don't just give warriors a One-shot-rogue ability called Rogue Bane or something and quit pussy footing around the issue.


No need for a 1-Shot-Rogues Talent....this is better since the Second Wind talent also works against stun-crazy douchebag Paladins. Rogues can probably lop off more than 10% of my health in the time it takes to regenerate it, so there's still a net loss associated with getting stunlocked. Paladins probably can't drain 10% health in 10 seconds, so everytime they stun me it'll be a net gain in HP and Second Wind becomes another weapon against their retarded shields and heals. A warrior who stays in Battle Stance and hammers Overpower has it pretty easy against a rogue too, I would imagine.

At any rate, I know the WoW forums are lame but I still don't get all the fanfare from warriors. Some jackass wrote:

The day I realized that the Burning Crusade would forever handicap the warrior in a way no previous action against the class has ever done before was the day I resolved to abandon this class. The misplacement of the Tactical Mastery talent was a blow to the warrior class of magnitude unmatched. It was the end, the final straw, the last nail in this warrior's coffin.

But now? ... it is always darkest before the dawn. This marks the single greatest gift Blizzard has given the warrior. A new day for the warrior. In one single action, the World of Warcraft Expansion has turned from night to day, and the tears of a broken class turn to those of joy. Morning comes, and it is glorious.

So they nerf warriors, then reduce the severity of the nerf by less than 50%, and all of a sudden it's "the single greatest gift Blizzard has given the warrior"? And nobody seems to care that Endless Rage just became some corny passive ability?
"i dont know at high end (with gear being equal)

a well played rogue has a pretty nice advantage vs a warrior in a duel"

With gear being equal the warrior has a benefit anyway as warriors scale better with gear (by far).

Generally speaking, it depends on the spec, a 2H MS warrior with equal gear will more than likely dominate the rogue unless the rogue can do enough damage with the warrior stunned to get him low enough that he can burn him down before he eats a bunch of crits then promptly executed. But with Second Wind...:p


Teknopathetic said:
Generally speaking, it depends on the spec, a 2H MS warrior with equal gear will more than likely dominate the rogue unless the rogue can do enough damage with the warrior stunned to get him low enough that he can burn him down before he eats a bunch of crits then promptly executed. But with Second Wind...:p

a well played rogue that knows how to stunlock and blows c/ds eats up warriors
"a well played rogue that knows how to stunlock and blows c/ds eats up warriors"

Assuming warrior is neither an orc or has pvp trinket, the rogue still has an uphill battle.

The only cooldowns particularly relevant to a warrior duel would be Cold blood, Preperation, blind and vanish. Maybe evasion if they're feeling gutsy and that they would chance eating overpower crits over eating the MS one and then the inevitable overpower crit. Out of those, blowing all of them (assuming you're specced for some of them) would help you maintain incapacitation, but well geared rogue vs. well geared warrior I doubt you could contain them long enough without getting lucky. If you have riposte, that'll certainly boost your chances, but of course, you'll either not have cold blood or preperation (more than likely, you'll drop prep) and it relies on a bit of luck to snag a parry AND hoping they don't have a weapon chain or anything that makes them immune to disarm.

And as an aside, it's very convenient that this is only related to duels, because you'd be up Shit Creek if this was your strategy in actual PvP.


ya i'm talkin about duels only

in group pvp and in bgs

warriors are way better than rogues

but in duels rogues are one of the best classes in the game

get some better gear on ur rogue, and u you will see :p


With the insane stamina bonuses on all the new items, BC does seem fairly slanted towards warriors (and warlocks to a lesser extent maybe).

What's the consensus on Imp Mortal Strike? Seems like a stupid talent that's there just to give you something to spend points on on your way to Endless Rage, but then again the WoW forums love it for some reason. I'm too lazy to do the math -- is it worth it?

Teknopathetic said:
If you have riposte, that'll certainly boost your chances, but of course, you'll either not have cold blood or preperation (more than likely, you'll drop prep) and it relies on a bit of luck to snag a parry AND hoping they don't have a weapon chain or anything that makes them immune to disarm.
Don't forget that warriors now have Weapon Mastery, a 2-point talent that will make them 100% immune to disarm ;) So now you don't have to waste an Enchant Slot with the Weapon Chain, or get one of the special "Immune to Disarm" items. I'm not sure if everyone will include it in their spec, though. It doesn't seem like it's worth spending points on just for 1v1 battles with rogues and other warriors, but then everything else in that talent tier (Imp Hamstring, Imp Disciplines) is so stupid that you might as well get it. It'll definitely be a part of my spec.
"get some better gear on ur rogue, and u you will see :p"

The condescension's cute, but unnecessary, equally geared the warrior will always have a relatively easy time vs. a rogue, due to the nature of the classes themselves, duel or not. Fact. I submit to you that if you're having trouble vs. a rogue, *you* might want to get some better gear on your warrior. I'm having trouble seeing how you could possibly be losing a duel to a rogue.

Also related to duels, it'd be pretty embarrassing if you blow all your cooldowns to beat a warrior (maybe), he asks for a duel and you have to respond "wait plz!" I suppose if you spend all day outside Org/IF dueling it doesn't matter, but I'd definitely not talk about what a class should do vs. another class if something as pointless as duels is your only concern.

"Don't forget that warriors now have Weapon Mastery, a 2-point talent that will make them 100% immune to disarm ;) So now you don't have to waste an Enchant Slot with the Weapon Chain, or get one of the special "Immune to Disarm" items."



meanwhile, blizz still won't give warlocks instant corruption when it should've been that way since the beginning of the game. I guess the way lower numbers are the reason it won't happen, since we can't whine as much as warriors can.


Playing around with the Warrior Talent Calculator, and so far I am liking 33/25/3 with Mortal Strike, DeathWish/Imp Intercept, and Tactical Mastery being the main ending talents of each tree. Still can't bring myself to give up the Rage retention when you switch stance. What is everyone else considering?
Teknopathetic said:
"Don't forget that warriors now have Weapon Mastery, a 2-point talent that will make them 100% immune to disarm ;) So now you don't have to waste an Enchant Slot with the Weapon Chain, or get one of the special "Immune to Disarm" items."

Akkk, I guess I just read it wrong. It "Increases your chance to Resist Disarm Effects by 100%". It doubles your chance of resistance, but it's still possible to be disarmed -- so not total immunity, but probably still handy. If that's the case, I might actually favor Imp Hamstring, since when it procs it makes things way easier against casters.
"Akkk, I guess I just read it wrong. It "Increases your chance to Resist Disarm Effects by 100%". It doubles your chance of resistance, but it's still possible to be disarmed -- so not total immunity, but probably still handy."

Ah, not as funny then. :(


He's actually got a point, Tre. Once you hit Naxx gear, it's very possible for Rogues to stunlock Warriors into submission without any problems at all. No cooldowns needed.

It's scary crap, I have a friend who can just tear Warriors to shreds no matter what they're wearing, even the best in our guild. Has 6/8 Bonescythe, Death's Sting, unbuffed 1200something AP and 30/8/11 spec. That energy proc on 4pc Bonescythe alone is god with Seal Fate.

But when he says better gear, he pretty much means the best gear. You won't be doing this stuff in anything prior to the overpowered shit that comes from Naxxramas.

Which will be outdated slop in a month. Dun dun dunnnnnn
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